


一、Day11: 顺序表(一)















一、Day11: 顺序表(一)


JAVA实现线性规划算法解决路径问题 java线性结构_JAVA实现线性规划算法解决路径问题

图a表示的是顺序表的基本形式,数据元素本身连续存储,每个元素所占的存储单元大小固定相同,元素的下标是其逻辑地址,而元素存储的物理地址(实际内存地址)可以通过存储区的起始地址Loc (e0)加上逻辑地址(第i个元素)与存储单元大小(c)的乘积计算而得,即:

Loc(ei) = Loc(e0) + c*i


	 * The maximal length of  the list.It is a constant value.
	public static final int MAX_LENGTH=10;
	 * The actual length not exceeding MAX_LENGTH. 
	int length;
	 *The data stored in an array.
	int[] data;

我们在一开始就对顺序表的长度进行了限定,使用了final int这个关键字,在后期我们就无法对长度进行修改了


package day_11;
 *This is the eleventh code.
 * @author Juncai Chen 3039808589@qq.com.
public class SequentialList {
	 * The maximal length of  the list.It is a constant value.
	public static final int MAX_LENGTH=10;
	 * The actual length not exceeding MAX_LENGTH. 
	int length;
	 *The data stored in an array.
	int[] data;
	 * Construct an empty SequentialList.
	public SequentialList() {
		data=new int[MAX_LENGTH];
	}//of the first constructor
	 * Construct a sequential list using an array.
	 * @param paraArray The given array.Its length should  not exceed the MAX_LENGTH.
	public SequentialList(int[] paraArray) {
		data=new int[MAX_LENGTH];
		//Copy data
		for (int i = 0; i < paraArray.length; i++) {
		}//of for i
	}//0f the second constructor
	 * Overrides the method claimed in Object, the superclass of any class.
	public String toString() {
		String resultString="";
		if(length==0) {
			return "empty";
		}//of if
		for (int i = 0; i < length-1; i++) {
			resultString+=data[i] + ", ";
		}//of for i
		return resultString;
	}//of toString

	 *Reset to empty
	public void reset() {
	}//of reset
	 *The entrance of the program.
	 * @param args Not used now.
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int[] tempArray= {1,4,6,9};
		SequentialList tempFirstList=new SequentialList(tempArray);
		System.out.println("Initialized the first list is: "+tempFirstList.toString());
		System.out.println("Again, the list is: " + tempFirstList);

		System.out.println("After reset, the list is: " + tempFirstList);

	}//of main
}//of class


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	 * Find the index of the given value. If it appears in multiple positions,
	 * simply return the first one.
	 * @param paraValue The given value.
	 * @return The position. -1 for not found.
	public int indexOf(int paraValue) {
		int tempPosition = -1;

		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
			if (data[i] == paraValue) {
				tempPosition = i;
			} // Of if
		} // Of for i

		return tempPosition;
	}// Of indexOf




  1. 插入到顺序表的表头;
  2. 在表的中间位置插入元素;
  3. 在表的末尾插入元素,作为顺序表中的最后一个元素;


  • 将要插入位置元素以及后续的元素整体向后移动一个位置;
  • 将元素放到腾出来的位置上;


例如,在 {1,2,3,4,5} 的第 3 个位置上插入元素 6,实现过程如下:

1.遍历至顺序表存储第 3 个数据元素的位置,如图所示:

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 2.将元素 3 以及后续元素 4 和 5 整体向后移动一个位置,如图所示:

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3.将新元素 6 放入腾出的位置,如图所示:


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	 * Insert a value to a position. If the list is already full, do nothing.
	 * @param paraPosition The given position.
	 * @param paraValue    The given value.
	 * @return Success or not.
	public boolean insert(int paraPosition, int paraValue) {
		if (length == MAX_LENGTH) {
			System.out.println("List full.");
			return false;
		} // Of if

		if ((paraPosition < 0) || (paraPosition > length)) {
			System.out.println("The position " + paraPosition + " is out of bounds.");
			return false;
		} // Of if

