
by John Selawsky

约翰·塞劳斯基(John Selawsky)

如何学习用Java编写代码:为什么要学习以及从哪里开始 (How to learn to code in Java: why you should and where to start)

Define your career goals and choose a language. This is the most important advice for anyone who has zero experience in programming and aims to join the developers’ community. But how can you make a choice having no idea which language suits your purposes the most?

定义您的职业目标并选择一种语言。 对于那些对编程零经验并打算加入开发人员社区的人来说,这是最重要的建议。 但是,如何在不知道哪种语言最适合您的目的的情况下做出选择?

Wouldn’t it be easy if there was a “market leader” among all programming languages? Then all newcomers could always have a safe choice — learn this language and you’ll surely be in high demand. Of course, it’s impossible. Languages are “tools” for solving numerous tasks. But still, there’s one which can be considered as a stellar choice — it’s Java.

如果所有编程语言中都有“市场领导者”,这会很容易吗? 这样,所有新手总是可以有一个安全的选择-学习这种语言,您的需求肯定会很高。 当然,这是不可能的。 语言是解决众多任务的“工具”。 但是仍然有一个可以被认为是出色的选择-它是Java。

Java is a well-structured, object-oriented language, which can be considered easy for beginners. You can master it quite rapidly, as there are many processes that run automatically. You don’t have to delve into “how the things work in there” too deep. Java is a cross-platform language. It allows a programmer to create an application, which can be deployed on any device. It’s the language of choice for the Internet of Things and the right tool for building enterprise-level applications.

Java是一种结构良好的,面向对象的语言,对于初学者而言,它很容易理解。 您可以快速掌握它,因为有许多进程会自动运行。 您不必深入研究“事物在其中的工作方式”。 Java是一种跨平台语言。 它允许程序员创建可以在任何设备上部署的应用程序。 它是物联网的首选语言,也是构建企业级应用程序的正确工具。

What’s important for a “freshman”, Java has one of the biggest global communities and high-quality documentation. If you have a problem, it’s more than likely that the answer is ready there, waiting for you. Two more benefits of Java are vast collections and frameworks that cover most of the challenges you’ll have to deal with as a Junior developer.

对于“新鲜人”而言,重要的是Java具有最大的全球社区之一和高质量的文档。 如果您有问题,那么答案很可能已经准备就绪,等待着您。 Java的另外两个好处是庞大的集合和框架,涵盖了初级开发人员必须应对的大部分挑战。

Finally, it is a language with a respectable background and a prominentfuture. Two latest versions, enhanced with new features, were released within six months of each other. This helps Java to stand on the front burner and keep the highest positions in respectable professional rankings.

最后,它是一种具有受人尊敬的背景和突出的未来的语言。 彼此在六个月内发布了两个具有新功能增强的最新版本。 这有助于Java站在最前面,并在可观的专业排名中保持最高的位置。

But even when we’re talking about a programming language with a low learning curve, there are plenty of hidden rocks for beginners. How much time do you need to learn? Which sources to trust? Which mistakes to avoid? Let’s go all the way through your learning experience.

但是,即使我们谈论的是学习难度较低的编程语言,对于初学者来说也有很多隐藏的障碍。 您需要学习多少时间? 哪些来源值得信赖? 要避免哪些错误? 让我们继续学习的过程。

确保您绕过常见障碍 (Ensure you bypass the common obstacles)

So, you’re new to programming. Congratulations: as you can make use of other programmers’ experience and avoid the common mistakes in a self-education. Here are some frequent lapses.

因此,您是编程的新手。 恭喜:您可以利用其他程序员的经验,避免进行自我教育时遇到的常见错误。 这是一些经常性的失误。

没有设定特定目标的学习 (Learning without setting a specific goal)

To estimate the scale and desired level of knowledge in a certain programming language, first of all, you should answer a simple question: why do you need programming?


If you’re serious about coding and intend to become a Java developer, you’ll need to study every day for at least 4–5 hours. But if you simply want to enlarge your scope, you can choose a more relaxed tempo. Anyway, try not to extend your education for many years to come, because the technologies evolve. While you learn a certain framework or development tool to get a job, it becomes outdated.

