wordpress 跟 react区别 wordpress和wix_编程语言

wix vs

Are you trying to decide between Wix vs WordPress to build your website? While WordPress is the most popular website builder in the world, it is not the only option.

您是否要在Wix和WordPress之间做出选择来构建网站? 尽管WordPress是世界上最受欢迎的网站构建器 ,但它不是唯一的选择。

After seeing TV commercials for Wix, some of our users asked us to do a detailed comparison of Wix vs WordPress to find out which is the better choice.


In this article, we will compare Wix vs WordPress and highlight the pros and cons. Our hope is that with this Wix review and comparison, you will be able to decide which platform is right for your needs.

在本文中,我们将比较Wix和WordPress,并强调其优缺点。 我们希望通过这次Wix审查和比较,您将能够确定哪个平台适合您的需求。

Note: This article compares Wix vs Self Hosted WordPress.org NOT WordPress.com. See the difference between self-hosted WordPress.org vs WordPress.com sites.

注意:本文比较了Wix与自托管WordPress.org,而不是 WordPress.com。 查看自托管WordPress.org与WordPress.com网站之间的区别。

We have broken down this comparison into 7 categories:


  1. Wix vs WordPress costsWix vs WordPress成本
  2. Ease of use comparison易用性比较
  3. Design options in Wix vs WordPressWix vs WordPress中的设计选项
  4. Plugins and apps插件和应用
  5. Wix vs WordPress – Which one is better for blogging?Wix vs WordPress –哪个博客更好?
  6. Ecommerce comparison电子商务比较
  7. Data portability数据可携性

Let’s see how Wix and WordPress stack up into each of these categories.


(1. Pricing and Costs)

The cost of building a website is an important factor when choosing your site builder platform. The total costs of developing and maintaining your site will entirely depend on your needs. Our goal is to make sure that you can do whatever you need within your budget.

建立网站的成本是选择网站构建器平台时的重要因素。 开发和维护站点的总成本将完全取决于您的需求。 我们的目标是确保您可以在预算范围内做任何需要的事情。

Let’s compare the pricing of Wix and WordPress to find out which one gives you more bang for the buck.




Wix offers a basic website builder for free. However, there are two major downsides to it. First, it adds Wix branded advertisements on the top and bottom of your website. Second, you cannot use a custom domain name for your site, so your website address will be: username.wix.com/sitename

Wix免费提供基本的网站构建器。 但是,它有两个主要缺点。 首先,它将在网站的顶部和底部添加Wix品牌的广告。 其次,您不能为您的网站使用自定义域名 ,因此您的网站地址为:username.wix.com/sitename

Apart from that, the basic plan does not offer necessary add-ons such as Google Analytics, Favicons, eCommerce, etc. To remove ads and get additional features from their apps market, you’ll have to upgrade to one of the premium plans they offer.

除此之外,基本计划没有提供必要的附加组件,例如Google Analytics(分析),Favicons,电子商务等。要从其应用市场中删除广告并获得其他功能,您必须升级到他们的高级计划之一提供。

Each Wix premium plan has different storage and bandwidth limitations. You can pay monthly or choose a yearly plan.

每个Wix高级计划都有不同的存储和带宽限制。 您可以按月付款或选择年度计划。

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The best value plans on Wix is the Unlimited plan ($12.50 / month), and if you want an eCommerce store, then you need the eCommerce plan ($16.50 / month).

Wix上最有价值的计划是无限计划($ 12.50 /月),如果您要开设电子商务商店,则需要电子商务计划($ 16.50 /月)。

This cost does not include any apps that you later choose to buy from the Wix app market to use on your website.




The WordPress software is open source, and it is available for free for anyone to use.


We often get asked about why is WordPress free and what’s the catch?


Well, the biggest catch is that you need your own domain name and web hosting to install it. There are several WordPress hosting providers that you can choose from. See our guide on how to choose the best WordPress hosting company.

