
摘 要:在当今信息化的社会环境中,网络和计算机技术已经渗透到我们生活的各个方面,学费缴纳系统在高等教育机构中起着至关重要的作用,它是学校财务管理的重要组成部分。本论文旨在研究西安翻译学院学费缴纳系统的设计与实施,探讨其对学校财务管理和学生学费缴纳过程的影响。




Design and Implementation of Tuition Payment System for Xi'an Translation Institute

Abstract: In today's informationized social environment, network and computer technology have penetrated into various aspects of our lives. Tuition payment systems play a crucial role in higher education institutions and are an important component of school financial management. This paper aims to study the design and implementation of the tuition payment system at Xi'an Translation University, and explore its impact on school financial management and student tuition payment process.

Firstly, the article provides a detailed introduction to the demand background and importance of the tuition payment system at Xi'an Translation College, aiming to solve problems such as low communication efficiency, difficulty in tuition payment, and difficulty in organizing and coordinating activities within the college. Next, the paper provides a detailed description of the overall architecture and functional modules of the system, including class management, college management, pending payment management, payment management, and statistical query modules. On this basis, the article also discusses in detail the development process and main technologies of the system. Using MySQL as the backend database, Java programming, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for front-end design, a fully functional and user-friendly tuition payment system for Xi'an Translation Institute has been implemented. Finally, the results indicate that this system effectively improves the internal tuition payment method of the college, enhances management efficiency, strengthens interaction among members, and the flexibility and scalability of the system make future upgrades and renovations possible.

Keywords: student payment; Network; Xi'an Translation Institute; tuition


目 录

第1章  绪论 4

1.1 系统开发背景 4

1.2 系统开发意义 4

1.3 系统研究内容 5

第2章  系统分析 6

2.1 可行性分析 6

2.2 需求分析 6

2.3 技术分析 7

第3章  系统设计 10

3.1开发环境 10

3.2系统结构设计 10

3.3系统设计目标 11

3.4 系统功能设计 11

3.5数据库层的设计 13

第4章  系统实现 19

4.1打开系统首页 19

4.2管理员功能模块的实现 19

4.3学生功能模块的实现 23

第5章  系统测试 26

5.1  软件测试方法 26

5.2  测试结果 26

结  论 30

参考文献 31

致谢 32



为了使得设计更加完善、功能齐全,本次的学院缴费系统采用了 B/S 架构,java 技术,并结合 MySQL 数据库。



