
  • windows_powershell+scoop+7zip_命令行解压缩7z包
  • references
  • 7zip安装@操作
  • windows
  • scoop方式安装
  • 搜索7zip
  • 检查是否安装成功
  • 查看7zip用法
  • 简写
  • 获取帮助🎈
  • 解压🎈
  • 指定解压目录&密码
  • 解压到带有空格等特殊字符的目录下
  • 压缩🎈
  • ref
  • example
  • 权限问题
  • 批量压缩🎈
  • 指定压缩类型为zip,批量压缩通配符匹配的文件到同一个包中
  • 查看压缩包🎈
  • 查看压缩文件信息(压缩包内条目)
  • 文件/目录名称指定
  • 解压示例
  • linux: 7z/p7zip
  • kali:Kali GNU/Linux Rolling
  • ubuntu 18
  • zip系列
  • 7z
  • Compress-archive
  • Expand-Archive
  • examples





🚀  scoop search 7zip
'main' bucket:
    7zip (21.07)
    7zip19.00-helper (19.00)
  • 检查scoop已安装软件列表
#检查scoop 安装列表7zip
🚀  scoop list
Installed apps:

Name      Version      Source Updated             Info
----      -------      ------ -------             ----
7zip      21.07        main   2022-05-05 14:05:15
coreutils 5.97.3       main   2022-05-05 15:05:07
dark      3.11.2       main   2022-05-05 14:05:55
innounp   0.50         main   2022-05-05 14:05:37
lsd       0.21.0       main   2022-04-29 11:04:13
neofetch  7.1.0        main   2022-04-29 13:04:41
neovim    0.6.1        main   2022-02-23 09:02:09
ntop      0.3.4        main   2022-04-20 10:04:36
psutils   0.2020.02.27 main   2022-02-20 15:02:51
 cxxu   ~/Downloads  ﲍ  100    19:12:14 
🚀  scoop info 7zip

Name        : 7zip
Description : A multi-format file archiver with high compression ratios
Version     : 21.07
Bucket      : main
Website     : https://www.7-zip.org
License     : LGPL-2.1-or-later
Updated at  : 2022/4/4 17:24:43
Updated by  : Issac Lin
Installed   : 21.07
Binaries    : 7z.exe
Shortcuts   : 7-Zip
Notes       : Add 7-Zip as a context menu option by running: "<root>\install-context.reg"
# 得知,二进制文件可执行文件名为`7z.exe`,可以简写为`7z`
 cxxu   ~/Downloads  ﲍ  100    19:12:46 
🚀  7z.exe

7-Zip 21.07 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2021-12-26

Usage: 7z <command> [<switches>...] <archive_name> [<file_names>...] [@listfile]

  a : Add files to archive
  b : Benchmark
  d : Delete files from archive
  e : Extract files from archive (without using directory names)
  h : Calculate hash values for files
  i : Show information about supported formats
  l : List contents of archive
  rn : Rename files in archive
  t : Test integrity of archive
  u : Update files to archive
  x : eXtract files with full paths




-o{Directory} : set Output directory
 -p{Password} : set Password
  • 这里的花括号表示-o选项和指定的目录名之间没有空格
  • 对于特殊字符,可能需要转义,保护其不被shell解释
  • 例如
7z x .\archive.zip -ooutput
7z x .\archive.zip -otarget2

PS D:\repos\scripts\jsScripts> lsd --tree
 .
├──  archive.zip
├──  clock.js
├──  output
│   ├──  clock.js
│   ├──  theSnippetYourSelectToRun.js
│   └──  timeFresher.js
├──  target2
│   ├──  clock.js
│   ├──  theSnippetYourSelectToRun.js
│   └──  timeFresher.js
├──  theSnippetYourSelectToRun.js
└──  timeFresher.js


  • 操作环境:powershell
  • 目标目录名为t est(带空格指定测试):
  • 被解压文件:当前目录下的一个名为:winmm.dll.creack_typora.7z的压缩文件
  • 7z x .\winmm.dll.creack_typora.7z -o't est'
PS D:\Program Files\Typora>  7z x .\winmm.dll.creack_typora.7z -o't est'

7-Zip 21.07 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2021-12-26

Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 3625220 bytes (3541 KiB)

Extracting archive: .\winmm.dll.creack_typora.7z
Path = .\winmm.dll.creack_typora.7z
Type = 7z
Physical Size = 3625220
Headers Size = 138
Method = LZMA2:22 BCJ
Solid = -
Blocks = 1

Everything is Ok

Size:       4083712
Compressed: 3625220

PS D:\Program Files\Typora> ls t*

        Directory: D:\Program Files\Typora

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d----         6/26/2022   7:53 PM                  t est
-a---         6/21/2022  10:04 PM      147465264 ﬓ  Typora.exe
-a---         1/19/2022  11:19 PM            319   Typora.VisualElementsManifest.xml