如果您认真对待编码并打算成为Java开发人员,则每天需要学习至少4到5个小时。 但是,如果您只是想扩大范围,则可以选择更宽松的节奏。 无论如何,由于技术不断发展,请尽量不要在未来很多年继续接受教育。 当您学习某种框架或开发工具来找工作时,它就已经过时了。

Reading “anything useful” that pops up isn’t the best strategy of learning. It’s okay to make adjustments to the general plan. However, not following it at all will inevitably demotivate you.

阅读弹出的“有用的东西”并不是最好的学习策略。 可以对总体计划进行调整。 但是,完全不遵循它会不可避免地使您沮丧。

一次学习太多技术的尝试 (An attempt to learn too many technologies at once)

This a subsequent mistake, which leads to learning without an end. Don’t try to stuff your educational plan with too many technologies and tools to avoid burnout. You’ll need time to process the information and see how everything works on practice.

这是随后的错误,导致学习无休止。 不要尝试用太多的技术和工具来充实您的教育计划,以免出现职业倦怠。 您将需要一些时间来处理信息,并了解实践中一切的工作原理。

没有实践的太多研究和理论 (Too much research and theory without practice)

Programming is a skill which you can gain only with lots of practice. You’ll need a serious background in theory, but as long as you only read (or watch) lectures and courses, you can’t really code. Think about it. Nobody can learn how to swim without trying it. You need explanations, but above all, you need action.

编程是一项技能,只有通过大量练习才能获得。 您需要具有扎实的理论背景,但是只要您仅阅读(或观看)讲座和课程,就不会真正编写代码。 想一想。 没有人可以尝试不学游泳。 您需要解释,但最重要的是,您需要采取行动。

Only plenty of practice will teach you how to deal with everyday programmers’ problems. For example, you’ll get a habit to check your code regularly and not let the connected problems to pile up. You will also start with the easiest solutions. Then move to more exquisite, constantly working on the improvement of your code. And the most important, you’ll get used to coding on a daily basis.

只有大量的实践经验可以教你如何处理程序员的日常问题。 例如,您将养成定期检查代码的习惯,不要让连接的问题堆积如山。 您还将从最简单的解决方案开始。 然后移至更精致的位置,不断改进代码。 最重要的是,您将习惯于每天进行编码。

学会独立编程 (Learning to code in isolation)

Beginners often hesitate, whether they should join online programming communities or attend events, mainly because of imposter syndrome. But remember: nobody wants to bring you down. The programming community is collaborative. This is how numerous open data sources appear. They’re used to work in a team, and surely, all of them were beginners at a certain moment of life.

初学者经常会犹豫,主要是因为冒名顶替综合症,是应该加入在线编程社区还是参加活动。 但请记住:没有人想让你失望。 编程社区是协作的。 这就是大量开放数据源出现的方式。 他们习惯于团队合作,当然,他们都是生命中某一刻的初学者。

Take a look: there are plenty of forums and web sources on programming. Developers eagerly share their knowledge and are open to collaborations. You can start learning online, get a useful hint from more experienced colleagues and later, find your first coding project.

看一下:有很多关于编程的论坛和网络资源。 开发人员渴望分享他们的知识,并愿意进行协作。 您可以开始在线学习,从经验丰富的同事那里获得有用的提示,然后再找到您的第一个编码项目。

确保有一天您将完全了解编程的所有方面 (Being sure that one day you will fully understand all aspects of programming)

If anyone discovered a pill to take and immediately get skilled at any programming language, he’d be the richest person on the planet (sorry, Jeff Bezos). But until then, there’s no certain end in your education, if you’ve chosen to be a programmer. Even when you have a job, never stop learning. Things change rapidly in a programming world.

如果有人发现要服用的药丸并立即熟练使用任何编程语言,他将是地球上最富有的人(对不起,杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos))。 但是直到那时,如果您选择当一名程序员,您的教育就不会有任何目的。 即使有工作,也不要停止学习。 在编程世界中,事物变化Swift。

On the other side, when you’re still learning how to code, try to accept some facts as they are. Do not dig into every subject, as its background might be too “heavy”.

