
  • abstract
  • 解释给定的命令行
  • 命令行工具用法相关项目
  • tldr
  • 在线版tldr(推荐)😊
  • 离线版
  • 命令行版
  • eg
  • cheat


  • linux@命令行助手@Man手册补充工具@tldr@example



  • tldr-pages/tldr: 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands (github.com)
  • Command Line Interface Pages allows you to write standardized help pages for CLI, directories and configs.
  • Cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. It was designed to help remind *nix system administrators of options for commands that they use frequently, but not frequently enough to remember.
  • cheat.sh Aggregates cheat sheets from multiple sources (including tldr-pages) into 1 unified interface.
  • devhints Rico’s cheatsheets are not just focused on the command-line and include a plethora of other cheatsheets related to programming.
  • eg provides detailed examples with explanations on the command-line. Examples come from the repository, but eg supports displaying custom examples and commands alongside the defaults.
  • kb is a minimalist command-line knowledge base manager. kb can be used to organize your notes and cheatsheets in a minimalist and clean way. It also supports non-text files.
  • navi is an interactive cheatsheet tool, which allows you to browse through specific examples or complete commands on the fly.
  • bropages (deprecated) are a highly readable supplement to man pages. It shows concise, common-case examples for Unix commands. The examples are submitted by the user base, and can be voted up or down; the best entries are what people see first when they look up a command.


  • tldr是一个社区共建的项目,为命令行工具提供了简化的、实用的使用示例。不同于详尽复杂的man手册,它主要展示简洁且实际的操作案例,方便用户快速查阅和理解命令行工具的基本用法。


  1. Command Line Interface Pages(CLI Pages):允许用户为命令行工具、目录和配置文件编写标准化的帮助文档。
  2. Cheat:设计用于帮助*nix系统管理员创建和查看命令行交互式速查表,以便在不频繁使用某些命令时能快速回忆起其选项。
  3. cheat.sh:整合了包括tldr在内的多个来源的速查表数据,提供统一的查询接口。
  4. devhints(Rico的速查表):不仅关注命令行工具,还涵盖了大量与编程相关的其他速查表。
  5. eg:在命令行中提供带有详细解释的例子,例子来源于仓库,并支持显示自定义的例子和命令。
  6. kb:是一款极简主义的命令行知识库管理工具,可用于组织你的笔记和速查表,支持非文本文件类型。
  7. navi:是一款交互式的速查表工具,可让用户即时浏览特定实例或完整命令。
  8. bropages(已废弃):是man手册的一个补充,提供Unix命令的简洁、常见使用场景示例。这些示例由用户提交并可以投票进行排序,最受欢迎的条目会优先展示给查询该命令的用户。



  • 系统有浏览器的话,就可以打开,浏览体验比命令行内的要好
  • 免安装(需要联网)


  • github release下载离线手册
  • 建议下载en版,比较全(zh中文版不全)
  • 可以是zip,里面是markdown文件
  • 也可以是pdf文件
  • 最大的文件是包含了所有语言的版本,没有必要下载


  • 安装可以参考文档
  • 容易遇到报错,不太稳定


(base) #( 04/17/24@ 9:28PM )( cxxu@ColorfulCxxu ):/mnt/c/Users/cxxu/Desktop
   pip install eg
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
Collecting eg
  Downloading https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/packages/5f/3f/f55eef404adae2d5429728722d6a81ad6ac50a80e9b47be046cfbe97bc44/eg-1.2.2.tar.gz (53 kB)
     ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 53.7/53.7 kB 552.1 kB/s eta 0:00:00
  Preparing metadata (setup.py) ... done
Building wheels for collected packages: eg
  Building wheel for eg (setup.py) ... done
  Created wheel for eg: filename=eg-1.2.2-py3-none-any.whl size=67519 sha256=78402f784b7714f85beabad8694eac767c314970ad1b111dc23165440af7c1e4
  Stored in directory: /home/cxxu/.cache/pip/wheels/56/79/b3/8b31a239778737c4095f6122cdb5162c7752c464693be1b76d
Successfully built eg
Installing collected packages: eg
Successfully installed eg-1.2.2


cd /tmp \
  && wget https://github.moeyy.xyz/https://github.com/cheat/cheat/releases/download/4.4.2/cheat-linux-amd64.gz \
  && gunzip cheat-linux-amd64.gz \
  && chmod +x cheat-linux-amd64 \
  && sudo mv cheat-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/cheat