
  • 摘要
  • 方法
  • 1. 代码
  • 3. 实验现象
  • 水印嵌入相关Link
  • 参考资料

数字水印 奇异值分解 python python数字水印嵌入与提取_数字水印




1. 代码


# =========================
#  -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# @author: JFZ
# @version: 2.0
# @time: 2022-05-30-13-06
# =========================

import cv2
import numpy as np
# pip install scikit-image -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
import skimage.util as skiu
from skimage import transform, metrics
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# 主要参考、https://github.com/lfreya/Watermark-embed-and-extract进行实现
class DCT_Embed(object):
    def __init__(self, background, watermark, block_size=8, alpha=30):
        b_h, b_w = background.shape[:2]
        w_h, w_w = watermark.shape[:2]
        assert w_h <= b_h / block_size and w_w <= b_w / block_size, \
            "\r\n请确保您的的水印图像尺寸 不大于 背景图像尺寸的1/{:}\r\nbackground尺寸{:}\r\nwatermark尺寸{:}".format(
                block_size, background.shape, watermark.shape

        # 保存参数
        self.block_size = block_size
        # 水印强度控制
        self.alpha = alpha
        # 随机的序列
        self.k1 = np.random.randn(block_size)
        self.k2 = np.random.randn(block_size)

    def dct_blkproc(self, background):

        :param image: 输入图像
        :param split_w: 分割的每个patch的w
        :param split_h: 分割的每个patch的h
        :return: 经dct变换的分块矩阵、原始的分块矩阵
        background_dct_blocks_h = background.shape[0] // self.block_size  # 高度
        background_dct_blocks_w = background.shape[1] // self.block_size  # 宽度
        background_dct_blocks = np.zeros(shape=(
            (background_dct_blocks_h, background_dct_blocks_w, self.block_size, self.block_size)
        ))  # 前2个维度用来遍历所有block,后2个维度用来存储每个block的DCT变换的值

        # 实现参照
        h_data = np.vsplit(background, background_dct_blocks_h)  # 垂直方向分成background_dct_blocks_h个块
        for h in range(background_dct_blocks_h):
            block_data = np.hsplit(h_data[h], background_dct_blocks_w)  # 水平方向分成background_dct_blocks_w个块
            for w in range(background_dct_blocks_w):
                a_block = block_data[w]
                background_dct_blocks[h, w, ...] = cv2.dct(a_block.astype(np.float64))  # dct变换
        return background_dct_blocks

    def dct_embed(self, dct_data, watermark):
        :param dct_data: 背景图像(载体)的DCT系数
        :param watermark: 归一化二值图像0-1 (uint8类型)
        :return: 空域图像
        temp = watermark.flatten()
        assert temp.max() == 1 and temp.min() == 0, "为方便处理,请保证输入的watermark是被二值归一化的"

        result = dct_data.copy()
        for h in range(watermark.shape[0]):
            for w in range(watermark.shape[1]):
                k = self.k1 if watermark[h, w] == 1 else self.k2
                # 查询块(h,w)并遍历对应块的中频系数(主对角线),进行修改
                for i in range(self.block_size):
                    result[h, w, i, self.block_size - 1] = dct_data[h, w, i, self.block_size - 1] + self.alpha * k[i]
        return result

    def idct_embed(self, dct_data):
        :param dct_data: 频域数据
        :return: 空域数据
        row = None
        result = None
        h, w = dct_data.shape[0], dct_data.shape[1]
        for i in range(h):
            for j in range(w):
                block = cv2.idct(dct_data[i, j, ...])
                row = block if j == 0 else np.hstack((row, block))
            result = row if i == 0 else np.vstack((result, row))
        return result.astype(np.uint8)

    def dct_extract(self, synthesis, watermark_size):
        :param synthesis: 嵌入水印的空域图像
        :param watermark_size: 水印大小
        :return: 提取的空域水印
        w_h, w_w = watermark_size
        recover_watermark = np.zeros(shape=watermark_size)
        synthesis_dct_blocks = self.dct_blkproc(background=synthesis)
        p = np.zeros(8)
        for h in range(w_h):
            for w in range(w_w):
                for k in range(self.block_size):
                    p[k] = synthesis_dct_blocks[h, w, k, self.block_size - 1]
                if corr2(p, self.k1) > corr2(p, self.k2):
                    recover_watermark[h, w] = 1
                    recover_watermark[h, w] = 0
        return recover_watermark

class Attack():
    def __init__(self):

    def Gaussian(attack_obj, mean=0.0, var=1e-2):
        result = skiu.random_noise(attack_obj, mode="gaussian", mean=mean, var=var) * 255
        return result.astype(np.uint8)

    def SaltPepper(attack_obj):
        result = skiu.random_noise(attack_obj, mode="s&p") * 255
        return result.astype(np.uint8)

    def HighPassFilter(attack_obj, kernel_size=3):
        grad_x = cv2.Sobel(attack_obj, cv2.CV_16S, 1, 0, ksize=kernel_size)
        grad_y = cv2.Sobel(attack_obj, cv2.CV_16S, 0, 1, ksize=kernel_size)
        imgx_uint8 = cv2.convertScaleAbs(grad_x)
        imgy_uint8 = cv2.convertScaleAbs(grad_y)
        result = cv2.addWeighted(imgx_uint8, 0.5, imgy_uint8, 0.5, 0)
        return result

    def MedianFilter(attack_obj, kernel_size=3):
        result = cv2.medianBlur(attack_obj, ksize=kernel_size)
        return result

    def MeanFilter(attack_obj, kernel_size=3):
        result = cv2.blur(attack_obj, ksize=(kernel_size, kernel_size))
        return result

    def Rotate(attack_obj, angle=45):
        result = transform.rotate(attack_obj, angle) * 255
        return result.astype(np.uint8)

class Metrics():
    def __init__(self):

    def PSNR(self, img1, img2, data_range=255):
        PSNR = metrics.peak_signal_noise_ratio(img1, img2, data_range=data_range)
        return PSNR

    def SSIM(self, img1, img2):
        SSIM = metrics.structural_similarity(img1, img2, full=True, win_size=7)
        return SSIM[0]

# https://www.cnpython.com/qa/183113
def mean2(x):
    y = np.sum(x) / np.size(x);
    return y

def corr2(a, b):
    a = a - mean2(a)
    b = b - mean2(b)
    r = (a * b).sum() / np.sqrt((a * a).sum() * (b * b).sum())
    return r

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = ".."