另一方面,当您仍在学习编码时,请尝试接受某些事实。 不要深入研究每个主题,因为其背景可能太“繁重”。

制定完善的培训计划 (Make a perfect training program)

It’s easier to achieve your aim step by step. Now, when you know the common mistakes, you can avoid them. Here are five steps you can take to learn Java.

逐步实现目标更容易。 现在,当您知道常见错误时,就可以避免它们。 您可以按照以下五个步骤学习Java。

  1. Set a goal and choose a language. 设定目标并选择一种语言。

You can do pretty much anything with Java. You can build application servers, desktop, and mobile applications, enterprise applications, and run unit tests. But of course, a programming language isn’t everything you need to know to become a pro. Try to think of specific activity areas.

您可以使用Java进行几乎所有操作。 您可以构建应用程序服务器,桌面和移动应用程序,企业应用程序,并运行单元测试。 但是,当然,编程语言并不是成为专业人士所需的全部知识。 尝试考虑特定的活动领域。

Today’s trends are building cloud-based applications (you’ll also need to learn cloud computing basics and specific tools for cloud development), working with the Internet of Things, performing Big data analysis, creating games, etc.


2. Create an educational plan.


Are you ready to make Java programming your profession? Then dedicate at least 2–3 (on the workdays) to 5 hours (on the weekends) to studying daily. In this case, you will likely need 3 to 6 months to prepare for a Junior developer position.

您准备好使Java编程成为您的职业了吗? 然后将至少2–3(在工作日)至5个小时(在周末)专用于每天学习。 在这种情况下,您可能需要3到6个月的时间来准备初级开发人员职位。

In general, your learning process will be divided into a few stages:


  • Installation of JDK (Java Development Kit) from Oracle website and Installation of Java runtime environment (IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse or NetBeans);
  • Learning Java Syntax;
  • Learning Java Core;
  • Learning Java Collections;
  • Learning popular libraries and frameworks;
  • Exploring frequently used APIs (for example, servlets, JSP, JDBC, JUnit);
  • Mastering Git;
  • And so on.

Try to follow your plan and keep the balance between theory and practice. Programming is a skill that needs training every day. If you finish studying a certain subject, continue with a few coding tasks (3 to 10, depending on their difficulty).

尝试遵循您的计划,并在理论与实践之间保持平衡。 编程是一项需要每天训练的技能。 如果您完成了某个主题的学习,请继续执行一些编码任务(3到10个编码任务,具体取决于他们的难度)。

You can easily adjust the well-known Pareto principle (80/20 rule) to Java learning. The “20” will stand for research and “80” for practice. This is not an exaggeration: you’ll need four times more coding than reading to memorize what you’ve learned and developed your coding skills. Unfortunately, if you won’t write your code at once, you will forget everything you’ve read on the next day. Luckily, you don’t need to invent your own training program, if you have the right sources.

您可以轻松地将众所周知的帕累托原理(80/20规则)调整为Java学习。 “ 20”代表研究,“ 80”代表实践。 这并不夸张:您需要比阅读多四倍的代码来记住您所学和发展的编码技能。 不幸的是,如果您不会一次编写代码,那么您将忘记第二天阅读的所有内容。 幸运的是,如果您有正确的资料来源,则无需发明自己的培训计划。

3. Choose the right tools and join programming communities.


Let’s be honest: a perfect Java course doesn’t exist. Some will give you a profound basic knowledge, some will provide with a good deal of practice. Choose a few platforms for education, communication, and practice. Choose one online course which combines a plain explanation of theory with the real coding.

坦白地说:完美的Java课程并不存在。 有些会为您提供深厚的基础知识,有些会提供大量练习。 选择一些教育,交流和实践平台。 选择一个在线课程,将对理论的简单解释与实际编码结合在一起。

Join the communities, where you can ask any question about the aspects of coding on Java, share your thoughts and find like-minded people. The top communities for Java developers are listed below.