		// From tail to head. The last one is moved to a new position. Because length <
		// MAX_LENGTH, no exceeding occurs.
		for (int i = length; i > paraPosition; i--) {
			data[i] = data[i - 1];
		} // Of for i

		data[paraPosition] = paraValue;

		return true;
	}// Of insert


从顺序表中删除指定元素,实现起来非常简单,只需找到目标元素,并将其后续所有元素整体前移 1 个位置即可。

例如,从 {1,2,3,4,5} 中删除元素 3 的过程如图所示:

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	 * Delete a value at a position.
	 * @param paraPosition The given position.
	 * @return Success or not.
	public boolean delete(int paraPosition) {
		if ((paraPosition < 0) || (paraPosition >= length)) {
			System.out.println("The position " + paraPosition + " is out of bounds.");
			return false;
		} // Of if

		// From head to tail.
		for (int i = paraPosition; i < length - 1; i++) {
			data[i] = data[i + 1];
		} // Of for i


		return true;
	}// Of delete


package day_12;

 * This is the eleventh code.
 * @author Juncai Chen 3039808589@qq.com.
public class SequentialList {
	 * The maximal length of the list.It is a constant value.
	public static final int MAX_LENGTH = 10;
	 * The actual length not exceeding MAX_LENGTH.
	int length;

	 * The data stored in an array.
	int[] data;

	 * Construct an empty SequentialList.
	public SequentialList() {
		length = 0;
		data = new int[MAX_LENGTH];
	}// of the first constructor

	 * Construct a sequential list using an array.
	 * @param paraArray The given array.Its length should not exceed the MAX_LENGTH.
	public SequentialList(int[] paraArray) {
		length = paraArray.length;
		data = new int[MAX_LENGTH];

		// Copy data
		for (int i = 0; i < paraArray.length; i++) {
			data[i] = paraArray[i];
		} // of for i
	}// 0f the second constructor

	 * Overrides the method claimed in Object, the superclass of any class.
	public String toString() {
		String resultString = "";
		if (length == 0) {
			return "empty";
		} // of if
		for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
			resultString += data[i] + ", ";
		} // of for i
		resultString += data[length - 1];

		return resultString;
	}// of toString

	 * Reset to empty
	public void reset() {
		length = 0;
	}// of reset

	 * Find the index of the given value. If it appears in multiple positions,
	 * simply return the first one.
	 * @param paraValue The given value.
	 * @return The position. -1 for not found.
	public int indexOf(int paraValue) {
		int tempPosition = -1;

		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
			if (data[i] == paraValue) {
				tempPosition = i;
			} // Of if
		} // Of for i

		return tempPosition;
	}// Of indexOf

	 * Insert a value to a position. If the list is already full, do nothing.
	 * @param paraPosition The given position.
	 * @param paraValue    The given value.
	 * @return Success or not.
	public boolean insert(int paraPosition, int paraValue) {
		if (length == MAX_LENGTH) {
			System.out.println("List full.");
			return false;
		} // Of if

		if ((paraPosition < 0) || (paraPosition > length)) {
			System.out.println("The position " + paraPosition + " is out of bounds.");
			return false;
		} // Of if

		// From tail to head. The last one is moved to a new position. Because length <
		// MAX_LENGTH, no exceeding occurs.
		for (int i = length; i > paraPosition; i--) {
			data[i] = data[i - 1];
		} // Of for i

		data[paraPosition] = paraValue;

		return true;
	}// Of insert

	 * Delete a value at a position.
	 * @param paraPosition The given position.
	 * @return Success or not.
	public boolean delete(int paraPosition) {
		if ((paraPosition < 0) || (paraPosition >= length)) {
			System.out.println("The position " + paraPosition + " is out of bounds.");
			return false;
		} // Of if