好吧,最大的收获是您需要自己的域名和虚拟主机来安装它。 您可以选择几种WordPress托管服务提供商。 请参阅我们的指南, 了解如何选择最佳的WordPress托管公司 。

Depending on your budget, you can start with a basic plan with a WordPress hosting provider like Bluehost that will cost you $2.75 per month and includes a free custom domain name.


If your budget permits, then you can use a managed WordPress hosting provider like WP Engine which costs $29 per month.

如果预算允许,则可以使用托管的WordPress托管服务提供商,例如WP Engine ,每月费用为29美元。

The cost of a WordPress site will increase if you decide to use premium WordPress themes or plugins (similar to apps in WordPress).


However, there are thousands of free WordPress themes and plugins available that you can use to reduce costs. You can add any feature to your WordPress site using a plugin without upgrading your hosting plan.

但是,有成千上万的免费WordPress主题和插件可用于降低成本。 您可以使用插件将任何功能添加到WordPress网站,而无需升级托管计划。

For more information, see our guide on how much does it cost to build a WordPress site.




WordPress beats Wix with flexible plans available from a variety of web hosting companies. The cost depends on how much resources you use, and you are free to use your WordPress site in any way you want.

WordPress通过各种网络托管公司提供的灵活计划击败了Wix。 费用取决于您使用多少资源,您可以随意使用自己的WordPress网站。

(2. Ease of Use)

Most beginners choose Wix or WordPress because they don’t want to hire a website designer. Both Wix and WordPress allow you to create websites without learning to code.

大多数初学者选择Wix或WordPress是因为他们不想雇用网站设计师。 Wix和WordPress都允许您创建网站而无需学习编码。



Wix comes with powerful and easy to use tools to build your own website. It offers a simple drag and drop interface where you can select any element on your site and start editing it in a WYSIWYG interface.

Wix随附了功能强大且易于使用的工具,可用来构建您自己的网站。 它提供了一个简单的拖放界面,您可以在其中选择站点上的任何元素,然后在所见即所得的界面中开始对其进行编辑。

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You can drag and drop items anywhere on your site, rearrange things on your pages, write content, and add media in a user-friendly environment. Many beginners would find this feature a blessing as it saves them from dealing with code.

您可以在用户友好的环境中将项目拖放到站点上的任何位置,重新排列页面上的内容,编写内容以及添加媒体。 许多初学者会发现此功能很幸运,因为它使他们不必处理代码。



WordPress comes with a visual editor to write your content, and a theme customizer which allows you to edit your theme properties in a WYSIWYG environment. However, by default WordPress does not come with a built-in drag and drop page builder.

WordPress带有一个可视化编辑器来编写您的内容,以及一个主题定制器,可让您在所见即所得的环境中编辑主题属性。 但是,默认情况下,WordPress不附带内置的拖放页面构建器 。

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To get the full control of the appearance, users will have to familiarize themselves with different sections like navigation menus, customizer, visual post editor, etc. This means that WordPress requires a small learning curve for beginners.

为了完全控制外观,用户必须熟悉不同的部分,例如导航菜单 ,定制程序,可视化帖子编辑器等。这意味着WordPress对于初学者来说需要很小的学习曲线。

On the other hand, there are thousands of themes that make customization really easy.




Wix is clearly the winner here. Users don’t need to spend much time to learn the platform or install any plugins before they can start building their website. On the other hand, they will need to understand WordPress basics and may need to install plugins to build their site.

Wix显然是这里的赢家。 用户无需花太多时间来学习平台或安装任何插件,就可以开始构建自己的网站。 另一方面,他们将需要了解WordPress基础知识,并可能需要安装插件来构建其网站。

However you can use powerful WordPress page builder plugins like BeaverBuilder or Divi that offers a lot more powerful features than the Wix builder.

但是,您可以使用功能强大的WordPress页面构建器插件(例如BeaverBuilder或Divi) ,这些插件提供的功能比Wix构建器强大得多。

This is why smart business owners use WordPress because it offers them greater flexibility.


(3. Design and Layout)

Your site’s design and layout play an important role in your success. Every site owner needs a design that’s not only good looking, but also user-friendly and makes their brand stand-out.

