文 / ​​王不留​​(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)



感谢 @Trac,@静,@前朝小山,@杨杨,@木石山水,@Kevin Yang,@Haleth,@鹰兄你好呀 等朋友对译文的补充及完善。


Most celebrated mountaineers have been men. 

Most 在本句中作为副词最高级形式,修饰“celebrated”。

Most 为数量词时,表示“大多数”,通常为 most of sth的形式。



Avoiding the narrative of triumph and tragedy, her book joins those which tread a line between nature writing and climbing literature.

join和Tread the line有不同意思,两者组合之后,又存在不同理解。




@前朝小山,@木石山水,@Kevin Yang等朋友均提供了相应的翻译版本。

以下展示 @前朝小山 的翻译版本,以供欣赏:



Ms Fleming goes deep into the mountain landscape—and the minds of those who choose to spend their lives on rock.

提供 @木石山水 的翻译版本,以供欣赏:



Hotter, wilder, costlier

On Thursday America’s NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will release an annual assessment of global temperatures. It will almost definitely show that the globe is heating up. A report released earlier this week by NOAA found that 2021 was the fourth-warmest year for America (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) since records began in 1895. (Six of the warmest years have occurred since 2012.)

In 2021 America also faced a high number of extreme weather events including freak winter storms, out-of-control wildfires, drought, and tornadoes. Those came with a hefty price tag: with $145bn of losses, 2021 was the third-costliest year of weather the country has ever had. The number of events costing $1bn or more annually has steadily risen over past decades. This is both because of the increased frequency of extreme weather events, and the increased value of property. America, and everywhere else, must strap in for even more eye-watering costs in future.

Hotter, wilder, costlier



On Thursday America’s NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will release an annual assessment of global temperatures. It will almost definitely show that the globe is heating up. A report released earlier this week by NOAA found that 2021 was the fourth-warmest year for America (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) since records began in 1895. (Six of the warmest years have occurred since 2012.)


NASA 国家航空和航天局 

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 国家海洋和大气管理局 ;  缩写词为NOAA(N.O.A.A.) 

temperatures 温度 ;  气温 ;  体温 ;  temperature的复数 

globe 地球 ;  球体 ;  地球仪 ;  世界 ;  球状物 ;  成球状

NOAA 国家海洋与大气局数据浮标办公室 ;  国家海军与大气局 ;  国家海洋与大气管理局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) 

excluding 不包括 ;  除…外 ;  不放在考虑之列 ;  防止…进入 ;  阻止…参加 ;  把…排斥在外 ;  排除 ;  认为…不可能 ;  exclude的现在分词 

Alaska 阿拉斯加州 

Hawaii 夏威夷 

warmest 使人暖和地 ;  温暖地 ;  温暖的 ;  暖和的 ;  保暖的 ;  保温的 ;  温情的 ;  热心的 ;  友好的 ;  warm的最高级


In 2021 America also faced a high number of extreme weather events including freak winter storms, out-of-control wildfires, drought, and tornadoes. Those came with a hefty price tag: with $145bn of losses, 2021 was the third-costliest year of weather the country has ever had. The number of events costing $1bn or more annually has steadily risen over past decades. This is both because of the increased frequency of extreme weather events, and the increased value of property. America, and everywhere else, must strap in for even more eye-watering costs in future.


faced 面对 ;  面向 ;  正对 ;  面临,必须对付 ;  承认,正视 ;  有…贴边的 ;  face的过去分词和过去式

Freak 极端的;怪异的

storms 暴风雨 ;  和风暴有关的恶劣天气 ;  浪潮 ;  突袭 ;  攻占 ;  气呼呼地疾走 ;  闯 ;  冲 ;  怒吼 ;  大发雷霆 ;  storm的第三人称单数和复数 

out-of-control 失控;无法控制 

wildfires 野火 ;  wildfire的复数 

drought 干旱 ;  旱灾 ;  久旱 

tornadoes 龙卷风 ;  旋风 ;  tornado的复数 

hefty 巨大的 ;  可观的 ;  大而重的 ;  很大的 ;  超出一般的 ;  用力的 ;  猛烈的 ;  健壮的人 

price tag 价格标签

costing 成本核算 ;  成本计算 ;  需付费 ;  价钱为 ;  使丧失 ;  使损失 ;  使付出努力 ;  使做不愉快的事 ;  cost的现在分词 

annually 一年一次地 

because of 因为 ;  由于①because of是复合介词,其后可接名词、代词、动名词或由what引导的从句。②because of一般引导状语,不引导表语;但当主语是代词时,because of短语在句中可用作表语。

even more 更 

in future 今后,从今以后(有时亦作 in the future,尤用于美国英语中)