		// From head to tail.
		for (int i = paraPosition; i < length - 1; i++) {
			data[i] = data[i + 1];
		} // Of for i


		return true;
	}// Of delete

	 * The entrance of the program.
	 * @param args Not used now.
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int[] tempArray = { 1, 4, 6, 9 };
	   	SequentialList tempFirstList = new SequentialList(tempArray);
	   	System.out.println("After initialization, the list is: " + tempFirstList.toString());
	   	System.out.println("Again, the list is: " + tempFirstList);

	   	int tempValue = 4;
	   	int tempPosition = tempFirstList.indexOf(tempValue);
	   	System.out.println("The position of " + tempValue + " is " + tempPosition);

	   	tempValue = 5;
	   	tempPosition = tempFirstList.indexOf(tempValue);
	   	System.out.println("The position of " + tempValue + " is " + tempPosition);

	   	tempPosition = 2;
	   	tempValue = 5;
	   	tempFirstList.insert(tempPosition, tempValue);
	   			"After inserting " + tempValue + " to position " + tempPosition + ", the list is: " + tempFirstList);

	   	tempPosition = 8;
	   	tempValue = 10;
	   	tempFirstList.insert(tempPosition, tempValue);
	   			"After inserting " + tempValue + " to position " + tempPosition + ", the list is: " + tempFirstList);

	   	tempPosition = 3;
	   	System.out.println("After deleting data at position " + tempPosition + ", the list is: " + tempFirstList);

	   	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
	   		tempFirstList.insert(i, i);
	   		System.out.println("After inserting " + i + " to position " + i + ", the list is: " + tempFirstList);
	   	} // Of for i

	   	System.out.println("After reset, the list is: " + tempFirstList);
	}// of main
}// of class


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单链表是一种链式存取的数据结构,用一组地址任意的存储单元存放线性表中的数据元素。链表中的数据是以结点来表示的,每个结点的构成:元素(数据元素的映象) + 指针(指示后继元素存储位置),元素就是存储数据的存储单元,指针就是连接每个结点的地址数据。


	 * An inner class
	class Node {
		 * the data
		int data;
		 * the reference to the next node
		Node next;

		 * ************** 
		 * The Constructor
		 * @param paraValue the data 
		 * **************
		public Node(int paraValue) {
			data = paraValue;
			next = null;
		}// of the constructor
	}// of the class Node


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	 * Reset to empty.
	public void reset() {
		head.next = null;
	}// of reset




	 * Locate the given value. If it appears in multiple positions, simply return
	 * the first one.
	 * @param paraValue The given value.
	 * @return The position. -1 for not found.
	public int locate(int paraValue) {
		int tempPosition = -1;
		Node tempNode = head.next;
		int tempCurrentPosition = 0;
		while (tempNode != null) {
			if (tempNode.data == paraValue) {
				tempPosition = tempCurrentPosition;
			} // of if
			tempNode = tempNode.next;
		} // of while
		return tempPosition;
	}// 0f locate

先设置默认下标值tempPosition为-1,之所以设置一个默认非法值是因为在空表情况下,while()循环不会执行,便于直接跳过while直接返回时返回非法值告诫查无此数之作用。而我们把计数器仅仅放于while()内计数,等到出现tempNode.data == paraValue后将计数器交付给tempPosition,退出while(),将由tempPosition交付结果。


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	 * Insert a value to a position. If the list is already full, do nothing.
	 * @param paraPosition The given position.
	 * @param paraValue    The given value.
	 * @return Success or not.
	public boolean insert(int paraPosition, int paraValue) {
		Node tempNode = head;
		Node tempNewNode;

		for (int i = 0; i < paraPosition; i++) {
			if (tempNode.next == null) {
				System.out.println("The position " + paraPosition + " is illegal.");
				return false;
			} // of if
			tempNode = tempNode.next;
		} // of for i
			// Construct a new node.
		tempNewNode = new Node(paraValue);

		// Now link them.
		tempNewNode.next = tempNode.next;
		tempNode.next = tempNewNode;

		return true;
	}// of insert




	 * Delete a value at a position.
	 * @param paraPosition The given position.
	 * @return Success or not.