加入社区,在这里您可以提出有关Java编码方面的任何问题,分享您的想法并找到志趣相投的人。 下面列出了Java开发人员的顶级社区。

使用多种资源学习Java (Use multiple sources for learning Java)

You will need lots of tools to accomplish your goals. Here’s a set of “tools” for you to succeed.

您将需要许多工具来实现您的目标。 这是一套让您成功的“工具”。

  1. Strictly practice: CodeAcademy 严格实践: CodeAcademy

This is probably one of the best-known online platforms for learning numerous languages. Of course, there’s a section for Java learners, too. Here you start coding from the first lesson. There are pretty useful hints, which you can get if a certain task seems to be tough (which is normal when you are a beginner). The logic is simple: read the task, write code and run it to see what happens as a result, and then move to the next step. The tasks gradually become more complicated, until you start to write your code from a clean sheet. The FAQ section is pretty useful and you have an option to discuss each task with other students.

这可能是用于学习多种语言的最著名的在线平台之一。 当然,也有专门针对Java学习者的部分。 在这里,您从第一课开始编码。 有一些非常有用的提示,如果某项任务似乎很艰辛(当您是初学者时,这是正常的),您可以获取这些提示。 逻辑很简单:读取任务,编写代码并运行它以查看结果,然后转到下一步。 任务逐渐变得更加复杂,直到您开始从干净的表中编写代码。 FAQ部分非常有用,您可以选择与其他学生讨论每个任务。

This course can be a great complementary tool in learning Java. As told before, you need to code to master Java programming.

本课程可以成为学习Java的绝佳补充工具。 如前所述,您需要编写代码以掌握Java编程。

2. Play and code from the beginning:


These are online courses for Java learners with a special feature — gamification. Nowadays it’s common for online courses to adopt gamified elements, as they bring instant motivation, a sense of constant achievements and make it easier to reach your goal.

这些是针对Java学习者的在线课程,具有特殊功能-游戏化。 如今,在线课程采用游戏化元素已经很普遍,因为它们带来了即时的动力,不断的成就感,使您更容易达到目标。

At CodeGym’s you start from level 0 in the futuristic universe with space travel, robots, and other cool things. Your aim is to pass four educational quests to level up a character — a robot. Each quest includes 10 levels, and each level has up to 10–12 lessons, taught by crew members of a galactic ship. A lesson consists of a minimum theory and a set of tasks with instant verification and tips on how to improve your code. You start coding from the beginning, solving very simple tasks, until you’re ready for much more complicated and massive coding projects.

在CodeGym,您将从太空旅行,机器人和其他炫酷事物的未来世界的0级开始。 您的目标是通过四个教育任务来升级角色-机器人。 每个任务包括10个级别,每个级别有多达10至12节课程,由银河飞船的船员教授。 一堂课包括一个最低限度的理论和一组具有即时验证的任务以及有关如何改进代码的提示。 您从一开始就开始编码,解决非常简单的任务,直到准备好进行更复杂,更庞大的编码项目为止。

The whole story allows you not to get stuck on a certain subject or task, move forward and return later to the “twisters”. All in all, there are impressive 1200+ tasks in a course. An amount that converts in at least 300–500 hours of coding.

整个故事使您不会被某个主题或任务所困扰,继续前进并稍后返回“麻烦”。 总的来说,一门课程中有1200多个令人印象深刻的任务。 至少可以转换300-500个小时的编码量。

3. Challenge programmers: Codewars

3.挑战程序员: Codewars

This is another online platform with tons of practice. Though it’s more suitable for learners with at least a small background in programming. Codewars empower you to sharpen skills in a certain language by training katas.

这是具有大量实践的另一个在线平台。 尽管它更适合于至少具有编程背景的学习者。 Codewars使您能够通过训练katas来增强某些语言的技能。

You can write your code in a browser and use test cases to check it step by step. You can also compare your solution with others to broaden your knowledge and discuss the best practices. Each kata has a rank, and each kata is a challenge with other programmers. When you solve more difficult tasks, you can get more complicated challenges to improve coding skills. What differs this platform from others is that it allows to study and practice in a group.

