

RegionServer会在后台启动一个线程CompactionChecker,定期触发检查对应Store是否需要执行Compaction,检查周期为hbase.server.thread.wakefrequency*hbase.server.compactchecker.interval.multiplier。和flush不同的是,该线程优先检查Store中总文件数是否大于配置Compaction阈值hbase.hstore.compactionThreshold,一旦大于就会触发Compaction;如果不满足,接着检查是否满足Major Compaction条件。简单来说,如果当前Store中HFile的最早更新时间早于某个值mcTime,就会触发Major Compaction。mcTime是一个浮动值,浮动区间默认为[7-7 0.5,7+7*0.5],其中7为hbase.hregion.majorcompaction,0.5为hbase.hregion.majorcompaction.jitter,可见默认在7天左右就会执行一次Major Compaction。用户如果想禁用Major Compaction,需要将参数hbase.hregion.majorcompaction设为0


在 org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegionServer 类中,有个 compactionChecker 变量,该变量类型实现 Runnable 接口,用做后台独立线程监测是否需要执行Compaction操作

   * Check for compactions requests.
  ScheduledChore compactionChecker;

 CompactionChecker 类是HRegionServer内部类,CompactionChecker构造方法如下

CompactionChecker(final HRegionServer h, final int sleepTime,
        final Stoppable stopper) {
      super("CompactionChecker", stopper, sleepTime);
      this.instance = h; + " runs every " + StringUtils.formatTime(sleepTime));

      /* MajorCompactPriority is configurable.
       * If not set, the compaction will use default priority.
      // 默认为Integer.MAX_VALUE
      this.majorCompactPriority = this.instance.conf.

传入三个参数, 第一个是HRegionServer,第二个是休眠时间,第三个是是否停止(如果RegionServer停止运行,CompactionChecker会监控到,并停止Compaction)


super("CompactionChecker", stopper, sleepTime);

我们看下父类方法 实现了Runnable接口,这里我们直接看run方法具体运行方法

我们发现第一次运行会初始化执行initialChore()方法,该方法值有retrun true 不做任何处理,之后每次都会运行chore()方法,该方法在CompactionChecker类中实现

public abstract class ScheduledChore implements Runnable 

  public void run() {
    if (missedStartTime() && isScheduled()) {
      if (LOG.isInfoEnabled())"Chore: " + getName() + " missed its start time");
    } else if (stopper.isStopped() || !isScheduled()) {
      if (LOG.isInfoEnabled())"Chore: " + getName() + " was stopped");
    } else {
      try {
        if (!initialChoreComplete) {
          initialChoreComplete = initialChore();
        } else {
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) LOG.error("Caught error", t);
        if (this.stopper.isStopped()) {




private static class CompactionChecker extends ScheduledChore {
    private final HRegionServer instance;
    private final int majorCompactPriority;
    private final static int DEFAULT_PRIORITY = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    //Iteration is 1-based rather than 0-based so we don't check for compaction
    // immediately upon region server startup
    private long iteration = 1;

    //sleepTime上面调用传入的是:hbase.server.thread.wakefrequency=10 * 1000
    CompactionChecker(final HRegionServer h, final int sleepTime,
        final Stoppable stopper) {
      super("CompactionChecker", stopper, sleepTime);
      this.instance = h; + " runs every " + StringUtils.formatTime(sleepTime));

      /* MajorCompactPriority is configurable.
       * If not set, the compaction will use default priority.
      // 默认为Integer.MAX_VALUE
      this.majorCompactPriority = this.instance.conf.

    protected void chore() {
            //onlineRegions.values() 是所有RegionServer中活跃的Region集合
      for (Region r : this.instance.onlineRegions.values()) {
        if (r == null)
        //r.getStores 获取region中所有Store(一个Region有几个列簇就有几个Store)
        for (Store s : r.getStores()) {
          try {
            //multiplier = hbase.server.compactchecker.interval.multiplier的值
            //该值获取方法在 HStore 的构造函数中初始化 默认1000
            long multiplier = s.getCompactionCheckMultiplier();
            assert multiplier > 0;
            // iteration该值初始化为1,每次定时执行该值会+1,当为multiplier的整数倍时会往下执行
            //我们上面获取到的multiplier=1000,chore定期执行,每隔 hbase.server.thread.wakefrequency=10秒 默认 10 * 1000
            if (iteration % multiplier != 0) continue;
            // 此处最终比较的是是否当前storefile数量减去正在compacting的文件数大于设置的compact min值(这里看的是RatioBasedCompactionPolicy策略的needsCompaction方法)
            // 若满足则执行systemcompact
            if (s.needsCompaction()) {
              // Queue a compaction. Will recognize if major is needed.
              this.instance.compactSplitThread.requestSystemCompaction(r, s, getName()
                  + " requests compaction");
            } else if (s.isMajorCompaction()) {//判断是否需要执行Major Compaction
              if (majorCompactPriority == DEFAULT_PRIORITY
                  || majorCompactPriority > ((HRegion)r).getCompactPriority()) {
                this.instance.compactSplitThread.requestCompaction(r, s, getName()
                    + " requests major compaction; use default priority", null);
              } else {
                this.instance.compactSplitThread.requestCompaction(r, s, getName()
                    + " requests major compaction; use configured priority",
                  this.majorCompactPriority, null, null);
          } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.warn("Failed major compaction check on " + r, e);
      iteration = (iteration == Long.MAX_VALUE) ? 0 : (iteration + 1);

