


MultirotorMixer::mix(float *outputs, unsigned space)


float roll = math::constrain(get_control(0, 0) * _roll_scale, -1.0f, 1.0f);

float pitch = math::constrain(get_control(0, 1) * _pitch_scale, -1.0f, 1.0f);

float yaw = math::constrain(get_control(0, 2) * _yaw_scale, -1.0f, 1.0f);

float thrust = math::constrain(get_control(0, 3), 0.0f, 1.0f);

// clean out class variable used to capture saturation
_saturation_status.value = 0;

// Do the mixing using the strategy given by the current Airmode configuration
switch (_airmode) {
case Airmode::roll_pitch:
mix_airmode_rp(roll, pitch, yaw, thrust, outputs);

case Airmode::roll_pitch_yaw:
mix_airmode_rpy(roll, pitch, yaw, thrust, outputs);

case Airmode::disabled:
default: // just in case: default to disabled
mix_airmode_disabled(roll, pitch, yaw, thrust, outputs);

// Apply thrust model and scale outputs to range [idle_speed, 1].
// At this point the outputs are expected to be in [0, 1], but they can be outside, for example
// if a roll command exceeds the motor band limit.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _rotor_count; i++) {
// Implement simple model for static relationship between applied motor pwm and motor thrust
// model: thrust = (1 - _thrust_factor) * PWM + _thrust_factor * PWM^2
if (_thrust_factor > 0.0f) {
outputs[i] = -(1.0f - _thrust_factor) / (2.0f * _thrust_factor) + sqrtf((1.0f - _thrust_factor) *
(1.0f - _thrust_factor) / (4.0f * _thrust_factor * _thrust_factor) + (outputs[i] < 0.0f ? 0.0f : outputs[i] /

outputs[i] = math::constrain(_idle_speed + (outputs[i] * (1.0f - _idle_speed)), _idle_speed, 1.0f);

// Slew rate limiting and saturation checking
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _rotor_count; i++) {
bool clipping_high = false;
bool clipping_low_roll_pitch = false;
bool clipping_low_yaw = false;

// Check for saturation against static limits.
// We only check for low clipping if airmode is disabled (or yaw
// clipping if airmode==roll/pitch), since in all other cases thrust will
// be reduced or boosted and we can keep the integrators enabled, which
// leads to better tracking performance.
if (outputs[i] < _idle_speed + 0.01f) {
if (_airmode == Airmode::disabled) {
clipping_low_roll_pitch = true;
clipping_low_yaw = true;

} else if (_airmode == Airmode::roll_pitch) {
clipping_low_yaw = true;

// check for saturation against slew rate limits
if (_delta_out_max > 0.0f) {
float delta_out = outputs[i] - _outputs_prev[i];

if (delta_out > _delta_out_max) {
outputs[i] = _outputs_prev[i] + _delta_out_max;
clipping_high = true;

} else if (delta_out < -_delta_out_max) {
outputs[i] = _outputs_prev[i] - _delta_out_max;
clipping_low_roll_pitch = true;
clipping_low_yaw = true;


_outputs_prev[i] = outputs[i];

// update the saturation status report
update_saturation_status(i, clipping_high, clipping_low_roll_pitch, clipping_low_yaw);

// this will force the caller of the mixer to always supply new slew rate values, otherwise no slew rate limiting will happen
_delta_out_max = 0.0f;

return _rotor_count;





void MultirotorMixer::mix_airmode_rp(float roll, float pitch, float yaw, float thrust, float *outputs)


// Airmode for roll and pitch, but not yaw

// Mix without yaw
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _rotor_count; i++) {
outputs[i] = roll * _rotors[i].roll_scale +
pitch * _rotors[i].pitch_scale +
thrust * _rotors[i].thrust_scale;

// Thrust will be used to unsaturate if needed
_tmp_array[i] = _rotors[i].thrust_scale;

minimize_saturation(_tmp_array, outputs, _saturation_status);

// Mix yaw independently
mix_yaw(yaw, outputs);


void MultirotorMixer::mix_airmode_rpy(float roll, float pitch, float yaw, float thrust, float *outputs)


// Airmode for roll, pitch and yaw

// Do full mixing
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _rotor_count; i++) {
outputs[i] = roll * _rotors[i].roll_scale +
pitch * _rotors[i].pitch_scale +
yaw * _rotors[i].yaw_scale +
thrust * _rotors[i].thrust_scale;

// Thrust will be used to unsaturate if needed
_tmp_array[i] = _rotors[i].thrust_scale;

minimize_saturation(_tmp_array, outputs, _saturation_status);


for (unsigned i = 0; i < _rotor_count; i++) {
// Implement simple model for static relationship between applied motor pwm and motor thrust
// model: thrust = (1 - _thrust_factor) * PWM + _thrust_factor * PWM^2
if (_thrust_factor > 0.0f) {
outputs[i] = -(1.0f - _thrust_factor) / (2.0f * _thrust_factor) + sqrtf((1.0f - _thrust_factor) *
(1.0f - _thrust_factor) / (4.0f * _thrust_factor * _thrust_factor) + (outputs[i] < 0.0f ? 0.0f : outputs[i] /

outputs[i] = math::constrain(_idle_speed + (outputs[i] * (1.0f - _idle_speed)), _idle_speed, 1.0f);


MultirotorMixer::mix(float *outputs, unsigned space)