您网站的设计和布局对您的成功至关重要。 每个网站所有者都需要一个不仅外观美观而且易于使用的设计,以使其品牌脱颖而出。



Wix comes with more than 500+ pre-made templates to choose from. All Wix designs are fully responsive and written in HTML5. Using the built-in tools, you can further customize your site design, change the layout, and rearrange items as you see fit.

Wix带有500多种预制模板供您选择。 所有Wix设计均具有完全响应能力,并以HTML5编写。 使用内置工具,您可以进一步自定义站点设计,更改布局并根据需要重新安排项目。

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There are designs available for every kind of site. Templates are divided into categories like business, eCommerce, hobbies, arts & crafts, personal, etc.

有适用于每种站点的设计。 模板分为业务,电子商务,兴趣爱好,手Craft.io品,个人等类别。

One big disadvantage is that once you have selected a template, you cannot change it. You can modify it and customize it as much as you want using only the built-in tools, but you cannot switch to another template.

一个很大的缺点是,一旦选择了模板,就无法更改它。 您可以使用内置工具随意修改和自定义它,但是不能切换到其他模板。



There are thousands of free and paid themes available for WordPress. Free themes come with limited support, but they also go through a strict review process. Paid themes generally offer more features and come with premium support options.

WordPress有成千上万的免费和付费主题 。 免费主题的支持有限,但它们也会经过严格的审查过程。 付费主题通常提供更多功能,并提供高级支持选项。

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WordPress themes range from small personal sites to full-fledged eCommerce sites. Most themes come with built-in customization options of their own. You can also use one of the many styling plugins to further style or customize your WordPress themes.

WordPress主题范围从小型个人网站到成熟的电子商务网站。 大多数主题都带有它们自己的内置自定义选项。 您还可以使用许多样式插件之一来进一步样式化或自定义WordPress主题。

Users can download free themes from WordPess.org directory. For paid themes, there are several WordPress theme shops like Themify, CSSIgniter, StudioPress, and more. See our list of the best commercial WordPress theme shops.

用户可以从WordPess.org目录下载免费主题。 对于付费主题,有几个WordPress主题商店,例如Themify , CSSIgniter , StudioPress等。 请参阅我们的最佳商业WordPress主题商店列表。

Furthermore, you can hire a developer or learn to create a completely custom theme for your company.




WordPress has a much larger range of themes and design layouts than Wix. WordPress users can also easily switch themes or customize them as much as they want without any restrictions.

WordPress的主题和设计布局范围比Wix大得多。 WordPress用户还可以轻松切换主题或自定义主题,没有任何限制。

(4. Plugins and Apps)

Plugins and Apps are third-party extensions that you can use with your platform to add more features. Wix calls them apps, and in WordPress ecosystem, they are called plugins.

插件和应用程序是第三方扩展,可以与平台一起使用以添加更多功能。 Wix将其称为应用程序,在WordPress生态系统中,它们称为plugins 。

Let’s compare apps and plugins available on both platforms and what you can do with them.




Wix comes with nearly 200+ apps that you can add to your site. These apps offer a wide range of features like adding contact forms, gallery, comments, social media buttons, email marketing and so on.

Wix随附了将近200多种应用程序,您可以将其添加到您的网站。 这些应用程序提供了广泛的功能,例如添加联系人表格,画廊,评论,社交媒体按钮, 电子邮件营销等。

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Most apps are free or have a lite version. Other apps require monthly payments and vary in prices. Even though there is a limited collection of apps, they cover most commonly requested features by site owners.

大多数应用程序都是免费的或精简版。 其他应用则需要按月付款,并且价格会有所不同。 即使应用程序的收集数量有限,它们仍涵盖了网站所有者最常用的功能。



At the time of writing this article, there are more than 55,000+ free plugins available in the WordPress.org plugin directory alone. Not to mention, premium plugins available on other marketplaces.

在撰写本文时,仅WordPress.org插件目录中就有55,000多个免费插件。 更不用说在其他市场上可用的高级插件。

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The saying goes: if you can think of a feature, there’s probably a WordPress plugin that makes it happen.


