两个wordpress要什么配置 wordpress和wix_python

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Looking to switch from Wix to WordPress?


Wix is a popular website builder that lets you create a simple website, fast. However, many Wix users soon realize that their options are limited and adding extra features can become quite expensive.

Wix是受欢迎的网站构建器 ,它使您可以快速创建一个简单的网站。 但是,许多Wix用户很快意识到他们的选择是有限的,添加额外的功能可能会变得非常昂贵。

If you want more features and flexibility without the high costs, then switching to self-hosted WordPress is the best choice. WordPress powers over 32% of all websites on the internet because it’s extremely powerful. In this article, we will show you how to properly move from Wix to WordPress and grow your website with complete freedom.

如果您想在不增加成本的情况下获得更多功能和灵活性,那么切换到自托管WordPress是最佳选择。 WordPress功能强大,可为Internet上所有网站的32%以上提供支持。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何正确地从Wix迁移到WordPress,以及如何完全自由地发展网站。

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After reviewing various different ways to move from Wix to WordPress, we believe the easiest method is by importing your blog posts via RSS.


In this step by step guide, we will walk you through the process of transferring your Wix website to WordPress. Depending on how many pages you have on your Wix site, the migration can take upto an hour.

在本分步指南中,我们将引导您完成将Wix网站转移到WordPress的过程。 根据您Wix站点上有多少页,迁移过程最多可能需要一个小时。

Here are the steps to migrate from Wix to WordPress:


  1. Sign up for WordPress web hosting
  2. Setup your new WordPress site
  3. Customize your site’s style and appearance
  4. Import your blog posts via RSS
  5. Convert your Wix pages to WordPress
  6. Create your main navigational menu
  7. Redirect Wix to WordPress

Ready to switch from Wix to WordPress? Let’s get started.

准备从Wix切换到WordPress? 让我们开始吧。

第1步:注册WordPress虚拟主机 (Step 1: Signup for WordPress Web Hosting)

To start a WordPress blog, the first thing you’ll need is a web hosting account for your website.

要创建WordPress博客 ,您需要做的第一件事就是为您的网站建立一个虚拟主机帐户。

Web hosting is your website’s home on the internet. This is where all of your files and data is stored.

虚拟主机是您的网站在互联网上的家。 这是所有文件和数据的存储位置。

You will also need a domain name (such as www.yoursite.com). This is your website’s address on the internet.

您还将需要一个域名 (例如www.yoursite.com)。 这是您网站在互联网上的地址。

When you use Wix, they host your website for you which is also the reason why it’s quite limited. On the other hand, WordPress is a free software, so you’ll need a place to install it. That’s why you need to purchase web hosting and a domain name.

当您使用Wix时,他们会为您托管网站,这也是网站十分有限的原因。 另一方面,WordPress是一个免费软件,因此您需要一个安装位置。 因此,您需要购买虚拟主机和域名。

We highly recommend that you use Bluehost because they are an official WordPress.org recommended hosting provider.


They have agreed to give WPBeginner readers a free domain and over 60% off discount on web hosting when you use our special Bluehost coupon code.

他们同意为WPBeginner读者提供一个免费域名,并在您使用我们特殊的Bluehost优惠券代码时提供60%以上的网络托管折扣 。

→ Click here to Claim this Exclusive Bluehost offer ←


If you want to look at more options, then we have a list of the best WordPress hosting providers that you can choose from.


Some other companies that we recommend are SiteGround and HostGator.

我们推荐的其他一些公司是SiteGround和HostGator 。

In this tutorial, we’ll use Bluehost for screenshot and examples.


If you’ve already registered a domain name with Wix, that’s no problem. When signing up with Bluehost, you can enter your existing domain under the “I have a domain name” option.

如果您已经使用Wix注册了域名,那没问题。 使用Bluehost注册时,您可以在“我有域名”选项下输入现有域。

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Later on in this guide, we’ll walk you through how to transfer your domain when your new WordPress site is ready.


(Step 2: Setup Your New WordPress Site)

After purchasing your new hosting plan, you’ll need to install and setup WordPress.


If you signed up with Bluehost, then they automatically install WordPress for you, and you can simply login to your WordPress dashboard from your hosting account.


Upon login, you will see your WordPress admin dashboard:


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All other WordPress hosting companies also offer 1-click WordPress installers from their hosting dashboard. If you need help installing WordPress, then you can refer to our step by step guide on how to install WordPress for beginners.