您可以在浏览器中编写代码,并使用测试用例来逐步检查它。 您还可以将您的解决方案与其他解决方案进行比较,以扩展您的知识并讨论最佳实践。 每个kata都有一个等级,每个kata对其他程序员都是一个挑战。 当您解决更困难的任务时,可能会遇到更复杂的挑战,以提高编码技能。 该平台与其他平台的不同之处在于,它允许小组学习和实践。

4. Listen to the lectures of a “pro” level: EdX

4.收听“专业”级别的讲座: EdX

EdX is an educational platform founded by Harvard University and MIT. It covers many fields of study, including Java programming and many related subjects. There are plenty of verified introductory courses and certificate programs, provided by universities.

EdX是由哈佛大学和麻省理工学院建立的教育平台。 它涵盖了许多研究领域,包括Java编程和许多相关主题。 大学提供了大量经过验证的入门课程和证书课程。

Each course has a defined time frame and includes video lectures with a text transcript. It’s easy to return to previous lessons and revise the material. There are dozens of different courses, some of them are free. But still, this is a source strictly for learning Java theory. Be sure to strengthen those courses with hours of coding.

每门课程都有规定的时间范围,并包括带文字记录的视频讲座。 返回上一课并修改材料很容易。 有数十种不同的课程,其中一些是免费的。 但这仍然是严格学习Java理论的资源。 确保通过数小时的编码来加强这些课程。

Want to stay tuned to the latest news, reviews and updated in Java world? That’s the right thing to do. Java is constantly evolving, upgrading and bringing new features. Be sure to have a couple of media you can read daily. One of the largest are:

想要随时关注Java世界中的最新新闻,评论和更新吗? 那是正确的事情。 Java不断发展,升级并带来新功能。 确保拥有每天都可以阅读的几种媒体。 最大的之一是:

  • Javaworld (news, useful tutorials, “how to’s” and everything else to keep you up to date with Java programming); Javaworld (新闻,有用的教程,“操作方法”以及使您与Java编程保持同步的其他所有内容);
  • Java Code Geeks (a resource center for those who learn Java with educational tutorials, articles, and tips on how to get a job as a Java programmer); Java Code Geeks (一个资源中心,专门为那些学习Java的人提供教育性教程,文章和技巧,以帮助他们成为一名Java程序员;
  • DZone (plenty of articles and guides for beginners and experienced developers); DZone (大量的初学者和经验丰富的开发人员文章和指南);
  • Javarevisited (a daily updated blog which covers numerous Java learning topics). 重新访问Java (每日更新的博客,其中涵盖许多Java学习主题)。

Do you remember the advice to join a community to make your education more effective? You can ask any question in Stack Overflow’s Java section or Coderanch. Also, there are at least three large communities on Reddit, likelearnprogramming, java and learnjava, where you will find useful tips on learning Java and programming in general. If you need more specific information, for example, a hint on improving your code in the certain tasks, try the special help section at CodeGym, where other students and “coding coaches” will help you with any problem. And finally, Oracle has a vast Java Community, open for both the newcomers and experienced developers.

您还记得加入社区以提高您的教育效率的建议吗? 您可以在Stack Overflow的 Java部分或Coderanch中提出任何问题。 另外,在Reddit上至少有三个大型社区,例如learningprogramming , java和learningjava ,在这里您将找到有关学习Java和一般编程的有用技巧。 如果您需要更多特定信息,例如,在某些任务中需要改进代码的提示,请尝试CodeGym上的特殊帮助部分 ,其他学生和“编码教练”将在其中帮助您解决任何问题。 最后,Oracle有一个庞大的Java社区 ,向新手和经验丰富的开发人员开放。

Being a programmer means constant improvement and gaining new knowledge. If you develop a knack for self-education from the start, you’ll succeed by all means. Are you ready to try?

成为程序员意味着不断的进步并获得新的知识。 如果您从一开始就形成了自我教育的诀窍,那么您一定会成功。 准备好尝试了吗?

