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Washington, Wall St. tangle on oversight

NEW YORK (AP) - One of the casualties of the ongoing creditcrisis is a long-held(长期的) notion on Wall Street -- that theinvestment banking community can take care of its own problems.

Everyone from Barack Obama to the Bush administration isfloating ideas about how to strengthen oversight of financialinstitutions after decades of deregulation. And the government isexpected to weigh in Monday with a plan to overhaul(彻底检查)regulation of entire financial servicesindustry(整个金融服务行业), from banks and securitiesfirms(证券公司) to mortgage brokers(抵押贷款经纪公司) andinsurance companies.

The administration's plan, detailed in an executivesummary(详细到每个执行细节) obtained by The AssociatedPress(美联社), would give the Federal Reserve(美联储) broadpower to oversee the stability of the financial markets. While theproposal is the result of a year-long review, and thereforepredates the beginning of the credit crisis, it does come as debatewas already under way about the government's role in the markets --particularly after the Fed intervened two weeks ago to save BearStearns Cos. (NYSE:BSC) from collapse by engineering its sale toJPMorgan Chase (NYSE:JPM PRH) (NYSE:JPM PRX) (NYSE:JPM PRK)(NYSE:JPM PRJ) (NYSE:JPT) (NYSE:JPM) & Co.

Many on Wall Street have viewed increased government regulationof investment houses, including an expanded role for the Fed as aregulator, as a tricky balancing act. The fear among analysts isthat too much regulation could hamper the companies' ability todrive profits, and in turn shift an increasing amount of businessto financial centers overseas.

But the trade group representing the securities industry didreact positively(持积极反应) to news of the administration'splan, which is expected to be detailed Monday in a speech byTreasury Secretary Henry Paulson, a former Goldman Sachs Group Inc.(NYSE:GS) chief executive.