所有其他WordPress托管公司还从托管仪表板提供一键式WordPress安装程序。 如果您需要安装WordPress的帮助,则可以参考我们的入门指南, 了解如何为初学者安装WordPress 。

Once you login to WordPress admin area, it’s a good idea to set your WordPress permalinks.

登录WordPress管理区域后,最好设置WordPress永久链接 。

Your permalink settings will determine the address of each blog post. For example, instead of publishing a blog post to:

您的永久链接设置将确定每篇博客文章的地址。 例如,不是将博客文章发布到:



You can publish it to:




You can change your permalink settings by navigating to Settings » Permalinks in your WordPress dashboard. Once you have selected the structure you want, click on the Save Changes button at the bottom.

您可以通过导航到WordPress仪表板中的“设置”»“永久链接”来更改永久链接设置。 选择所需的结构后,单击底部的“ 保存更改”按钮。

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For more details about permalinks, you can check out our post on SEO-friendly URL structures in WordPress.

有关永久链接的更多详细信息,您可以查看我们有关WordPress中SEO友好URL结构的文章 。

(Step 3: Customize Your Site’s Design)

Next, you should customize the appearance of your website. It’s easy to do that using WordPress themes.

接下来,您应该自定义网站的外观。 使用WordPress主题很容易做到这一点。

WordPress themes are similar to Wix templates, they control the appearance and display of your WordPress website.


There are thousands of free WordPress themes available for you to use. Some themes are very basic and minimalist, while others will add a lot of new features to your site.

有成千上万的免费WordPress主题供您使用。 有些主题非常基本且极简,而另一些主题则会为您的网站添加许多新功能。

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As a WordPress beginner, you may want to start with a simple theme that’s easy to use. We have a list of recommended simple WordPress themes you can take a look at to get started.

作为WordPress初学者,您可能想从一个易于使用的简单主题开始。 我们提供了推荐的简单WordPress主题列表,您可以查看这些主题以开始使用。

Wondering how to decide on a theme? You can check out our article on selecting the perfect WordPress theme for tips and advice.

想知道如何确定主题? 您可以查看有关选择完美的WordPress主题的文章, 以获取提示和建议。

Once you have found a theme you like, you can install it by following our guide on how to install a WordPress theme.

找到喜欢的主题后,可以按照关于如何安装WordPress主题的指南进行安装 。

Remember, you can easily change your theme in the future, so it’s important that you don’t spend too much time on this step.


You can even use the default WordPress theme and start with the migration process. Because the most important part is moving all of your content from Wix to WordPress.

您甚至可以使用默认的WordPress主题并从迁移过程开始。 因为最重要的部分是将所有内容从Wix移到WordPress。

(Step 4: Import Your Wix Blog Posts to WordPress)

In this step, we’ll transfer your Wix blog posts over to your new WordPress site.


Wix is a closed platform, and they don’t provide an easy way for users to migrate their content away from Wix.


But we can still automate the process by importing your Wix RSS feed, instead of recreating each blog post manually.

但是,我们仍然可以通过导入Wix RSS feed来自动化该过程,而不是手动重新创建每个博客文章。

To get started, you’ll need to download your Wix RSS file.

首先,您需要下载Wix RSS文件。

You can locate the file by adding /feed.xml or /blog-feed.xml to your Wix website URL.


If you don’t have a custom domain with Wix, then you can find your RSS feed at username.wixsite.com/blogname/feed.xml or username.wixsite.com/blogname/blog-feed.xml, where “username” is your Wix username and “blogname” is the name of your blog.

如果您没有使用Wix的自定义域,则可以在username.wixsite.com/blogname/feed.xmlusername.wixsite.com/blogname/blog-feed.xml找到RSS提要,其中“用户名”是您的Wix用户名,“ blogname”是您博客的名称。

If you have a custom domain such as www.yourwixblog.com, then you can find your RSS feed at www.yourwixblog.com/feed.xml or www.yourwixblog.com/blog-feed.xml.

如果您拥有自定义域,例如www.yourwixblog.com ,则可以在www.yourwixblog.com/feed.xmlwww.yourwixblog.com/blog-feed.xml找到RSS源。

After navigating to the proper URL, you should see a page full of code.


Go ahead and right-click anywhere on the page and click Save As to save the file in your computer.


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Now that you have your RSS file, you can log in to your WordPress dashboard and click on Tools » Import.


Next, click the Install Now link under the RSS heading.


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After a few seconds, you’ll see a link at the top of the page to Run Importer. Go ahead and click the link.

