编译:gcc -g -Wall -O0 fuck.c -o fuck `pkg-config --libs --cflags glib-2.0`




#include <glib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

GArray* a = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(char*));

char* first = "hello", *second = "there", *third = "world";

g_array_append_val(a, first);

g_array_append_val(a, second);

g_array_append_val(a, third);

printf("There are now %d items in the array\n", a->len);

printf("The first item is '%s'\n", g_array_index(a, char*, 0));

printf("The third item is '%s'\n", g_array_index(a, char*, 2));

g_array_remove_index(a, 1);

printf("There are now %d items in the array\n", a->len);

g_array_free(a, FALSE);

return 0;


***** Output *****

There are now 3 items in the array

The first item is 'hello'

The third item is 'world'

There are now 2 items in the array


更多 new/free 选项

本示例中包含创建和销毁 GArray 的一些不同方法:

#include <glib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

GArray* a = g_array_sized_new(TRUE, TRUE, sizeof(int), 16);

printf("Array preallocation is hidden, so array size == %d\n", a->len);

printf("Array was init'd to zeros, so 3rd item is = %d\n", g_array_index(a, int, 2));

g_array_free(a, FALSE);

// this creates an empty array, then resizes it to 16 elements

a = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(char));

g_array_set_size(a, 16);

g_array_free(a, FALSE);

a = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(char));

char* x = g_strdup("hello world");

g_array_append_val(a, x);

g_array_free(a, TRUE);

return 0;


***** Output *****

Array preallocation is hidden, so array size == 0

Array was init'd to zeros, so 3rd item is = 0



到目前为止您已经看到如何使用 g_array_append_val 将数据添加到数组。不过,有其他的方式可以将数据置入数组,如下所示:

#include <glib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

void prt(GArray* a) {

printf("Array holds: ");

int i;

for (i = 0; i < a->len; i++)

printf("%d ", g_array_index(a, int, i));



int main(int argc, char** argv) {

GArray* a = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(int));

printf("Array is empty, so appending some values\n");

int x[2] = {4,5};

g_array_append_vals(a, &x, 2);


printf("Now to prepend some values\n");

int y[2] = {2,3};

g_array_prepend_vals(a, &y, 2);


printf("And one more prepend\n");

int z = 1;

g_array_prepend_val(a, z);


g_array_free(a, FALSE);

return 0;


***** Output *****

Array is empty, so appending some values

Array holds: 4 5

Now to prepend some values

Array holds: 2 3 4 5

And one more prepend

Array holds: 1 2 3 4 5




#include <glib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

void prt(GArray* a) {

printf("Array holds: ");

int i;

for (i = 0; i < a->len; i++)

printf("%d ", g_array_index(a, int, i));



int main(int argc, char** argv) {

GArray* a = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(int));

int x[2] = {1,5};

g_array_append_vals(a, &x, 2);


printf("Inserting a '2'\n");

int b = 2;

g_array_insert_val(a, 1, b);


printf("Inserting multiple values\n");

int y[2] = {3,4};

g_array_insert_vals(a, 2, y, 2);


g_array_free(a, FALSE);

return 0;


***** Output *****

Array holds: 1 5

Inserting a '2'

Array holds: 1 2 5

Inserting multiple values

Array holds: 1 2 3 4 5



有三种方法可以从 GArray 删除数据:

* g_array_remove_index 和 g_array_remove_range,这两个函数会保持现有顺序

* g_array_remove_index_fast,不保持现有顺序


#include <glib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

void prt(GArray* a) {

int i;

printf("Array holds: ");

for (i = 0; i < a->len; i++)

printf("%d ", g_array_index(a, int, i));



int main(int argc, char** argv) {

GArray* a = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(int));

int x[6] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};

g_array_append_vals(a, &x, 6);


printf("Removing the first item\n");

g_array_remove_index(a, 0);


printf("Removing the first two items\n");

g_array_remove_range(a, 0, 2);


printf("Removing the first item very quickly\n");

g_array_remove_index_fast(a, 0);


g_array_free(a, FALSE);

return 0;


***** Output *****

Array holds: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Removing the first item

Array holds: 2 3 4 5 6

Removing the first two items

Array holds: 4 5 6

Removing the first item very quickly

Array holds: 6 5



对 GArray 排序很直观;它使用的是在 GList 和 GSList 部分已经出现过的 GCompareFunc:

#include <glib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

void prt(GArray* a) {

int i;

printf("Array holds: ");

for (i = 0; i < a->len; i++)

printf("%d ", g_array_index(a, int, i));



int compare_ints(gpointer a, gpointer b) {

int* x = (int*)a;

int* y = (int*)b;

return *x - *y;


int main(int argc, char** argv) {

GArray* a = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(int));

int x[6] = {2,1,6,5,4,3};

g_array_append_vals(a, &x, 6);



g_array_sort(a, (GCompareFunc)compare_ints);


g_array_free(a, FALSE);

return 0;


***** Output *****

Array holds: 2 1 6 5 4 3


Array holds: 1 2 3 4 5 6


指针数组   有错误需要调试

GLib 还提供了 GPtrArray,这是一个为保存指针专门设计的数组。使用它比使用基本的 GArray 更简单,因为在创建或者添加、

索引元素时不需要指定具体类型。它与 GArray 非常类似,所以我们将只是回顾基本操作的一些示例:

#include <glib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

GPtrArray* a = g_ptr_array_new();

g_ptr_array_add(a, g_strdup("hello "));

g_ptr_array_add(a, g_strdup("again "));

g_ptr_array_add(a, g_strdup("there "));

g_ptr_array_add(a, g_strdup("world "));

g_ptr_array_add(a, g_strdup("\n"));

printf(">Here are the GPtrArray contents\n");

g_ptr_array_foreach(a, (GFunc)printf, NULL);

printf(">Removing the third item\n");

g_ptr_array_remove_index(a, 2);

g_ptr_array_foreach(a, (GFunc)printf, NULL);

printf(">Removing the second and third item\n");

g_ptr_array_remove_range(a, 1, 2);

g_ptr_array_foreach(a, (GFunc)printf, NULL);

printf("The first item is '%s'\n", g_ptr_array_index(a, 0));

g_ptr_array_free(a, TRUE);

return 0;


***** Output *****

>Here are the GPtrArray contents

hello again there world

>Removing the third item

hello again world

>Removing the second and third item


The first item is 'hello '



GLib 提供了另一个特定类型的数组是 GByteArray。它与您已经了解的类型非常类似,不过有一些区别,因为它是为存储二进制数据而设计的。

它非常便于在循环中读取二进制数据,因为它隐藏了“read into a buffer-resize buffer-read some more”的周期。这里是一些示例代码:

#include <glib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

GByteArray* a = g_byte_array_new();

guint8 x = 0xFF;

g_byte_array_append(a, &x, sizeof(x));

printf("The first byte value (in decimal) is %d\n", a->data[0]);

x = 0x01;

g_byte_array_prepend(a, &x, sizeof(x));

printf("After prepending, the first value is %d\n", a->data[0]);

g_byte_array_remove_index(a, 0);

printf("After removal, the first value is again %d\n", a->data[0]);

g_byte_array_append(g_byte_array_append(a, &x, sizeof(x)), &x, sizeof(x));

printf("After two appends, array length is %d\n", a->len);

g_byte_array_free(a, TRUE);

return 0;


***** Output *****

The first byte value (in decimal) is 255

After prepending, the first value is 1

After removal, the first value is again 255

After two appends, array length is 3