	public boolean delete(int paraPosition) {
		if (head.next == null) {
			System.out.println("Cannot delete element from an empty list.");
			return false;
		} // of if
		Node tempNode = head;
		for (int i = 0; i < paraPosition; i++) {
			if (tempNode.next.next == null) {
				System.out.println("The position " + paraPosition + " is illegal.");
				return false;
			} // of if
			tempNode = tempNode.next;
		} // of for i

		// delete the Node.
		tempNode.next = tempNode.next.next;

		return true;
	}// of delete


package day_13;

 * This is the thirteenth code.
 * @author Juncai Chen 3039808589@qq.com.
public class LinkedList {
	 * An inner class
	class Node {
		 * the data
		int data;
		 * the reference to the next node
		Node next;

		 * ************** 
		 * The Constructor
		 * @param paraValue the data 
		 * **************
		public Node(int paraValue) {
			data = paraValue;
			next = null;
		}// of the constructor
	}// of the class Node

	 * The head node.the data is never used.
	Node head;

	 * The Constructor for Linkedlist.
	public LinkedList() {
		head = new Node(0);
		// head.next = null
	}// of the Linkedlist

	 * **************** 
	 * Overrides the method in Object,the superclass of any class.
	 * ****************
	public String toString() {
		String resultString = "";
		if (head.next == null) {
			return "empty";
		} // of if
		Node tempNode = head.next;
		while (tempNode != null) {
			resultString += tempNode.data + ", ";
			tempNode = tempNode.next;
		} // of while
		return resultString;

	 * Reset to empty.
	public void reset() {
		head.next = null;
	}// of reset

	 * Locate the given value. If it appears in multiple positions, simply return
	 * the first one.
	 * @param paraValue The given value.
	 * @return The position. -1 for not found.
	public int locate(int paraValue) {
		int tempPosition = -1;
		Node tempNode = head.next;
		int tempCurrentPosition = 0;
		while (tempNode != null) {
			if (tempNode.data == paraValue) {
				tempPosition = tempCurrentPosition;
			} // of if
			tempNode = tempNode.next;
		} // of while
		return tempPosition;
	}// 0f locate

	 * Insert a value to a position. If the list is already full, do nothing.
	 * @param paraPosition The given position.
	 * @param paraValue    The given value.
	 * @return Success or not.
	public boolean insert(int paraPosition, int paraValue) {
		Node tempNode = head;
		Node tempNewNode;

		for (int i = 0; i < paraPosition; i++) {
			if (tempNode.next == null) {
				System.out.println("The position " + paraPosition + " is illegal.");
				return false;
			} // of if
			tempNode = tempNode.next;
		} // of for i
			// Construct a new node.
		tempNewNode = new Node(paraValue);

		// Now link them.
		tempNewNode.next = tempNode.next;
		tempNode.next = tempNewNode;

		return true;
	}// of insert

	 * Delete a value at a position.
	 * @param paraPosition The given position.
	 * @return Success or not.

	public boolean delete(int paraPosition) {
		if (head.next == null) {
			System.out.println("Cannot delete element from an empty list.");
			return false;
		} // of if
		Node tempNode = head;
		for (int i = 0; i < paraPosition; i++) {
			if (tempNode.next.next == null) {
				System.out.println("The position " + paraPosition + " is illegal.");
				return false;
			} // of if
			tempNode = tempNode.next;
		} // of for i

		// delete the Node.
		tempNode.next = tempNode.next.next;

		return true;
	}// of delete

	 * The entrance of the program.
	 * @param args Not used now.
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		LinkedList tempFirstList = new LinkedList();
		System.out.println("Initialized, the list is: " + tempFirstList.toString());

		for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
			tempFirstList.insert(0, i);
		} // Of for i
		System.out.println("Inserted, the list is: " + tempFirstList.toString());

		tempFirstList.insert(6, 9);


		System.out.println("Deleted, the list is: " + tempFirstList.toString());

		System.out.println("Deleted, the list is: " + tempFirstList.toString());

		for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
			System.out.println("Looped delete, the list is: " + tempFirstList.toString());
		} // of for i
	}// of main
}// of class LinkedList


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