几秒钟后,您将在页面顶部看到一个指向Run Importer的链接 。 继续并单击链接。

Next, you need to click the Choose File button and select the feed.xml file that saved to your computer. Once selected, you can click the Upload file and import button.

接下来,您需要单击“ 选择文件”按钮,然后选择保存到您的计算机的feed.xml文件。 选择后,您可以单击“ 上传文件并导入”按钮。

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If you have a lot of blog posts to import, then it can take several minutes to import them all.


When it’s done, you’ll see a confirmation message.


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To check on your blog posts and make sure they were exported from Wix correctly, you can navigate to Posts » All Posts and click View underneath each post.

要检查您的博客文章并确保它们已正确地从Wix导出,您可以导航至文章»所有文章 ,然后单击每个文章下方的查看

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At this point, the content of your blog posts has been transferred, but there’s one problem: any images in your post are still hosted with Wix.


Luckily, there’s an easy way to fix this and move your images over to WordPress.


All you need to do is install and activate the Auto Upload Images plugin.

您需要做的就是安装并激活“ 自动上传图片”插件。

Plugins are like apps for WordPress that allow you to add new features. We have a step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

插件就像WordPress的应用程序一样,可让您添加新功能。 我们提供了有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

After installing and activating the plugin, you’ll need to re-save each post that contains images, and the plugin will import images inside it.


It would be time-consuming to edit each post one by one, but we have a handy trick that you can use to quickly re-save all WordPress posts at once.


Simply go to Posts » All Posts page and then click on the Screen Options button at the top.


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You need to increase the number to 999 in the ‘Number of items per page field’ field and click on the Apply button.

您需要在“每页项数”字段中将数字增加到999 ,然后单击“应用”按钮。

WordPress will reload the page, and this time it will show 999 posts at a time.


Next, you need to select all your posts and then select Edit under the bulk actions menu.


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After that, you need to click the Apply button. WordPress will show you a quick edit box with all selected posts. You just need to click on the Update button, and WordPress will update all your posts.

之后,您需要单击“应用”按钮。 WordPress将显示一个带有所有选定帖子的快速编辑框。 您只需要单击“更新”按钮,WordPress就会更新您的所有帖子。

See our guide on importing external images in WordPress for more detailed instructions.


(Step 5: Import Your Wix Pages to WordPress)

After you have imported your blog post, next we’ll need to transfer your Wix pages over to your WordPress site.


Wix doesn’t provide any automated way to do this, so we’ll have to recreate each page in WordPress one by one.


First, you can navigate to the Wix page you want to transfer to WordPress. Highlight all the content (except for the page title). Then you can right click and click on Copy.

首先,您可以导航到要转移到WordPress的Wix页面。 突出显示所有内容(页面标题除外)。 然后,您可以右键单击并单击复制

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After that, you need to login to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Pages » Add New to recreate the page. At the top of the page, you can type in the page title. Then you can right-click and and click on Paste to recreate the content.

之后,您需要登录WordPress仪表板并导航至Pages»Add New来重新创建页面。 在页面顶部,您可以输入页面标题。 然后,您可以单击鼠标右键,然后单击“ 粘贴”以重新创建内容。

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For help with styling your pages, you can check out our article on add new post or page in WordPress.


When you’re finished styling your page, you can click the Publish button to publish your page on your new WordPress site.

完成页面样式后,可以单击“ 发布”按钮以在新的WordPress网站上发布页面。

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While you can follow the above method for all text based pages, it won’t work for certain pages like your contact page.


You’ll need to install a contact form plugin like WPForms to create a contact page. We have a step by step guide on how to create a simple contact form.

您需要安装联系表单插件(如WPForms)才能创建联系页面。 我们提供了有关如何创建简单联系表的分步指南。

Now that you’ve converted all your content, it’s a good idea to carefully review your posts and pages to make sure everything is working right and looks the way it’s supposed to.


(Step 6: Create Your Main Navigational Menu)

Next, you’ll want to make sure your visitors can easily navigate through your new website using your primary menu.


You can create a navigational menu by going to Appearance » Menus. Type in a name for your menu, and click one of the Create Menu buttons.

您可以转到外观»菜单来创建导航菜单。 输入菜单名称,然后单击“ 创建菜单”按钮之一。

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Next, you can select whichever pages you want to add to your main menu, and click the Add to Menu button. When you’ve added all the pages you want, select the menu position.

接下来,您可以选择要添加到主菜单的任何页面,然后单击“ 添加到菜单”按钮。 添加所需的所有页面后,选择菜单位置。

Finally, click the blue Save Menu button on the right.

