
看到这幅图了吗,这是来自微软AI School一位学员Robin Yao和他的团队伙伴带来的一个名为Poem Artists的工具根据白居易的诗词自动生成的,这是一个可以给中国古诗生成中英释义和精美插图的自动化工具。让我们一起来欣赏一下吧!


[唐代] 李白



Chinese version: 


English version: 

This poem is called "Thoughts in a Quiet Night," written by the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai. The poem describes a quiet night when the poet lies in bed and sees the bright moonlight on the ground, mistaking it for frost. The poet looks up at the bright moon, then lowers his head and begins to miss his hometown far away. This poem uses simple words to depict the poet's longing for his hometown. Through this poem, we can understand that no matter where we are, our hometown is always the warmest place in our hearts. This poem also tells us to cherish the time spent with our family, as these are our most precious memories.



[唐代] 李白



Chinese version:


English version: 

This poem is called "Setting Out Early from the White Emperor's City," written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai. The poem describes the poet's journey by boat from the White Emperor's City to Jiangling along the Yangtze River in the morning. The poet depicts the misty White Emperor's City in the early morning and the beautiful scenery along the river. He writes, "Morning farewell to the White Emperor's City among colorful clouds," meaning that when he says goodbye to the White Emperor's City in the morning, the colorful clouds in the sky are beautiful. Next, he says, "A thousand miles to Jiangling, returned in a single day," indicating that the boat travels a thousand miles and can reach Jiangling in just one day. The poem also mentions, "On both banks, the monkeys' cries never cease," implying that monkeys on both sides of the river keep calling, creating a mysterious atmosphere. Finally, "The light boat has already passed through layers of mountains," indicating that the small boat the poet is riding has already passed through many layers of mountains. The entire poem depicts the beautiful natural scenery of the Yangtze River and the poet's emotions when leaving the White Emperor's City.



[唐代] 杜牧



Chinese version: 


English version: 

"Mountain Journey" is a poem that describes the scenery in the mountains. The poet depicts a sloping stone path leading up the mountain, surrounded by houses hidden deep in the white clouds. The poet stops the car here and sits down to enjoy the beautiful maple forest during the evening. The red color of the frosty leaves is even more vibrant than the flowers in February. The poet uses simple language to express the charm of the natural beauty in the mountains, allowing people to feel the beauty of nature. This poem can teach children how to use poetry to describe natural scenery and inspire their love for nature.



[唐代] 刘禹锡



Chinese version: 


English version: 

This poem is called "Lang Tao Sha," and it describes the magnificent scenery of the Yellow River. The poet uses vivid descriptions to let us feel the vastness and breadth of the Yellow River. The "nine bends" of the Yellow River refer to its winding course, and "ten thousand miles of sand" describes the long distance of the river. The waves of the Yellow River constantly wash the riverbanks, scattering sand everywhere. The poet compares the Yellow River to the Milky Way, expressing his desire to soar into the sky. The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl are a love story in Chinese mythology, who can only meet once a year on the Qixi Festival. The poet wants to join them, reflecting his longing for beautiful love and a happy life. This poem shows us the grand scenery of the Yellow River while also expressing the poet's emotions and aspirations.



[宋代] 王安石



Chinese version: 


English version: 

This poem is called "Plum Blossoms" and it describes the beauty of plum blossoms. In this poem, the poet describes a plum tree in the corner of a wall. Plum blossoms are unique because they don't bloom in spring like other flowers, but in the cold winter, they bloom alone. This is what the poem refers to as "blooming alone in the cold". Although snowflakes are also white, we can tell from a distance that these white things are not snow because plum blossoms have a beautiful fragrance, which is "knowing it's not snow from afar, for the hidden fragrance comes." Through the description of plum blossoms, this poem shows the strong and independent qualities of plum blossoms and allows us to appreciate the beauty of nature.



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