    # 0. 超参数设置
    alpha = 20  # 尺度控制因子,控制水印添加强度,决定频域系数被修改的幅度
    blocksize = 8  # 分块大小

    # 1. 数据读取
    watermark = cv2.imread(r"{}/datasets/watermark/swjtu_64x64.png".format(root), cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
    watermark = np.where(watermark < np.mean(watermark), 0, 1)  # watermark进行(归一化的)二值化
    background = cv2.imread(r"{}/datasets/background/lena_color.png".format(root))
    background = cv2.cvtColor(background, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    background_backup = background.copy()
    yuv_background = cv2.cvtColor(background, cv2.COLOR_RGB2YUV)  # 将RBG格式的背景转为YUV格式,Y为灰度层,U\V为色彩层,此处选择U层进行嵌入
    Y, U, V = yuv_background[..., 0], yuv_background[..., 1], yuv_background[..., 2]
    Y_backup = Y.copy()
    bk = Y  # 嵌入对象为bk

    # 2. 初始化DCT算法
    dct_emb = DCT_Embed(background=bk, watermark=watermark, block_size=blocksize, alpha=alpha)

    # 3. 进行分块与DCT变换
    background_dct_blocks = dct_emb.dct_blkproc(background=bk)  # 得到分块的DCTblocks

    # 4. 嵌入水印图像
    embed_watermak_blocks = dct_emb.dct_embed(dct_data=background_dct_blocks, watermark=watermark)  # 在dct块中嵌入水印图像

    # 5. 将图像转换为空域形式
    synthesis = dct_emb.idct_embed(dct_data=embed_watermak_blocks)  # idct变换得到空域图像

    # 5.1 攻擊
    attack = Attack()
    attack_results = list()
    attack_results.append(synthesis)  # 没有攻击
    attack_results.append(attack.Gaussian(synthesis.copy()))  # 高斯 0-1
    attack_results.append(attack.SaltPepper(synthesis.copy()))  # 椒盐
    attack_results.append(attack.MeanFilter(synthesis.copy()))  # 均值
    attack_results.append(attack.MedianFilter(synthesis.copy()))  # 中值
    attack_results.append(attack.HighPassFilter(synthesis.copy()))  # 高通
    attack_results.append(attack.Rotate(synthesis.copy(),10))  # 旋转
    # 5.2 在彩图中的表现
    after_attack = list()
    after_attack_black = list()
    for img in attack_results:
        yuv_background[..., 0] = img
        img2 = cv2.cvtColor(yuv_background, cv2.COLOR_YUV2RGB)

    # 6. 提取水印
    extract_watermarks = list()
    for img in attack_results:
        extract_watermark = dct_emb.dct_extract(synthesis=img, watermark_size=watermark.shape) * 255

    titles = [
        ["Background", "Watermark", "WithoutAttack", "Extract"],
        ["Gaussian", "Extract", "SaltPepper", "Extract"],
        ["MeanFilter", "Extract", "MedianFilter", "Extract"],
        ["HighPassFilter", "Extract", "Rotate", "Extract"],
    images = [
        [background_backup, watermark, after_attack[0], extract_watermarks[0]],
        [after_attack[1], extract_watermarks[1], after_attack[2], extract_watermarks[2]],
        [after_attack[3], extract_watermarks[3], after_attack[4], extract_watermarks[4]],
        [after_attack[5], extract_watermarks[5], after_attack[6], extract_watermarks[6]],
    images2 = [
        [Y_backup, watermark, after_attack_black[0], extract_watermarks[0]],
        [after_attack_black[1], extract_watermarks[1], after_attack_black[2], extract_watermarks[2]],
        [after_attack_black[3], extract_watermarks[3], after_attack_black[4], extract_watermarks[4]],
        [after_attack_black[5], extract_watermarks[5], after_attack_black[6], extract_watermarks[6]],
    # 7. 可视化处理
    index = 1
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):
            plt.subplot(4, 4, index)
            if index % 2:
                plt.imshow(images[i][j].astype(np.uint8), cmap=plt.cm.gray)
            index += 1

    index = 1
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):
            plt.subplot(4, 4, index)
            plt.imshow(images2[i][j].astype(np.uint8), cmap=plt.cm.gray)
            index += 1
    # 8. 指标计算
    M = Metrics()
    base = Y_backup
    info = ["WithouAttack", "Gaussian", "SaltPepper", "MeanFilter", "MedianFilter", "HighPassFilter", "Rotate"]
    for i, img in enumerate(after_attack_black):
        PSNR = M.PSNR(base, img)
        SSIM = M.SSIM(base, img)
        print("ATTACK: {} | PSNR:{} | SSIM:{}".format(info[i], PSNR, SSIM))

3. 实验现象

为了方便观察,将嵌入对象设置为Lena YUV通道的Y通道。

数字水印 奇异值分解 python python数字水印嵌入与提取_python_02


数字水印 奇异值分解 python python数字水印嵌入与提取_图像处理_03


数字水印 奇异值分解 python python数字水印嵌入与提取_python_04