最后,单击右侧的蓝色“ 保存菜单”按钮。

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Now your menu has been created and is live on your website.


(Step 7: Redirect Wix to WordPress)

Your new WordPress site is complete, and you’re ready to let your readers know about your move.


It’s important to not only announce your move to your readers but to setup proper redirection.


You want all visitors of your old site to land on exactly the same page on the new site. This will also let search engines know that your old site has moved to a new location.

您希望您的旧站点的所有访问者都完全落在新站点的同一页面上。 这还将使搜索引擎知道您的旧站点已移至新位置。

Note: You can only redirect users to your new WordPress site if you had a custom domain on Wix. Unfortunately, if you were using a wixsite subdomain, then you cannot redirect users to your WordPress site.

注意:如果您在Wix上具有自定义域,则只能将用户重定向到新的WordPress网站。 不幸的是,如果您使用的是wixsite子域,则无法将用户重定向到WordPress网站。

First you need to open a plain text editor like Notepad and paste this code:


var hashesarr = { 

for (var hash in hashesarr) {
    var patt = new RegExp(hash);
    if (window.location.hash.match(patt) !== null) {
        window.location.href = hashesarr[hash];

In this code we have added three example URLs in the following format:




The first part of the line looks for a string in the URL. This will be the URL your Wix users will be coming from. The second part in the line is the WordPress slug for the same page.

该行的第一部分在URL中查找字符串。 这将是您的Wix用户所来自的URL。 该行的第二部分是同一页面的WordPress插件。

Unfortunately, you will have to manually add each URL in this format. Once you are finished, you need to save this file as redirects.js.

不幸的是,您将必须以这种格式手动添加每个URL。 完成后,您需要将此文件另存为redirects.js

Next, you need to upload this file to your WordPress theme’s /js/ directory using an FTP client.

接下来,您需要使用FTP客户端将此文件上传到WordPress主题的/ js /目录。

If your theme does not have a /js/ directory, then you need to create one.

如果您的主题没有/ js /目录,则需要创建一个。

Now you need to edit your theme’s functions.php file and add this code at the bottom of the file:


function wpb_wixjs () { 
wp_enqueue_script( 'wixredirect', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/redirects.js', array(), '1.0.0', true);
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpb_wixjs');

Don’t forget to save your changes.


That’s all, you can now try visiting a URL from your old Wix site to see the redirect in action.


Note: These redirects will not redirect search engines and are not very SEO friendly.


Lastly, don’t forget to inform your readers of your new address. You can do this by announcing your move on social media, writing a blog post about it, and sending out a notice to your email newsletter.

最后,不要忘记将您的新地址告知读者。 为此,您可以宣布自己在社交媒体上的举动,撰写有关此话题的博客文章,并向您的电子邮件通讯发送通知。

(Step 8: Add Essential WordPress Plugins)

WordPress plugins allow you to add more features to your site. Plugins work like Wix apps. There are hundreds of plugins available, free and paid. You can check out our archive of articles about the best WordPress plugins if you’re not sure where to start.

WordPress插件可让您向网站添加更多功能。 插件的工作方式类似于Wix应用程序。 有成百上千的免费,付费插件。 如果不确定从哪里开始,可以查看有关最佳WordPress插件的文章存档。

We also have a list of the must have WordPress plugins for all websites.

我们还列出了所有网站都必须具有的WordPress插件 。

If you’re looking for a Wix style drag & drop page builder, then we recommend using one of these best drag & drop WordPress page builder plugins.

如果您正在寻找Wix样式的拖放页面构建器,那么我们建议使用以下最佳拖放WordPress页面构建器插件之一 。

That’s it! We hope this tutorial helped you switch from Wix to WordPress without a lot of hassle.

而已! 我们希望本教程可以帮助您轻松地从Wix切换到WordPress。

We would like to welcome you to the WordPress community. To get started with WordPress, please take a look at our beginner’s guide section and our WordPress beginner videos.

我们欢迎您加入WordPress社区。 要开始使用WordPress,请查看我们的初学者指南部分和WordPress初学者视频 。

If you have a friend still using Wix, then you can show them your new WordPress site and our comparison on WordPress vs Wix and convince them to switch over.

如果您有朋友仍在使用Wix,则可以向他们展示您的新WordPress网站以及我们在WordPress vs Wix上进行的比较,并说服他们进行切换。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-properly-switch-from-wix-to-wordpress-step-by-step/

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