摘 要






With the development of information technology, management systems are becoming increasingly mature, and various enterprises and institutions use various types of management systems to improve work efficiency and reduce the drawbacks of manual operations. The Chinese government has always attached great importance to the development of higher education. In recent years, the number of college students has gradually increased, and there is an increasing demand for university scholarships and scholarships. Therefore, by developing a management system for university awards and scholarships, the efficiency of processing can be improved. The system tracks the status of students' awards and scholarships, and improves the work efficiency of university award and scholarship managers. University students can also query their individual application records for awards and scholarships through the system.

The university award and scholarship management system is a management system developed using Java language, with data stored in MySQL. This article first conducts a thorough investigation and analysis of the needs of the university award and scholarship management system, deeply analyzes the functions that the system should have, and designs a comprehensive database. Utilize mature development techniques to complete coding work, and finally conduct pre investment testing work. Finally, the functions of the university award and scholarship management system in the front and back ends will be completed, mainly including university student information management, award and scholarship application management, award and scholarship review management, and achievement management. Data transmission will be achieved through the front and back ends.

Keywords: universities; University awards and scholarships; Student management; B/S; Java


目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract I

1 引言 1

1.1系统开发背景 1

1.2系统开发意义 1

1.4本文研究内容 2

2系统相关技术 3

2.1 Java技术 3

2.2 MySQL数据库 3

2.3 Json数据 4

3需求分析 5

3.1 功能需求分析 5

3.2 系统主要业务流程 7

3.3 非功能需求分析 9

4 系统设计 11

4.1 系统体系结构 11

4.2 系统功能结构 12

4.2.1管理员功能设计 12

4.2.2老师功能设计 12

4.2.3学生用户功能设计 13

4.3 数据库设计 13

4.3.1数据库E-R图 13

4.3.2数据库表设计 13

5 系统实现 20

5.1学生端功能实现 20

5.1.1学生登录功能实现 20

5.1.2我的成绩 20

5.1.查看奖助学金评定说明信息 21

5.1.4高校奖助学金申请功能 21

5.1.5我的奖助学金记录功能 22

5.2管理员和老师功能实现 23

5.2.1课程信息管理功能 23

5.2.2学生信息管理功能 24

5.3.3评定说明信息管理功能 25

5.3.4奖助学金评定审核管理功能 25

6 系统测试 27

6.1测试目的 27

6.2测试用例 27

6.3测试分析 30

结论 31

参考文献 32

致  谢 33






