ECCV2022 | 生成对抗网络GAN部分论文汇总

CVPR 2022 | 25+方向、最新50篇GAN论文

 ICCV 2021 | 35个主题GAN论文汇总

超110篇!CVPR 2021最全GAN论文梳理

超100篇!CVPR 2020最全GAN论文梳理

001  (2022-08-30) Controllable 3D Generative Adversarial Face Model via Disentangling Shape and Appearance


002  (2022-08-29) Deformable Image Registration using Unsupervised Deep Learning for CBCT-guided Abdominal Radiotherapy


003  (2022-08-26) Learning From Positive and Unlabeled Data Using Observer-GAN


004  (2022-08-25) User-Controllable Latent Transformer for StyleGAN Image Layout Editing


005  (2022-08-25) Bokeh-Loss GAN  Multi-Stage Adversarial Training for Realistic Edge-Aware Bokeh


006  (2022-08-25) Adversarial Bayesian Simulation


007  (2022-08-25) Combating Mode Collapse in GANs via Manifold Entropy Estimation


008  (2022-08-25) Massive Data Generation for Deep Learning-aided Wireless Systems Using Meta Learning and Generative Adversarial Network


009  (2022-08-24) GAN-based generative modelling for dermatological applications -- comparative study


010  (2022-08-24) Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) based Image-Deblurring


011  (2022-08-24) Unrestricted Black-box Adversarial Attack Using GAN with Limited Queries


012  (2022-08-23) 3D-FM GAN  Towards 3D-Controllable Face Manipulation


013  (2022-08-21) Instability and Local Minima in GAN Training with Kernel Discriminators


014  (2022-08-19) TopoDiff  A Performance and Constraint-Guided Diffusion Model for Topology Optimization


015  (2022-08-18) Mind the Gap in Distilling StyleGANs


016  (2022-08-18) Musika  Fast Infinite Waveform Music Generation


017  (2022-08-18) Generating Synthetic Clinical Data that Capture Class Imbalanced Distributions with Generative Adversarial Networks  Example using Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV


018  (2022-08-16) Novel Deep Learning Approach to Derive Cytokeratin Expression and Epithelium Segmentation from DAPI


019  (2022-08-16) Interference Cancellation GAN Framework for Dynamic Channels


020  (2022-08-16) Federated Multi-Discriminator BiWGAN-GP based Collaborative Anomaly Detection for Virtualized Network Slicing


021  (2022-08-12) Hyperparameter Optimization of Generative Adversarial Network Models for High-Energy Physics Simulations


022  (2022-07-12) A Hybrid Approach on Conditional GAN for Portfolio Analysis


023  (2022-08-13) A new way of video compression via forward-referencing using deep learning


024  (2022-08-12) Scale-free Photo-realistic Adversarial Pattern Attack


025  (2022-08-12) Image Translation Based Nuclei Segmentation for Immunohistochemistry Images


026  (2022-08-11) TBI-GAN  An Adversarial Learning Approach for Data Synthesis on Traumatic Brain Segmentation


027  (2022-08-11) A deep-learning approach for reconstructing 3D turbulent flows from 2D observation data


028  (2022-08-10) FIGO  Enhanced Fingerprint Identification Approach Using GAN and One Shot Learning Techniques


029  (2022-08-9) Longitudinal Prediction of Postnatal Brain Magnetic Resonance Images via a Metamorphic Generative Adversarial Network


030  (2022-08-9) Improved Multiple-Image-Based Reflection Removal Algorithm Using Deep Neural Networks


031  (2022-08-9) Disentangled Representation Learning Using ($β$-)VAE and GAN


032  (2022-07-16) [Reproducibility Report] Path Planning using Neural A* Search


033  (2022-08-8) Towards Semantic Communications  Deep Learning-Based Image Semantic Coding


034  (2022-08-5) Dynamic Adaptive and Adversarial Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Forecasting


035  (2022-08-4) Beyond Stationary Simulation; Modern Approaches to Stochastic Modelling


036  (2022-08-4) Latent Multi-Relation Reasoning for GAN-Prior based Image Super-Resolution


037  (2022-08-4) Visually Evaluating Generative Adversarial Networks Using Itself under Multivariate Time Series


038  (2022-08-4) A Representation Modeling Based Language GAN with Completely Random Initialization


039  (2022-08-3) Towards Generating Large Synthetic Phytoplankton Datasets for Efficient Monitoring of Harmful Algal Blooms


040  (2022-08-3) Unsupervised Discovery of Semantic Concepts in Satellite Imagery with Style-based Wavelet-driven Generative Models


041  (2022-08-2) Learning to Incorporate Texture Saliency Adaptive Attention to Image Cartoonization


042  (2022-08-1) A Deep Generative Model for Feasible and Diverse Population Synthesis


043  (2022-08-2) Explicit Use of Fourier Spectrum in Generative Adversarial Networks


044  (2022-08-1) A Multifaceted Benchmarking of Synthetic Electronic Health Record Generation Models


045  (2022-08-1) GANDSE  Generative Adversarial Network based Design Space Exploration for Neural Network Accelerator Design


046  (2022-07-28) A Hybrid CNN-LSTM model for Video Deepfake Detection by Leveraging Optical Flow Features


047  (2022-08-4) Interaction Mix and Match  Synthesizing Close Interaction using Conditional Hierarchical GAN with Multi-Hot Class Embedding


048  (2022-07-31) Design What You Desire  Icon Generation from Orthogonal Application and Theme Labels


049  (2022-07-29) GLEAN  Generative Latent Bank for Image Super-Resolution and Beyond


050  (2022-08-3) SYNTA  A novel approach for deep learning-based image analysis in muscle histopathology using photo-realistic synthetic data
