
  • ​​linux_命令行助手:(manpages supplement)/获取linux命令用法示例的若干辅助命令行工具(cheat/tldr)​​
  • ​​references​​
  • ​​我的推荐​​
  • ​​ltdr(python pip/nodejs based)​​
  • ​​ltdr工具介绍​​
  • ​​获取帮助​​
  • ​​在线版tldr​​
  • ​​安装一个本地版本​​
  • ​​manly(python based)​​
  • ​​bropages(gem&ruby based)​​
  • ​​#ruby 环境安装​​
  • ​​#安装gem+bropages​​
  • ​​使用​​
  • ​​获取帮助​​
  • ​​查询某个命令​​
  • ​​示例:bro top​​
  • ​​cheat(dependent/go based/python pip based)​​
  • ​​install from github release​​
  • ​​cheat 脚本化安装(预备:获取cheat包)​​
  • ​​reference(optional)​​
  • ​​正式安装​​
  • ​​目录结构(~/.config/cheat为树的根节点)​​
  • ​​cheat 原生安装​​
  • ​​eg(by python)​​

linux_命令行助手:(manpages supplement)/获取linux命令用法示例的若干辅助命令行工具(cheat/tldr)


  • linux下如果有多个版本的python3,容易出现各种,问题,可以通过这个链接排查/解决问题

本文介绍的工具有些需要使用python pip 来安装,故在此一提.


  • tldr
  • 该工具有许多版本的实现
  • npm版的安装简单,反应速度稍慢
  • 自动更新缓存
  • Rust版,安装时占用许多资源,但是使用的时候性能好,有色彩
  • 又叫​​tealdeer​
  • 需要手动更新缓存
  • 可以取别名简化命令(下方查询双中括号的用法)
  • 其中python版的不太稳定
  • ​eg​​(by python)

ltdr(python pip/nodejs based)


  • too long don’t read(tldr)

Simplified and community-driven man pages


┌─[cxxu@cxxuAli] - [~] - [2022-04-11 02:08:13]
└─[0] <> tldr -h
- Usage: tldr command [options]
Simplified and community-driven man pages...



  • 环境预备:安装/配置nodejs&npm
  • ​npm -g install tldr​
  • python 下也有相应的tldr

manly(python based)

  • 解释您的命令所带的选项
  • 类似工具还有​​explainshells​
  • 还有在线网站
┌─[cxxu@cxxuAli] - [~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages] - [2022-04-11 02:27:24]
└─[0] <> manly -h
usage: manly [-h] [-v] ...

Explain how FLAGS modify a COMMAND's behaviour.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version display version information and exit.
# 例子
$ manly rm --preserve-root -rf

rm - remove files or directories

-f, --force
ignore nonexistent files and arguments, never prompt

do not remove '/' (default)

-r, -R, --recursive
remove directories and their contents recursively

bropages(gem&ruby based)

  • 使用体验:一般

#ruby 环境安装

sudo apt install ruby-full
# 检查版本
ruby --version


# gem可以安装bropages
sudo apt install gem
#环境准备完毕,开始下载build bropages
sudo gem install bropages



​bro -h​


​bro <commandName>​

示例:bro top

┌─[cxxu@cxxuAli] - [~] - [2022-04-11 11:44:19]
└─[0] <> bro top
/var/lib/gems/2.5.0/gems/commander-4.1.5/lib/commander/user_interaction.rb:328: warning: constant ::NIL is deprecated
commander-4.1.5/lib/commander/user_interaction.rb:328: warning: constant ::Bignum is deprecated
4 entries for top -- submit your own example with "bro add top"

# order by memory
top -o %MEM

bro thanks to upvote (4)
bro ...no to downvote (0)


# monitor the process with pid 1, 2, and 3
top -p 1, 2, 3

bro thanks 2 to upvote (5)
bro ...no 2 to downvote (2)


# Run the top command once, and only show the header and first 8 processes
# Can be further parsed with '| awk ...' in various scripts
top -n 1 | head -n 15

bro thanks 3 to upvote (3)
bro ...no 3 to downvote (1)

cheat(dependent/go based/python pip based)

install from github release

cheat 脚本化安装(预备:获取cheat包)

  • 可以安装到最新版本
  • 分为两部分
  • cheat 程序工具
  • cheatsheet/管理工具+ 数据字典(可以手动下载,也可以由cheat自动clone)
  • 手动选择下载包
  • 可以使用wget 下载合适自己版本的包
  • 如果下不下来,可以在windows浏览器下载,然后用​​scp​​等方式发送的linux
  • 国内镜像(可以clone,但似乎没有release可以下载)
  • 包的解压与权限修改+使用