needsCompaction 方法 


  public boolean needsCompaction(final Collection<StoreFile> storeFiles,
      final List<StoreFile> filesCompacting) {
    //minFilesToCompact = Math.max(2, conf.getInt(HBASE_HSTORE_COMPACTION_MIN_KEY,
    //          /*old name*/ conf.getInt("hbase.hstore.compactionThreshold", 3)));
    int numCandidates = storeFiles.size() - filesCompacting.size();

    return numCandidates >= comConf.getMinFilesToCompact();

isMajorCompaction 方法

可以看到调用的是 storeEngine.getCompactionPolicy() 的 shouldPerformMajorCompaction方法storeEngine.getCompactionPolicy() 获取到执行的策略,然后调用该策略的 shouldPerformMajorCompaction 方法,这里分析的是 RatioBasedCompactionPolicy 策略,

  public boolean isMajorCompaction() throws IOException {

    for (StoreFile sf : this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager().getStorefiles()) {
      // TODO: what are these reader checks all over the place?
      if (sf.getReader() == null) {
        LOG.debug("StoreFile " + sf + " has null Reader");
        return false;
    return storeEngine.getCompactionPolicy().shouldPerformMajorCompaction(

shouldPerformMajorCompaction 方法


这里查看的是hbase 1.4.10 版本源码,该方法存在一个bug,倒数第二行的 result = true;会导致其中的一种判断失效,后来去查看了下 1.4.13 版本以后源码,已经修复该问题。

  public boolean shouldPerformMajorCompaction(final Collection<StoreFile> filesToCompact)
    throws IOException {
    boolean result = false;
    //获取下一次major compact的时间 ,该值是一个浮动值 [7-7*0.5,7+7.0.5]
    // hbase.hregion.majorcompaction = 7天
    // hbase.hregion.majorcompaction.jitter = 0.5
    long mcTime = getNextMajorCompactTime(filesToCompact);
    if (filesToCompact == null || filesToCompact.isEmpty() || mcTime == 0) {
      return result;
    // TODO: Use better method for determining stamp of last major (HBASE-2990)
    long lowTimestamp = StoreUtils.getLowestTimestamp(filesToCompact);
    long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
    // 即在mcTime时间内执行过,则不运行Major
    if (lowTimestamp > 0L && lowTimestamp < (now - mcTime)) {
      //到了这一步就肯定会执行Major Compaction,后面判断,基本就是Debug时候使用
      String regionInfo;
      if (this.storeConfigInfo != null && this.storeConfigInfo instanceof HStore) {
        regionInfo = ((HStore)this.storeConfigInfo).getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString();
      } else {
        regionInfo = this.toString();
      // Major compaction time has elapsed.
      long cfTTL = HConstants.FOREVER;
      if (this.storeConfigInfo != null) {
         cfTTL = this.storeConfigInfo.getStoreFileTtl();
      if (filesToCompact.size() == 1) {
        // Single file
        StoreFile sf = filesToCompact.iterator().next();
        Long minTimestamp = sf.getMinimumTimestamp();
        long oldest = (minTimestamp == null) ? Long.MIN_VALUE : now - minTimestamp.longValue();
        if (sf.isMajorCompaction() && (cfTTL == Long.MAX_VALUE || oldest < cfTTL)) {
          float blockLocalityIndex =
            RSRpcServices.getHostname(comConf.conf, false));
          if (blockLocalityIndex < comConf.getMinLocalityToForceCompact()) {
            LOG.debug("Major compaction triggered on only store " + regionInfo
              + "; to make hdfs blocks local, current blockLocalityIndex is "
              + blockLocalityIndex + " (min " + comConf.getMinLocalityToForceCompact() + ")");
            result = true;
          } else {
            LOG.debug("Skipping major compaction of " + regionInfo
              + " because one (major) compacted file only, oldestTime " + oldest
              + "ms is < TTL=" + cfTTL + " and blockLocalityIndex is " + blockLocalityIndex
              + " (min " + comConf.getMinLocalityToForceCompact() + ")");
        } else if (cfTTL != HConstants.FOREVER && oldest > cfTTL) {
          //storeFile过期触发Major Compaction
          LOG.debug("Major compaction triggered on store " + regionInfo
            + ", because keyvalues outdated; time since last major compaction "
            + (now - lowTimestamp) + "ms");
          result = true;
      } else {
        LOG.debug("Major compaction triggered on store " + regionInfo
          + "; time since last major compaction " + (now - lowTimestamp) + "ms");
      result = true;//该处存在bug
    return result;

 这里返回的result的就是  s.isMajorCompaction() 返回的结果