





以下是源于Google Fiance的原文:

'Treasury has delivered a thoughtful and sweeping plan which shouldprovoke intense discussion, debate and potential legislativechanges,' said Tim Ryan, president of the Securities Industry andFinancial Markets Association.

'Our present regulatory framework was born of Depression-era eventsand is not well suited for today's environment where billions ofdollars race across the globe with the click of a mouse,' Ryan saidin a statement.

But regulation is a painful subject for investment houses,particularly as they try to recover from billions of dollars inlosses over the past year from bad investments in riskymortgage-backed securities.

'We're in perilous times, and that's why we have to tread verycarefully,' Mark Bloomfield, president of the Washington-basedAmerican Council for Capital Formation, said before news of theadministration's plan. 'There are some that are skeptical of thefree market, and others who say don't touch the free market becauseyou don't know the unintended consequences.'

Typically, Wall Street's big players have taken the lead infixing their own problems in a financial survival of the fittest --historically, when one company has been in trouble, a competitor orcompetitors have taken it over. It has been rare for the governmentto take a hands-on approach to bailing out the financial sector --though that clearly is changing, and will affect how investmentbanks operate.