
It’s all very well calculating things, but most of the time we want to store the results for reuse. We can assign a (local) variable using either <- or =, though for historical reasons, <- is preferred:

> x <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
> x
[1] 1 2 3 4 5
> y <- 1:5
> y
[1] 1 2 3 4 5
> z = 5:10
> z
[1]  5  6  7  8  9 10
> x + 2 * y - 3
[1]  0  3  6  9 12

Notice that we didn’t have to declare what types of variables x and y were going to be before we assigned them (unlike in most compiled languages). In fact, we couldn’t have declared the type, since no such concept exists in R.
Variable names can contain letters, numbers, dots, and underscores, but they can’t start with a number, or a dot followed by a number (since that looks too much like a number). Reserved words like “if ” and “for” are not allowed. In some locales, non-ASCII letters are allowed, but for code portability it is better to stick to “a” to “z” (and “A” to “Z”). The help page ?make.names gives precise details about what is and isn’t allowed.
The spaces around the assignment operators aren’t compulsory, but they help readability, especially with <-, so we can easily distinguish assignment from less than:
We can also do global assignment using <<-.
There is one more method of variable assignment, via the assign function. It is much less common than the other methods, but very occasionally it is useful to have a function syntax for assigning variables. Local (“normal”) assignment takes two arguments—the name of the variable to assign to and the value you want to give it:
assign(“my_local_variable”, 9 ^ 3 + 10 ^ 3)
Global assignment (like the <<- operator does) takes an extra argument:
assign(“my_global_variable”, 1 ^ 3 + 12 ^ 3, globalenv())
Using the assign function makes your code less readable compared to <-, so you should use it sparingly. It occasionally makes things easier in some advanced programming cases involving environments, but if your code is filled with calls to assign, you are probably doing something wrong.
Also note that the assign function doesn’t check its first argument to see if it is a valid variable name: it always just creates it.
Notice that when you assign a variable, you don’t see the value that has been given to it. To see what value a variable contains, simply type its name at the command prompt to print it:
Under some systems, for example running R from a Linux terminal, you may have to explicitly call the print function to see the value. In this case, type print(x).
If you want to assign a value and print it all in one line, you have two possibilities. Firstly, you can put multiple statements on one line by separating them with a semicolon, ;. Secondly, you can wrap the assignment in parentheses, (). In the following examples, rnorm generates random numbers from a normal distribution, and rlnorm generates them from a lognormal distribution:

> z <- rnorm(5)
> z
[1] -0.3727211 -1.2429035  0.5266008 -1.8795326 -0.5661726
> z <- rnorm(5) ; z
[1] -1.0077836  0.2346902 -1.0159042  0.9884582 -1.4384939
> (zz <- rnorm(5))
[1]  0.7764133  1.3931782  1.6976818 -0.2963533  1.0964890