  • -t选项指定压缩类型(zip表示将文件(夹))压缩为zip文件
  • 压缩成zip文件
PS D:\exes\windowsTools> 7z a -tzip .\PCMaster_Green.zip .\PCMaster\

7-Zip 22.01 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2022 Igor Pavlov : 2022-07-15

Scanning the drive:
23 folders, 88 files, 77793056 bytes (75 MiB)

Creating archive: .\PCMaster_Green.zip

Add new data to archive: 23 folders, 88 files, 77793056 bytes (75 MiB)

Files read from disk: 88
Archive size: 41941641 bytes (40 MiB)
Everything is Ok
  • 结果:
PS D:\exes\windowsTools> ls *zip

        Directory: D:\exes\windowsTools

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a---        12/27/2022   5:27 PM       41941641   PCMaster_Green.zip
  • 压缩成7z文件
PS D:\Program Files\Typora> 7z a -t7z .\winmm.dll.creack_typora.7z .\winmm.dll^C


PS D:\Program Files\Typora> 7z a -t7z .\winmm.dll.creack_typora.7z .\winmm.dll

7-Zip 21.07 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2021-12-26

Scanning the drive:
1 file, 4083712 bytes (3988 KiB)

Creating archive: .\winmm.dll.creack_typora.7z

Add new data to archive: 1 file, 4083712 bytes (3988 KiB)

Files read from disk: 1
Archive size: 3625220 bytes (3541 KiB)
Everything is Ok
  • 检查压缩结果
PS D:\Program Files\Typora> ls *win*

        Directory: D:\Program Files\Typora

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a---         6/17/2022   9:59 AM        4083712   winmm.dll
-a---         6/26/2022   7:42 PM        3625220   winmm.dll.creack_typora.7z


  • 某些目录下执行文件操作需要管理员权限,所以,如果有需要,请通过管理员身份启动shell,然后再启动7z
  • 权限不足示例
Add new data to archive: 1 file, 4083712 bytes (3988 KiB)                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Error:
cannot open file
Access is denied.                                                                          

System ERROR:
Access is denied.


PS D:\exes\windowsTools> 7z a -t7z .\severial_files.7z .\ScreenToGif.exe .\config.ini

7-Zip 22.01 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2022 Igor Pavlov : 2022-07-15

Scanning the drive:
2 files, 2180811 bytes (2130 KiB)

Creating archive: .\severial_files.7z

Add new data to archive: 2 files, 2180811 bytes (2130 KiB)

Files read from disk: 2
Archive size: 298385 bytes (292 KiB)
Everything is Ok
PS D:\Program Files\Typora> 7z a -tzip '.\winmm.dll.creack_typora.zip' '.\winmm.*'

7-Zip 21.07 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2021-12-26

Scanning the drive:
2 files, 7708932 bytes (7529 KiB)

Creating archive: .\winmm.dll.creack_typora.zip

Add new data to archive: 2 files, 7708932 bytes (7529 KiB)

Files read from disk: 2
Archive size: 7372093 bytes (7200 KiB)
Everything is Ok



  • 例如,使用7z l子命令
  • 7z l .\winmm.dll.creack_typora.zip
PS D:\Program Files\Typora> 7z l .\winmm.dll.creack_typora.zip

7-Zip 21.07 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2021-12-26

Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 7372093 bytes (7200 KiB)

Listing archive: .\winmm.dll.creack_typora.zip

Path = .\winmm.dll.creack_typora.zip
Type = zip
Physical Size = 7372093

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2022-06-17 09:59:45 ....A      4083712      3746557  winmm.dll
2022-06-26 19:42:11 ....A      3625220      3625220  winmm.dll.creack_typora.7z
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2022-06-26 19:42:11            7708932      7371777  2 files


  • 建议总是加上引号,防止一些空白字符或者特殊字符引起命令行错误解释!


 cxxu   ~/Downloads  ﲍ  100    19:15:36 
🚀  7z x '.\PDF-XChange_Editor_Plus_9.2.359.0_Green(1).7z'

7-Zip 21.07 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2021-12-26

Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 142590453 bytes (136 MiB)

Extracting archive: .\PDF-XChange_Editor_Plus_9.2.359.0_Green(1).7z

Path = .\PDF-XChange_Editor_Plus_9.2.359.0_Green(1).7z
Type = 7z
Physical Size = 142590453
Headers Size = 11276
Method = LZMA:26 BCJ2
Solid = +
Blocks = 2

