摘 要






With the development of social economy, the competition in various industries is fierce, and the work pressure of young people is high. More and more people hope to relieve the pressure through tourism. However, traditional tropical wildlife parks sell tickets through offline windows, without personalized customization services, which cannot meet the needs of modern users. For this reason, the development of the reservation and reservation system for the tourist attractions of the tropical wildlife park can well solve the online booking service for users. Through the system, users can query the information of the zoo, reserve tickets online, query announcements online, and communicate with other users online. This can not only help users reduce the time of ticket purchase, but also help users reduce the economic costs of tourism, and achieve self-service tourism. Under the current wave of information development, the reservation and reservation system for the scenic spots of the Tropical Wildlife Park conforms to the trend of the times, promotes local tourism services, drives the tourism economy, and realizes the win-win goal of the scenic spots and tourists.

The system uses the object-oriented PHP language to build the system framework, and uses the relational database MySQL to store data. Using the B/S development mode, users only need to access the system through the browser to obtain ticket booking information, and can book tickets online, manage scenic spots, refund tickets and other businesses, realizing the scientific management and query statistics of information. This paper first proposes the significance of developing the reservation and reservation system for scenic spots in the tropical wildlife park through the investigation of relevant systems, and then uses the current mainstream technology to develop it to meet the technical requirements of the reservation and reservation system for scenic spots in the tropical wildlife park, and then analyzes and designs the functions that the system needs to implement. Sort out the business process, design the database according to the function, and finally implement it by coding, introducing the key algorithm logic. In the test phase, test cases are used to ensure that the system can operate normally and achieve the purpose of the preliminary requirements. The implementation of the system facilitates online ticket purchase, and the perfect application of information technology in the tropical wildlife park scenic spot reservation system makes the booking business simple and efficient.

Keywords: wildlife park, reservation, scenic spot reservation, MySQL


目  录

摘 要 II

Abstract III

第一章  绪论 1

1.1课题背景 1

1.2课题意义 2

1.3国内外现状 4

1.4研究内容 5

第二章 技术综述 7

2.1 PHP技术 7

2.2 MySQL数据库 8

2.3 Html语言 9

2.4 JavaScript 10

第三章 系统分析 12

3.1 可行性分析 12

3.1.1技术可行性 12

3.1.2经济可行性 12

3.1.3操作可行性 13

3.2 非功能需求分析 13

3.3 系统需求分析 14

3.3.1管理员需求分析 14

3.3.2会员需求分析 16

第四章 系统设计 18

4.1 系统总体设计 18

4.2 系统功能设计 20

4.3 数据库设计 21

4.3.1数据库设计原则 21

4.3.2数据库模型设计 22

4.3.3数据库结构设计 23

第五章 系统实现 27

5.1前台功能模块的实现 27

5.1.1 用户注册界面 28

5.1.2 用户登录界面 28

5.1.3 个人资料界面 29

5.1.4 景点详情界面 30

5.1.5 预定界面 31

5.1.6 我的预定界面 32

5.2后台功能模块的实现 33

5.2.1 管理员登录界面 33

5.2.2 景点分类管理界面 34

5.2.3 景点管理界面 34

5.2.4 景点评论管理界面 35

5.2.5 订单管理界面 36

5.2.6会员管理界面 37

第六章 系统测试 39

6.1 系统测试说明 39

6.2 测试目的 40

6.2 测试实例 41

6.3 测试结论 44

结论 46

参考文献 47

致 谢 48