  • 下例子中以​​cheat-linux-amd64.gz​​为例进行安装(最主流的包)


linux_命令行助手:(manpages supplement)/获取linux命令用法示例的若干辅助命令行工具(cheat/tldr)_python

linux_命令行助手:(manpages supplement)/获取linux命令用法示例的若干辅助命令行工具(cheat/tldr)_sed_02

gzip -dk cheat-linux-amd64.gz
sudo mv cheat-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/cheat
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cheat
cheat --version
# 随便让cheat 搜索一个命令的示例,激活该工具
cheat ls
# 将会遇到如下创建&clone提示

┌─[cxxu@CxxuWin11] - [/mnt/c/Users/cxxu] - [2022-05-01 06:42:00]
└─[0] <> cheat ls
A config file was not found. Would you like to create one now? [Y/n]: y
Would you like to download the community cheatsheets? [Y/n]: y
Cloning into ‘/home/cxxu/.config/cheat/cheatsheets/community’…

  • 建议稍等片刻,尝试能否克隆下来
# 准备cheatsheet 数据源以及配置
#mkdir -p ~/.config/cheat #如果报错,请删除掉这一行
git clone https://gitee.com/mirrors_cheat/cheatsheets ~/.config/cheat/cheatsheets/community

mkdir -p ~/.config/cheat/cheatsheets/personal
cd ~/.config/cheat
# 创建config.yml文件
> conf.yml <<eof
# The editor to use with 'cheat -e <sheet>'. Defaults to $EDITOR or $VISUAL.
editor: vim

# Should 'cheat' always colorize output?
colorize: true

# Which 'chroma' colorscheme should be applied to the output?
# Options are available here:
# https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma/tree/master/styles
style: monokai

# Which 'chroma' "formatter" should be applied?
# One of: "terminal", "terminal256", "terminal16m"
formatter: terminal16m

# Through which pager should output be piped? (Unset this key for no pager.)
pager: less -FRX

# The paths at which cheatsheets are available. Tags associated with a cheatpath
# are automatically attached to all cheatsheets residing on that path.
# Whenever cheatsheets share the same title (like 'tar'), the most local
# cheatsheets (those which come later in this file) take precedent over the
# less local sheets. This allows you to create your own "overides" for
# "upstream" cheatsheets.
# But what if you want to view the "upstream" cheatsheets instead of your own?
# Cheatsheets may be filtered via 'cheat -t <tag>' in combination with other
# commands. So, if you want to view the 'tar' cheatsheet that is tagged as
# 'community' rather than your own, you can use: cheat tar -t community

# Paths that come earlier are considered to be the most "global", and will
# thus be overridden by more local cheatsheets. That being the case, you
# should probably list community cheatsheets first.
# Note that the paths and tags listed below are placeholders. You may freely
# change them to suit your needs.
# Community cheatsheets must be installed separately, though you may have
# downloaded them automatically when installing 'cheat'. If not, you may
# download them here:
# https://github.com/cheat/cheatsheets
# Once downloaded, ensure that 'path' below points to the location at which
# you downloaded the community cheatsheets.
- name: community
path: /home/cxxu/.config/cheat/cheatsheets/community
tags: [ community ]
readonly: true

# If you have personalized cheatsheets, list them last. They will take
# precedence over the more global cheatsheets.
- name: personal
path: /home/cxxu/.config/cheat/cheatsheets/personal
tags: [ personal ]
readonly: false

# While it requires no configuration here, it's also worth noting that
# 'cheat' will automatically append directories named '.cheat' within the
# current working directory to the 'cheatpath'. This can be very useful if
# you'd like to closely associate cheatsheets with, for example, a directory
# containing source code.
# Such "directory-scoped" cheatsheets will be treated as the most "local"
# cheatsheets, and will override less "local" cheatsheets. Likewise,
# directory-scoped cheatsheets will always be editable ('readonly: false').%"


cheat 原生安装


  • 中途可能提示没有配置文件而需要从 github clone
# cxxu @ CxxuWin11 in ~ [20:04:13] C:130
$ cheat ls
A config file was not found. Would you like to create one now? [Y/n]: y
Would you like to download the community cheatsheets? [Y/n]: y

Cloning into '/home/cxxu/.config/cheat/cheatsheets/community'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1118, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (278/278), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (33/33), done.
remote: Total 1118 (delta 256), reused 245 (delta 245), pack-reused 840
Receiving objects: 100% (1118/1118), 284.04 KiB | 488.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (491/491), done.
Created config file: /home/cxxu/.config/cheat/conf.yml
Please read this file for advanced configuration information.

# cxxu @ CxxuWin11 in ~ [20:08:59]
$ cheat -v
  • 简单使用
# cxxu @ CxxuWin11 in ~ [20:13:18]
$ cheat top

# To update every <interval> samples:
top -i <interval>

# To set the delay between updates to <delay> seconds:
top -s <delay>

# To set event counting to accumulative mode:
top -a

# To set event counting to delta mode:
top -d

eg(by python)

  • ​pip install eg​
  • 使用体验:较好