Everything is Ok

Folders: 17
Files: 547
Size:       484316612
Compressed: 142590453

linux: 7z/p7zip


kali:Kali GNU/Linux Rolling

┌─[cxxu@CxxuWin11] - [/mnt/d/repos/web/webLearn] - [2022-05-10 02:12:25]
└─[0] <git:(main 2852e10✗✱✈) > apt search 7zip
[sudo] password for cxxu:
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
7zip/kali-rolling,now 21.07+dfsg-4 amd64 [installed]
  7-Zip file archiver with a high compression ratio

ubuntu 18

┌─[cxxu@cxxuAli] - [~] - [2022-05-10 02:24:01]
└─[1] <> apt search 7zip
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done

p7zip/bionic,bionic,now 16.02+dfsg-6 amd64 [installed]
  7zr file archiver with high compression ratio

p7zip-full/bionic,bionic,now 16.02+dfsg-6 amd64 [installed]
  7z and 7za file archivers with high compression ratio

p7zip-rar/bionic,bionic 16.02-2 amd64
  non-free rar module for p7zip




  • rar/gzip/bzip2/zip/…
  • 7z i可以查看完整列表

PS D:\repos\scripts\jsScripts> 7z x .\archive.zip -ooutput

7-Zip 21.07 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2021-12-26

Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 2387 bytes (3 KiB)

Extracting archive: .\archive.zip
Path = .\archive.zip
Type = zip
Physical Size = 2387

Everything is Ok

Files: 3
Size:       5091
Compressed: 2387


    Creates a compressed archive, or zipped file, from specified files and directories.
    ----- Example 1: Compress files to create an archive file -----
    $compress = @{
      Path = "C:\Reference\Draftdoc.docx", "C:\Reference\Images\*.vsd"
      CompressionLevel = "Fastest"
      DestinationPath = "C:\Archives\Draft.Zip"
    Compress-Archive @compress
    The Path parameter accepts specific file names and file names with wildcards, `*.vsd`.
     The Path uses a comma-separated list to get files from different directories. The com
    pression level is Fastest to reduce processing time. The DestinationPath parameter spe
    cifies the location for the `Draft.zip` file. The `Draft.zip` file contains `Draftdoc.
    docx` and all the files with a `.vsd` extension.
    -------- Example 2: Compress files using a LiteralPath --------
    $compress = @{
    LiteralPath= "C:\Reference\Draft Doc.docx", "C:\Reference\Images\diagram2.vsd"
    CompressionLevel = "Fastest"
    DestinationPath = "C:\Archives\Draft.Zip"
    Compress-Archive @compress
    Absolute path and file names are used because the LiteralPath parameter doesn't accept
     wildcards. The Path uses a comma-separated list to get files from different directori
    es. The compression level is Fastest to reduce processing time. The DestinationPath pa
    rameter specifies the location for the `Draft.zip` file. The `Draft.zip` file only con
    tains `Draftdoc.docx` and `diagram2.vsd`.
    Example 3: Compress a directory that includes the root directory
    Compress-Archive -Path C:\Reference -DestinationPath C:\Archives\Draft.zip
    `Compress-Archive` uses the Path parameter to specify the root directory, `C:\Referenc
    e`. The DestinationPath parameter specifies the location for the archive file. The `Dr
    aft.zip` archive includes the `Reference` root directory, and all its files and subdir
    Example 4: Compress a directory that excludes the root directory
    Compress-Archive -Path C:\Reference\* -DestinationPath C:\Archives\Draft.zip
    `Compress-Archive` uses the Path parameter to specify the root directory, `C:\Referenc
    e` with an asterisk (`*`) wildcard. The DestinationPath * parameter specifies the loca
    tion for the archive file. The `Draft.zip` archive contains the root directory's files
     and subdirectories. The `Reference` root directory is excluded from the archive.
    ---- Example 5: Compress only the files in a root directory ----
    Compress-Archive -Path C:\Reference\*.* -DestinationPath C:\Archives\Draft.zip
    `Compress-Archive` uses the Path parameter to specify the root directory, `C:\Referenc
    e` with a star-dot-star (` . `) wildcard. The DestinationPath parameter specifies the 
    location for the archive file. The `Draft.zip` archive only contains the `Reference` r
    oot directory's files and the root directory is excluded.



    Extracts files from a specified archive (zipped) file.
    Extracts files from a specified archive (zipped) file.
    -------- Example 1: Extract the contents of an archive --------
    Expand-Archive -LiteralPath 'C:\Archives\Draft[v1].Zip' -DestinationPath C:\Reference
    In this example, the LiteralPath parameter is used because the filename contains chara
    cters that could be interpreted as wildcards.
    Example 2: Extract the contents of an archive in the current folder
    Expand-Archive -Path Draftv2.Zip -DestinationPath C:\Reference