%new strapdown program  08_9_26
%%%% simulate the quite state, change the error source to observe the
%%%% influence;
clear all
close all
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Setting the simulate condition
Simu_Time =1*3600; %仿真时间,单位秒。
SampleFreq =1; %采样频率,单位Hz >1 ,
Coordinate = 1; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% choose coordinate 1 is NED; 2 is ENU
Simu_Mode = 1; %%%%%%%%%%%% choose Simulate mode: 1 is quite;2 is generate Xwa frome a,w or motion state;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 3 is generate Xwa from carrier's track;
Plot_Mode = 1; %%%%%%%%%%%%% plot about 1 sec; 2 min; 3 h.
isKalmanFilter = 1; %%%%%%%%%%5 choose to use kalmanfilter.
Kalman_Comp = 1; %%%%%%%%%%% compensate: 0 none; 1 output check; 2 feedback check; 3 integrate compensatePara = Para_Setting;
Plot_Style = 1; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% set plot style: 1 integ; 2 compare;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%55 choose the inertial system state: damp net.
Para.A_E = [0 1 0 0 0 0]'; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% huangdemng P139_140 inter horizontal damp net A_E(1) = 1 yes, 0 no.
Para.K1 = 0; %%%%%%%%%%%5 1 out damp, 0 inner.
Para.Comp_Step = 100; %%%%%%%%%%%%%5 output check and feedback check interval
if Simu_Mode == 3
SampleFreq = 1;
Plot_Mode = 1;
if isKalmanFilter==1
kalman_filter_mode = 1; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 velocity integrate; 2 position integrate; 3 EC pose integ
%%%%%%%%%%%%%velocity and position integrate;
nTGPS = [1;1]; %%%%%%%%%%%% the time that GPS or EC cycle is INS cycle;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% note here, STEP = 2/SampleFreq;
kalman_Para = initial_Kalman(Para,kalman_filter_mode);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% adaptive filter fumengyin P98
kalman_Para.Adaptive_F = 0; %%%%%%%%%5555 0 none, 1 use;
kalman_Para.Alpha = 1; %%%%%%%%%% suaijianyinz alpha, beihang lunwen.
kalman_Para.d = 0.000001;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 新型联邦最小二乘滤波算法及应用 改造。
kalman_Para.LSF = 0; %%%%%%%%%%%least square filter
kalman_Para.LSF_lamad = 0.999; %%%%% the value is near 1
AA = []; % 保存计算姿态值
VV = []; % 保存计算速度值
POS = []; % 保存计算位置值
AA_Comp = []; % 保存滤波后姿态值
VV_Comp = []; % 保存滤波后速度值
POS_Comp = []; % 保存滤波后位置值[Xw Xa AA0] = Data_Genetate(Simu_Mode,Simu_Time,SampleFreq,Coordinate,Para);
STEP = 2/SampleFreq; % 龙格库塔法步长 2*t t为采样周期 t=1/SampleFreq;
M = length(Xw);
CalcCnt = 1;h = waitbar(0,'navigation is running...');
nTime = [0 0];
while CalcCnt <= (M-2)
Vr = zeros(3,1);
[Para kalman_Para Xw] = AVP_Calc(Para.bFirstRun_AVP,CalcCnt,Xw,Xa,Para,kalman_Para,STEP,Kalman_Comp,Vr);
AA = [AA Para.A];
VV = [VV Para.V];
POS = [POS Para.Pos]; %% calculate the Error
AA_Comp = [AA_Comp Para.A_Comp];
VV_Comp = [VV_Comp Para.V_Comp];
POS_Comp = [POS_Comp Para.Pos_Comp]; if and(isKalmanFilter == 1,nTime(1) >= nTGPS(1)-1)
nTime(1) = 0;
kalman_Para = measurement_update(Para,kalman_Para,STEP*nTGPS(1),nTime(2),kalman_filter_mode);
if nTime(2) >= nTGPS(2)-1
nTime(2) = 0;
kalman_Para = Kalman_Filter(Para,kalman_Para,CalcCnt,STEP*nTGPS(2),nTGPS(2),Kalman_Comp);
Para.x = kalman_Para.x; %%%%%%%% easy to compensate
nTime(2) = nTime(2) + 1;
nTime(1) = nTime(1) +1;
CalcCnt = CalcCnt+2;
%% the end
fprintf('navigation stop!\n');
%%%%%%%%%%%55 display somthing
if Plot_Style == 2