Whether you want to create a contact form, install Google Analytics, build a membership website, or sell online courses, there’s a plugin for that.

无论您是要创建联系表 ,安装Google Analytics(分析) , 建立会员网站还是销售在线课程 ,都有一个插件。

You can do just about anything you like with WordPress. There are plenty of plugins both free and paid which you can use to build a website of your dreams.

您可以使用WordPress做几乎所有您喜欢的事情。 有很多免费和付费的插件,您可以使用它们来构建自己梦想中的网站。


结论 :

WordPress easily beats Wix in this area as well. Even though Wix’s app library is growing, it is still limited in comparison to the huge choice available to WordPress users.

WordPress在该领域也轻松击败了Wix。 尽管Wix的应用程序库正在增长,但与WordPress用户可用的巨大选择相比,它仍然受到限制。

(5. Wix vs WordPress – Which one is better for blogging?)

Many users are looking for an easier platform to start blogging. Wix and WordPress both can be used to create blogs. Let’s take a look at which one does it better.

许多用户正在寻找一个更轻松的平台来开始写博客 。 Wix和WordPress均可用于创建博客。 让我们来看看哪个做得更好。

Blogging with Wix


Wix allows you to easily add a blog section to your website. It has all the basic blogging features you’ll commonly use. For example, categories and tags, photo and videos, archives, etc.

Wix允许您轻松地将博客部分添加到您的网站。 它具有您通常会使用的所有基本博客功能。 例如,类别和标签,照片和视频,档案等。

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However, it does not have a native commenting system like WordPress. Instead, it uses Facebook comments and those comments are not portable.

但是,它没有像WordPress这样的本地注释系统。 相反,它使用Facebook评论,并且这些评论不可移植。

It also lacks several features like featured images, backdating posts, creating private posts, and more.


The writing interface for blog posts is not the same as Wix website builder. Instead, it uses a plain text editor which is very limited in terms of formatting options.

博客文章的写作界面与Wix网站构建器不同。 取而代之的是,它使用纯文本编辑器,在格式选项方面非常有限。

Blogging with WordPress


WordPress started out as a blogging platform and evolved into a full-blown website builder. Today it powers nearly 33% of all websites.

WordPress最初是一个博客平台 ,后来发展成为功能完善的网站构建器。 今天,它为所有网站中的近33%提供动力。

It has all the blogging features you will need like a native commenting system and all other advanced features that are missing from Wix.


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It comes with the powerful Gutenberg block editor which allows you to create beautiful layouts for your blog posts.

它带有强大的Gutenberg块编辑器 ,可让您为博客文章创建漂亮的布局。

Most importantly, you can extend your blog using plugins and add any feature that you can think of.




WordPress totally outshines Wix as a blogging platform. Wix blogs are too basic and lacks several important features. If you are thinking about starting a blog, then Wix doesn’t even come close to WordPress.

WordPress作为博客平台完全胜过Wix。 Wix博客太基础了,缺乏几个重要功能。 如果您正在考虑创建博客 ,那么Wix甚至与WordPress甚至不相近。

(6. Wix vs WordPress Ecommerce Comparison)

Selling things online is another important feature that most beginners look for. Let’s see how WordPress and Wix compare in eCommerce.

在线销售商品是大多数初学者所追求的另一个重要功能。 让我们看看WordPress和Wix在电子商务中的比较。



Wix offers eCommerce with their paid plans. This means users with the free plan cannot run their eCommerce store on Wix without upgrading to a paid plan. With the WixStores, you can only accept payments using PayPal or Authorize.net.

Wix为电子商务提供其付费计划。 这意味着拥有免费计划的用户必须升级到付费计划,才能在Wix上运行其电子商务商店。 使用WixStore,您只能使用PayPal或Authorize.net接受付款。

There are a few third-party apps that you can use for selling things online, but those apps would cost you even more money with their monthly fees. Not to mention you have limited payment gateways and functionality.

