Ansible 2.1 is an open-source software platform for configuring and managing computer systems. It is an automation tool that helps in streamlining the process of infrastructure management. Ansible 2.1 provides a simple and powerful way to automate IT tasks such as configuration management, application deployment, and cloud provisioning.

One of the key features of Ansible 2.1 is its ability to work across different operating systems and environments. It supports various operating systems like Linux, Windows, and macOS, as well as cloud environments like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. With Ansible 2.1, users can easily manage and automate tasks across different systems without the need for complicated configurations or setups.

Another important feature of Ansible 2.1 is its agentless architecture. Unlike other automation tools that require a separate agent to be installed on each managed node, Ansible uses SSH for communication with the managed nodes. This makes it easier to deploy Ansible and manage infrastructure without the need for additional software installations.

Ansible 2.1 uses a simple and human-readable language called YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) for writing playbooks. Playbooks are configuration files that define the tasks to be executed on the managed nodes. This makes it easy for users to write, read, and understand the configuration files, allowing for better collaboration and sharing of automation scripts.

With Ansible 2.1, users can easily automate repetitive tasks and eliminate manual errors in their infrastructure management processes. By writing playbooks that define the desired state of the system, users can ensure consistency and reliability in their configurations. Ansible 2.1 also supports idempotent execution, which means that running the same playbook multiple times will not change the system's state if it is already in the desired state.

Additionally, Ansible 2.1 provides a web-based dashboard called Ansible Tower for managing automation tasks at scale. Ansible Tower allows users to schedule and monitor automation jobs, track inventory, and manage user access control. It also provides a REST API for integrating Ansible with other tools and systems, enabling seamless automation workflows across the entire IT infrastructure.

In conclusion, Ansible 2.1 is a powerful automation tool for configuring and managing computer systems. Its simplicity, flexibility, and scalability make it an ideal choice for modern IT environments. By using Ansible 2.1, organizations can automate their infrastructure management tasks, improve efficiency, and ensure consistency in their configurations. Give Ansible 2.1 a try and experience the benefits of automation in your IT operations.