摘 要






In today's informationized social environment, network and computer technology have penetrated into various aspects of our lives. The zoo management system based on SSM promotes the optimization of zoo management, effectively avoiding the chaotic situation of zoo management. It allows users to manage their animal information and animal protection information without leaving their homes, maximizing the reduction of user management time and improving management efficiency. Therefore, designing and implementing a realistic zoo management system that can better interact with the public, provide opportunities for information, education, and participation, and raise social awareness of animal protection is of great significance.

The zoo management system based on the SSM framework is written using the Java language SSM framework to ensure the efficiency and stability of the code; At the data storage level, MySQL database is selected to meet the storage and query needs of a large amount of zoo information. Eclipse was used in the selection of development tools. This article elaborates on the requirements analysis, design ideas, and implementation process of the zoo management system. In the design phase, a modular design concept was adopted, dividing the system into multiple modules such as user management, animal management, knowledge management, ticket sales management, and designing corresponding database table structures. In the implementation phase, utilizing the technical advantages of the SSM framework, the functions of each module were implemented, and the performance and user experience of the system were optimized. Finally, this article explains the testing and deployment of the zoo management system.

Keywords: tour route; zoo; SSM; MySQL; database


目 录

摘 要 I


1  绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 国内外研究现状 2

1.4 研究内容 2

2  关键技术介绍 3

2.1 开发工具和开发语言 3

2.2 SSM框架简介 3

2.3 MySQL数据库 4

3 系统分析 6

3.1 可行性分析 6

3.1.1 经济可行性 6

3.1.2 技术可行性 6

3.1.3 操作可行性 6

3.2 需求分析 6

3.2.1 会员用户 7

3.2.2 管理员 9

3.2.3 员工用户 11

4  系统设计 13

4.1 系统结构设计 13

4.2 功能结构设计 14

4.3 数据库设计 14

4.3.1系统E-R图设计 15

4.3.2数据库表设计 18

5  系统实现 33

5.1 前台功能实现 33

5.1.1 登录 33

5.1.2 网站首页 34

5.1.3 查看动物信息 34

5.1.4 知识呈现信息 35

5.1.5 留言交流 36

5.1.6 个人中心 36

5.2 后台管理端实现 37

5.2.1 登录 37

5.2.2 动物管理 38

5.2.3 会员管理 39

5.2.4 门票销售管理 39

5.2.5 留言交流管理 40

5.2.6修改密码 41

6  系统测试 42

6.1 概述 42

6.2 测试目的 42

6.3 系统功能测试 43

6.3.1 登录测试 43

6.3.2 修改密码模块测试 43

6.3.3 会员管理模块测试 44

6.3.4 动物园管理模块测试 45

6.4 测试结果 45

结 论 47

致 谢 48

参考文献 49

基于SSM的动物园管理系统主要是提出了一个优化动物园管理的方案,规划了管理员与游客应该了解的动物信息,用户的目标和动物管理的需要是本系统的重要之处[ ]。






