zabbix监控打印机模版 打印监视器怎么设置_游戏


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It’s that tips box time of week again; read on to see how you can print games for cheap entertainment, build a pipe-based monitor stand, and enjoy easy timer countdowns on your Android phone.

再次提示每周的盒装时间。 请继续阅读以了解如何为廉价娱乐活动打印游戏,如何构建基于管道的显示器支架以及如何在Android手机上轻松进行倒数计时。

(Old School Print and Play Gaming)

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Ken writes in with the following gaming tip:


As awesome as that 3D-printed dungeon crawler you guys shared is… not many of us have a 3D printer! Until the day I’ve got my own garage 3D printer to crank out sweet 3D games, I’ll be sticking with print and play games of a more papery variety. For 99% of my print and play needs I turn to the awesome archive at Board Game Geek. The wiki covers the basics of actually doing the printing/crafting and the links to the game archives gives you plenty to play.

你们共享的3D打印的地牢搜寻器真是棒极了……我们当中没有多少人拥有3D打印机! 直到有自己的车库3D打印机开发出精美的3D游戏的那天,我才会坚持打印并玩更多纸质游戏。 为了满足我99%的打印和游戏需求,我转到Board Game Geek上很棒的档案库 。 Wiki涵盖了实际进行打印/制作的基础知识,并且指向游戏档案的链接为您提供了很多游戏机会。

We’re big fans of Board Game Geek around here—it was downright negligent of us to not mention the great print and play games found there. Thanks for writing in Ken! Image from Micropul, one of the free Board Game Geek print and play games.

我们是这里的棋盘游戏极客的忠实拥护者–我们完全不予理to,更不用说那里的精美印刷和玩游戏了。 感谢您在Ken中撰写文章! 来自 Micropul的 图像, Micropul 是免费的棋盘游戏极客打印和玩游戏之一。

(Build a DIY Pipe-Based Monitor Mount)

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Vince writes in with the following monitor mounting tip:


As much as I dig a good carpentry project, carpentry just isn’t my thing… so that makes me a poor candidate for your wood triple-monitor stand project. That said, I do love a good monitor stand made out of sturdy metal. I built mine earlier this summer using this guy’s build log as a template. Hidden wiring, clean lines, nice heavy base, it’s like buying a cheap stand from Monoprice but getting the heft and quality of a $$$ stand.

尽我所能挖掘一个好的木工项目,木工不是我的事……所以这使我成为您的木质三显示器站项目的不佳人选。 也就是说,我确实喜欢用坚固的金属制成的好显示器支架。 我今年夏天初用这个人的构建日志作为模板构建了我的。 隐藏的布线,干净的线路,坚固的底座,就像从Monoprice购买便宜的展台一样,却获得了$$$展台的重量和质量。

We have to admit, his use of piping and hidden cabling is quite slick. Nice find Vince!

我们不得不承认,他对管道和隐藏式电缆的使用相当精巧。 很高兴找到文斯!

(Simple Timing on Android Phones)

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Nicole writes in with the following Android-centric tip:


You wouldn’t think it would be hard to find, but it’s a real pain to find a simple Android timer that had nice big buttons, a nice big read out, and just gets the dang job done. I found Kitchen Timer earlier this week and after way too much searching and testing timers out, I have one I’m happy with. It’s free, well reviewed, but surprisingly not heavily downloaded. I’m spreading the word!

您不会觉得很难找到它,但是要找到一个简单的Android计时器确实很痛苦,该计时器具有不错的大按钮,不错的大读数,并且可以完成晃荡的工作。 我在本周早些时候发现了Kitchen Timer ,经过了太多的搜索和测试计时器后,我很满意。 它是免费的,经过了很好的审查,但令人惊讶的是,下载量不高。 我在传播这个词!

We certainly feel your pain, Nicole. Timer apps seem so simple in concept but often times end up so ugly and impractical in execution. A timer app that does just what you want it to do, the way you want it, is a real gem.

妮可,我们一定会感到您的痛苦。 计时器应用程序在概念上看起来很简单,但通常最终都很难执行。 一款计时器应用程序,可以按照您想要的方式完成您想做的事情,是真正的瑰宝。

Have a tip to share? Shoot us an email at and look for your tip on the front page.

有小费分享吗? 向我们发送电子邮件, 网址为,并在首页上找到您的提示。

