编译:gcc -g -Wall -O0 fuck.c -o fuck `pkg-config --libs --cflags glib-2.0`




#include <glib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

GTree* t = g_tree_new((GCompareFunc)g_ascii_strcasecmp);

g_tree_insert(t, "c", "Chicago");

printf("The tree height is %d because there's only one node\n", g_tree_height(t));

g_tree_insert(t, "b", "Boston");

g_tree_insert(t, "d", "Detroit");

printf("Height is %d since c is root; b and d are children\n", g_tree_height(t));

printf("There are %d nodes in the tree\n", g_tree_nnodes(t));

g_tree_remove(t, "d");

printf("After remove(), there are %d nodes in the tree\n", g_tree_nnodes(t));


return 0;


***** Output *****

The tree height is 1 because there's only one node

Height is 2 since c is root; b and d are children

There are 3 nodes in the tree

After remove(), there are 2 nodes in the tree



在前面的 GHashTable 部分已经看到了 replace 和 steal 函数名, 关于 GTree 的函数也是如此。

g_tree_replace 会同时替换一个 GTree 条目的键和值,不同于 g_tree_insert,如果要插入的键是重复的,则它只是将值替换。

不需要调用任何 GDestroyNotify 函数,g_tree_steal 就可以删除一个节点。 这里是一个示例:

#include <glib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

void key_d(gpointer data) {

printf("Key %s destroyed\n", data);


void value_d(gpointer data) {

printf("Value %s destroyed\n", data);


int main(int argc, char** argv) {

GTree* t = g_tree_new_full((GCompareDataFunc)g_ascii_strcasecmp,

NULL, (GDestroyNotify)key_d, (GDestroyNotify)value_d);

g_tree_insert(t, "c", "Chicago");

g_tree_insert(t, "b", "Boston");

g_tree_insert(t, "d", "Detroit");

printf(">Replacing 'b', should get destroy callbacks\n");

g_tree_replace(t, "b", "Billings");

printf(">Stealing 'b', no destroy notifications will occur\n");

g_tree_steal(t, "b");

printf(">Destroying entire tree now\n");


return 0;


***** Output *****

>Replacing 'b', should get destroy callbacks

Value Boston destroyed

Key b destroyed

>Stealing 'b', no destroy notifications will occur

>Destroying entire tree now

Key d destroyed

Value Detroit destroyed

Key c destroyed

Value Chicago destroyed



GTree 具备只查找键或者同时查找键和值的方法。这与在 GHashTable 部分中接触到的非常类似;

有一个 lookup 以及一个 lookup_extended。这里是一个示例:

#include <glib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

GTree* t = g_tree_new((GCompareFunc)g_ascii_strcasecmp);

g_tree_insert(t, "c", "Chicago");

g_tree_insert(t, "b", "Boston");

g_tree_insert(t, "d", "Detroit");

printf("The data at 'b' is %s\n", g_tree_lookup(t, "b"));

printf("%s\n", g_tree_lookup(t, "a") ? "My goodness!" : "As expected, couldn't find 'a'");

gpointer* key = NULL;

gpointer* value = NULL;

g_tree_lookup_extended(t, "c", (gpointer*)&key, (gpointer*)&value);

printf("The data at '%s' is %s\n", key, value);

gboolean found = g_tree_lookup_extended(t, "a", (gpointer*)&key, (gpointer*)&value);

printf("%s\n", found ? "My goodness!" : "As expected, couldn't find 'a'");


return 0;


***** Output *****

The data at 'b' is Boston

As expected, couldn't find 'a'

The data at 'c' is Chicago

As expected, couldn't find 'a'


使用 foreach 列出树

GTree 提供了一个 g_tree_foreach 函数,用来以有序的顺序遍历整棵对。这里是一个示例:

#include <glib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

gboolean iter_all(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) {

printf("%s, %s\n", key, value);

return FALSE;


gboolean iter_some(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) {

printf("%s, %s\n", key, value);

return g_ascii_strcasecmp(key, "b") == 0;


int main(int argc, char** argv) {

GTree* t = g_tree_new((GCompareFunc)g_ascii_strcasecmp);

g_tree_insert(t, "d", "Detroit");

g_tree_insert(t, "a", "Atlanta");

g_tree_insert(t, "c", "Chicago");

g_tree_insert(t, "b", "Boston");

printf("Iterating all nodes\n");

g_tree_foreach(t, (GTraverseFunc)iter_all, NULL);

printf("Iterating some of the nodes\n");

g_tree_foreach(t, (GTraverseFunc)iter_some, NULL);


return 0;


***** Output *****

Iterating all nodes

a, Atlanta

b, Boston

c, Chicago

d, Detroit

Iterating some of the nodes

a, Atlanta

b, Boston



可以使用 g_tree_foreach 搜索条目,如果知道键,可以使用 g_tree_lookup。 不过,要进行更复杂地搜索,可以使用 g_tree_search 函数。


#include <glib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

gint finder(gpointer key, gpointer user_data) {

int len = strlen((char*)key);

if (len == 3) {

return 0;


return (len < 3) ? 1 : -1;


int main(int argc, char** argv) {

GTree* t = g_tree_new((GCompareFunc)g_ascii_strcasecmp);

g_tree_insert(t, "dddd", "Detroit");

g_tree_insert(t, "a", "Annandale");

g_tree_insert(t, "ccc", "Cleveland");

g_tree_insert(t, "bb", "Boston");

gpointer value = g_tree_search(t, (GCompareFunc)finder, NULL);

printf("Located value %s; its key is 3 characters long\n", value);


return 0;


***** Output *****

Located value Cleveland; its key is 3 characters long


不只是二叉:n-叉 树

GLib n-叉 树实现基于 GNode 数据结构;以前所述,它允许每个父节点有多个子节点。 好像很少会用到它,不过,完整起见,这里给出一个用法示例:

#include <glib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

gboolean iter(GNode* n, gpointer data) {

printf("%s ", n->data);

return FALSE;


int main(int argc, char** argv) {

GNode* root = g_node_new("Atlanta");

g_node_append(root, g_node_new("Detroit"));

GNode* portland = g_node_prepend(root, g_node_new("Portland"));

printf(">Some cities to start with\n");

g_node_traverse(root, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, iter, NULL);

printf("\n>Inserting Coos Bay before Portland\n");

g_node_insert_data_before(root, portland, "Coos Bay");

g_node_traverse(root, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, iter, NULL);

printf("\n>Reversing the child nodes\n");


g_node_traverse(root, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, iter, NULL);

printf("\n>Root node is %s\n", g_node_get_root(portland)->data);

printf(">Portland node index is %d\n", g_node_child_index(root, "Portland"));


return 0;


***** Output *****

>Some cities to start with

Atlanta Portland Detroit

>Inserting Coos Bay before Portland

Atlanta Coos Bay Portland Detroit

>Reversing the child nodes

Atlanta Detroit Portland Coos Bay

>Root node is Atlanta

>Portland node index is 1