
看到这幅图了吗,这是来自微软AI School一位学员Robin Yao和他的团队伙伴带来的一个名为Poem Artists的工具根据著名古诗《使至塞上》自动生成的,这是一个可以给中国古诗生成中英解释和精美插图的自动化工具。让我们一起来欣赏一下吧!


[唐代] 李白





English Version: 

This poem is called "Viewing the Waterfall at Mount Lu" and was written by the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai. The poem describes the waterfall landscape of Mount Lu, showing the magnificent scenery of nature. In the poem, "Sunlight shines on the incense burner, creating purple smoke" describes the sunlight shining on the mountain, with purple smoke filling the air. This line tells us that it's a sunny day, and the purple smoke adds a sense of mystery to the mountain. The following line, "From afar, the waterfall hangs like a painting in the river," vividly describes the distant waterfall as if it were a painting hanging between the mountains. The word "hangs" allows us to imagine the waterfall as a beautiful scroll, suspended in nature's gallery. "The torrent plunges down three thousand feet" portrays the waterfall's water cascading from a great height, with a drop of three thousand feet. This line allows us to feel the majestic power of the waterfall. The final line, "As if the Milky Way has fallen from the ninth heaven," is the poet's imaginative comparison of the waterfall to the Milky Way in the sky, as if falling from the ninth heaven. The phrase "as if" expresses the poet's astonishment at the beautiful scene while also allowing us to feel the poet's imagination. In summary, this poem presents the magnificent natural scenery of Mount Lu's waterfall and showcases the poet's imagination through its vivid descriptions. It is a poem full of artistic conception, allowing readers to appreciate the beauty of the landscape and the poet's emotions.




[唐代] 杜甫







English version:

This poem is called "A Delightful Rain on a Spring Night" and was written by the Tang Dynasty poet, Du Fu. The poem describes how the wonderful spring rain always falls during the spring season, which is when everything comes back to life. The spring rain gently enters the night along with the wind, silently nourishing the earth and allowing all things to grow. At night, the paths in the fields and the clouds become dark, with only the lights on the boats by the river remaining bright. In the morning, we can see that the flowers after the rain are even more vibrant, as beautiful as the city of Jinguan (now Chengdu). This poem expresses the poet's love for spring rain and the beautiful scenes it brings to the earth.





[唐代] 杜甫







English version:

 "Looking at Mount Tai" is a poem written by the famous Tang Dynasty poet, Du Fu. This poem expresses the poet's admiration for Mount Tai and his own aspirations. Mount Tai is located in Shandong Province, China, and is the easternmost of the Five Sacred Mountains, holding a high status in Chinese culture. In the poem, "How majestic is Mount Tai? The green of Qi and Lu never ends." depicts the grandeur of Mount Tai. Following that, "Nature's clock shows divine beauty, as yin and yang separate dusk and dawn." expresses the magic of Mount Tai's natural scenery. The poet uses "My chest heaves with layers of clouds, my eyes widen to see the returning birds." to describe the clouds and birds of Mount Tai, allowing us to feel its vitality. Finally, the poet writes, "I will rise to the highest peak, and look down upon all the small mountains." This line expresses the poet's ambition to climb Mount Tai and overlook the other mountains. This poem not only praises the beauty of Mount Tai but also expresses the poet's lofty aspirations.




[唐代] 白居易





English version: 

This poem is called "Peach Blossoms at the Dalin Temple," and it describes the beautiful scenery of peach blossoms blooming in the temple. The poet uses simple words to depict a beautiful scene. The line "In the human world, the fragrance of April has faded" tells us that in the world, the flowers of spring have withered away by April. However, "Peach blossoms in the mountain temple begin to bloom" shows that in the Dalin Temple, peach blossoms are just starting to bloom, as if spring has returned. The poet laments, "I've long regretted that spring has gone without a trace," meaning he is sad that spring has left and can't find its trace. In the end, the poet discovers, "Unknowingly, it has entered here," and realizes that the beauty of spring lies in the peach blossoms at the Dalin Temple. This poem teaches us that the beauty of nature can be found in unexpected places, and we should learn to appreciate the beauty around us.




[唐代] 刘禹锡





English version: 

This poem, titled "Wuyi Alley," describes an ancient street and the surrounding scenery. The poet uses the wildflowers by the Zhuque Bridge and the slanting sunset at the entrance of Wuyi Alley to paint a beautiful picture. The poem also mentions the swallows that used to be in front of the Wang and Xie halls, which now fly into the homes of ordinary people. Here, "swallows in front of the Wang and Xie halls" symbolize the nobles of the past, while "ordinary people's homes" represent commoners. This poem expresses the poet's nostalgia for the past while also showing the changes in the world. The glory of the past nobles fades with time, and the lives of ordinary people become more beautiful.




[唐代] 王昌龄





English version: 

This poem is called "Out of the Frontier" and is written by Wang Zhihuan. The first line, "The moon shines over the gate in the Qin Dynasty, and the gate remains in the Han Dynasty," talks about the history of the gate, implying that it has a long history. The second line, "Ten thousand miles away, the soldiers have not yet returned," tells us that the soldiers are far from home and have not yet returned. The "long march" here refers to the long journey that the soldiers have to take. The third line, "As long as the brave generals of the Dragon City are present," means that as long as there are brave generals, they can defend this place. The "Dragon City generals" here refers to the brave generals. The last line, "Won't let the enemy's horses cross the Yinshan Mountains," means that the enemy's horses will not be allowed to cross the mountains. Here, "enemy's horses" refers to the horses of the enemy, and "Yinshan" is the name of a mountain. This poem expresses the author's loyalty to the country and respect for the soldiers.




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