@16 What contribution did you make to your company?(您为公司做出了什么贡献?)

When talking about the contribution to my company, one thing reminds me. I think it was 2 years ago, when I was the Manager of XX Department in an E-business Company, XX.

The problem faced by the company at that time is that it was troubled with high operating cost and low delivery efficiency. In order to make the situation better, I worked with my colleagues on the Information System for about half a year, and also brought forward our plans of how to better our warehouses and deliveries.

The job was well done, and we successfully cut operating cost by 20%. It was because of this that I was promoted to the Vice president of this company.


当谈到最大的成就时,有一件事让我想起。我认为那是发生在两年前,(当时)我在一 家电子商务公司也就是 XX(公司名)担任 XX 部经理。

当时公司面临的问题是经营成本高,交货效率低。为了使情况好转,我和同事们在信息 系统方面工作了大约半年,还提出了如何改进仓库和交货的计划。

这项工作被很好地完成,并且我们成功地将运营成本降低了 20%。正因为如此,我被 提升为这家公司的副总经理。

@17 How to lead a team? (Are you a leader now, and how do you management your team?)(如何带领/管理团队?)

I believe the main rule to lead a team is people orientated which means we should pay much attention to people’s needs.

  • Firstly, I will get to know all team members’ needs on work.
  • Then, I will try to provide the resources to them.
  • The last but not least,I will try to be fair and equal to every member.



  • 首先,我将了解所有团队成员的工作需求。
  • 然后,我会尽力为他们提供资源。
  • 最后但并非最不重要的一点,我将努力公平和平等地对待每一个成员。

@18 How about your communication, and how to obtain good communication skills?(如何获得良好的沟通技巧? )

I think there are many ways to obtain good communication skills.
Firstly, we can practice listening skills. Be considerate of other speakers. Secondly, I think we should learn how to understand and appreciate the opposing

points of view by being open-minded and making an effort to see things from others' perspective.

Thirdly, we can meet new and interesting people to develop a variety of communication skills.



  • 首先,我们可以练习听力技巧。为其他讲话者着想。
  • 第二,我认为我们应该学会理解和欣赏对立的观点,虚心,努力从别人的角度看问题。
  • 第三,我们可以结识新的、有趣的人,培养各种沟通技巧。

@19 How do you evaluate your leadership?(您如何评价自己的领导能力?)

Well, when it comes to how to evaluate my leadership, I think there are three main points.

  • First, my team would like to follow my lead.
  • Secondly,I can lead the team to complete KPI every year.
  • Thirdly I am an outgoing person, and I have good relationships with colleagues.

To sum up, I think my leadership is above average.



  • 首先,我的团队愿意跟随我。
  • 其次,我可以带领团队完成每年的 KPI。
  • 第三,我是一个外向的人,与同事之间有良好的关系。


@20 How to become an excellent sale?(如何成为优秀的销售?)

In my opinion, to become an excellent sale needs many skills and good personality.

An excellent sale should have not only sales skill, but also good ability of learning. So we should keep pace with the age to learn more knowledge.

Besides, an excellent sale is expected to have great social skills, so we should know how to maintain relationship with different people to expend our network.



一个优秀的销售人员不仅要有销售技巧,还要有良好的学习能力。所以我们应该跟上时 代的步伐去学习更多的知识。

此外,一个优秀的销售人员应该具备很强的社交能力,所以我们应该知道如何与不同的 人保持关系,扩大我们的人际网络。

@21 What if your client denies you? What would you do?(如果您的客户否定你怎么办?你会怎么做?)

If my client denies me, I think I will do many things to solve this problem.

  • First of all, I will try my best to find the reasons. In this step, I will analysis whether I did something wrong.
  • Secondly, I will try to find what is the client’s real needs.

After I refine my proposal, then I will back to him/her again.



  • 首先,我会尽力找出原因。在这一步中,我将分析我是否做错了什么。
  • 其次,我会努力找出客户真正的需求是什么。


@22 What would you do if others don ’ t like you?(如果别人不喜欢你,你会怎么做?)

Well, no one is perfect, thus we can’t guarantee everyone likes us.

When you ask me what would I do if others don’t like me, I would say just be myself. After all, we cannot please everyone.

But I will try to show my kindness to him/her, because I am a good guy, I believe he/she will feel it someday.


嗯,没有人是完美的,所以我们不能保证每个人都喜欢我们。 如果要问我如果别人不喜欢我怎么办,我想说就做自己,毕竟我们不能取悦所有人。 但是我会尽力向他/她表达我的善意,因为我是一个好人,我相信他/她总有一天会感到。

@23 How do your company deal with the epidemic?(贵公司如何应对流行病?)

Well, when facing the epidemic, our company did a lot to deal with it.

Now, I want to tell you something we did during the covid-19 pandemic. In my company, We set up a public health team to check for public hygiene, and announced regulations according to government instructions.

And also, our company let the work staffs work from home. We paid much attention to our staffs’ health.



现在,我想告诉你我们在 covid-19 大流行期间做了些什么。在我的公司,我们成立了 一个公共卫生小组来检查公共卫生,并根据政府的指示公布了相关规定。


@24 How you think that Tik-Tok is removed from the app store in the United States?(你觉得为什么抖音在美国的应用商店下架?)

To be honest, I am not quite familiar with Tik-Tok. But I have seen that the official reason given by US government is that Tik-Tok has bad influence on teenagers.

But I believe that it must be have some other reasons, such as political reasons,or other business reasons.


说实话,我对抖音不太熟悉。但是我看到过美国政府给出的官方理由是,抖音对青少年 有不良影响。


@25 Have you encountered any related jobs that require management skills in your current work? How did you deal with it?(你在当前工作中是否遇到过任何需要管理技能的相关工 作?你是怎么处理的?)

Yes, I have encountered. Time management skills, social skills and professional skills are required in my current work.

To start with a new project, I have to make a work plan, and pay attention to establish good working relationships and pleasant



开始一个新项目时,我一定会先制定一个工作计划,并注意建立良好的工作关系和愉快 的工作氛围。