您可以使用一些第三方应用程序在线上销售商品,但是这些应用程序的月租费会花费您更多的钱。 更不用说您的付款网关和功能有限。



WordPress makes it super easy to create your online store using WooCommerce, which powers more than 42% of all ecommerce websites in the world.

WordPress使使用WooCommerce 创建您的在线商店变得异常容易,WooCommerce为全球超过42%的电子商务网站提供支持。

There are also plenty of other eCommerce plugins available for WordPress that you can use to sell physical or digital goods, services, events, subscriptions, and more.


Most eCommerce plugins for WordPress even have their own dedicated themes and add-on plugins. See our list of best WooCommerce themes for some excellent examples.

大多数WordPress电子商务插件甚至都有自己专用的主题和附加插件。 有关一些出色的示例,请参见我们的最佳WooCommerce主题列表。



If you want to build a proper online store and be ready for growth, then WordPress + WooCommerce offers much more flexibility, freedom, and choices when compared to Wix.

如果您想建立一个合适的在线商店并为增长做好准备,那么与Wix相比,WordPress + WooCommerce提供了更多的灵活性,自由度和更多选择。

(7. Data Portability Options in Wix vs WordPress)

Data portability allows you the freedom to move your content away when you need it. Let’s take a look at how Wix and WordPress help you move your content away if you need.

数据可移植性使您可以在需要时自由移动内容。 让我们看一下Wix和WordPress如何帮助您将内容移走。

Data portability options in Wix


Wix comes with very limited options to move your content to another platform. You can only export your blog posts in XML format. You’ll have to manually download your pages, images, videos, and other content.

Wix带有非常有限的选项,可以将您的内容移动到另一个平台。 您只能以XML格式导出博客文章。 您必须手动下载页面,图像,视频和其他内容。

According to Wix documentation, all your content is hosted exclusively on Wix’s servers and cannot be exported elsewhere.


This makes it a bit difficult to move your content to another platform if needed. However, you can still transfer a Wix site. See our article, on how to switch from Wix to WordPress for more details.

如果需要,这使得将内容移动到另一个平台上有些困难。 但是,您仍然可以转移Wix网站。 有关更多详细信息,请参见有关如何从Wix切换到WordPress的文章。

Data portability options in WordPress


WordPress makes it extremely easy to export your content. It comes with a one-click exporter that allows you to download your content in XML format.

WordPress使导出内容非常容易。 它带有一键式导出器,可让您以XML格式下载内容。

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Since it is a self-hosted platform, you can also create complete WordPress backups, download your media files, and even manually export your WordPress database.

由于它是一个自托管平台,因此您还可以创建完整的WordPress备份 ,下载媒体文件,甚至手动导出WordPress数据库。

You can then easily move your WordPress site to a new host if you are not satisfied with your current WordPress hosting company.

如果您对当前的WordPress托管公司不满意,则可以轻松地将WordPress站点移至新主机 。



WordPress is a lot better when it comes to downloading and moving your data. Wix, on the other hand, makes it quite difficult to move your content away.

WordPress在下载和移动数据方面要好得多。 另一方面,Wix使得移走内容变得相当困难。


WordPress is far superior to Wix as a web publishing platform for any kind of website. While Wix offers an easy to use website builder, you can accomplish a lot more with WordPress over the long run.

WordPress远远胜过Wix,因为它是任何类型网站的Web发布平台。 尽管Wix提供了易于使用的网站构建器,但从长远来看,您可以使用WordPress完成更多工作。

See our guide on how to make a website using WordPress for step by step instructions.

请参阅有关如何使用WordPress 建立网站的指南, 以获取逐步说明。

We hope this article helped you compare Wix vs WordPress and learn their pros and cons. You may also want to see our actionable tips on driving traffic to your new WordPress site.

我们希望本文能帮助您比较Wix与WordPress,并了解其优缺点。 您可能还想查看有关将流量吸引到新WordPress网站的可行提示。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/wix-vs-wordpress-which-one-is-better-pros-and-cons/

wix vs