摘 要






With the development of information technology, shopping system based on web mode is gradually popularized. Online shopping is a new business mode, and its workflow and business mode are welcomed. E-Commerce can adapt to the modern and fast-paced lifestyle, meet the online shopping of all kinds of people at home, and use the mall to enable buyers and sellers to complete online transactions, improving the purchase efficiency. Therefore, it is of great significance to develop a shopping mall system suitable for online shopping to help commodity enterprises improve sales efficiency.

The cake shop sales system uses Java technology, MySQL database for development, and the system background uses the springboot framework for development, which has the characteristics of low coupling and high cohesion. The foreground uses JavaScript technology for page layout. Finally, the cake shop sales system was tested to check the function, load capacity and compatibility of the system. The results showed that the system met the actual requirements and completed the predetermined requirements. This paper describes the requirements analysis, system design, system implementation and system testing. The development of the system helps enterprises effectively manage commodities and improve the efficiency of commodity sales.

Keywords: cake shop, e-commerce, spring boot, JavaScript






