
read by other session 是在 Oracle 10g ( and later) 新引入的一个等待事件,在 10g 以前版本,等待为 buffer busy waits,10g以后做的细分,所以才有了 read by other session。

This event occurs when a session requests a buffer that is currently being read into the buffer cache by another session. Prior to release 10.1, waits for this event were grouped with the other reasons for waiting for buffers under the 'buffer busy wait' event。

当b会话要访问buffer cache并且pin住相应的block的时候,它发现a会话也需要这些数据块,并且正在将相关的数据块从硬盘读取到buffer cache中,这个时候b会话必须等待a会话读取完成,b会话此时出现read by other session等待事件。


该事件的P1,P2,P3参数可以通过查询V$SESSION / V$SESSION_WAIT视图获取:
P1: 数据文件号
P2: 正在读取的数据块号


SELECT relative_fno, owner, segment_name, segment_type 
FROM dba_extents 
WHERE file_id = &file 
AND &block BETWEEN block_id AND block_id + blocks - 1;


查看对应SQL的执行计划是否最优,必要时可以通过 DBMS_SQLTUNE 包迚行优化,通过SQL_PROFILE 文件稳固执行计划。




select event,count(*) from dba_hist_active_sess_history where sample_time<=to_date('20230414 11:35:00','yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss') and sample_time<=to_date('20230414 11:40:00','yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss')
 group by event order by 2;
EVENT                                 COUNT(*)
----------------------------------- ----------
free buffer waits                          150
log file sync                              189
local write wait                           194
db file sequential read                    376
db file scattered read                    7704
read by other session                    1889233 rows selected.

read by other session等待事件在5分钟采样接近2万,还伴有db file scattered read,db file sequential read 等待事件,基本可以断定是全表扫描引起的热快,下面看看具体的SQL。

2,分析read by other session等待的对象

select event,p1,p2,p3 from dba_hist_active_sess_history where sample_time<=to_date('20230414 11:35:00','yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss') and sample_time<=to_date('20230414 11:40:00','yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss')
 and event='read by other session';
EVENT                                                                    P1         P2         P3
---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
read by other session                                                    10    1920307          1
read by other session                                                    19     204354          1
read by other session                                                    19     204354          1
read by other session                                                    13    2453648          1
read by other session                                                    13    2453648          1
read by other session                                                    23     332761          1
read by other session                                                    23     332761          1
read by other session                                                    16    1422792          1
read by other session                                                     7      27338          1
read by other session                                                    24     142105          1
read by other session                                                    10     427245          1
read by other session                                                    10     427245          1
read by other session                                                    33     222105          1
read by other session                                                    33     222105          1
read by other session                                                    23      81025          1
read by other session                                                    12     225064          1
read by other session                                                    32     346957          1
read by other session                                                    32     346957          1
read by other session                                                     8     193194          1
read by other session                                                     8     193194          1
read by other session                                                    10     293012          1
read by other session                                                    10     293012          1
read by other session                                                     6     552737          1
read by other session                                                    12    1916222          1
read by other session                                                    19     266305          1
read by other session                                                    19     266305          1
read by other session                                                    15    1446872          1
read by other session                                                    15    1446872          1
read by other session                                                    18    1887272          1
read by other session                                                    18    1887272          1
read by other session                                                    16     632213          1
read by other session                                                    23    1236914          1
read by other session                                                    23    1236914          1
read by other session                                                    15     241677          1
read by other session                                                    15     241677          1
read by other session                                                    33     226596          1
read by other session                                                    33     226596          1
read by other session                                                    10     285870          1
read by other session                                                    10     285870          1

18892 rows selected.

    P1 = file# Absolute File# (AFN)
    P2 = block#
    P3 = class# Block class
file# Absolute File Number (AFN) This is the file number of the data file that contains the block that the waiting session wants.
block# This is the block number in the above file# that the waiting session wants access to. See Note:181306.1 to determine the tablespace, filename and object for this file#,block# pair.
class# Block class#
    This is the class of block being waited on. In particular:
        class 1 indicates a "data block", which could be table or index
        class 4 indicates a "segment header"
        class >=15 indicate undo blocks


select relative_fno,owner,segment_name,segment_type from dba_extents where file_id=&FILE_ID AND
    &BLOCK between block_id and block_id+blocks-1;
Enter value for file_id: 10
old   1: select relative_fno,owner,segment_name,segment_type from dba_extents where file_id=&FILE_ID AND
new   1: select relative_fno,owner,segment_name,segment_type from dba_extents where file_id=10 AND
Enter value for block: 285870
old   2:     &BLOCK between block_id and block_id+blocks-1
new   2:     285870 between block_id and block_id+blocks-1

RELATIVE_FNO OWNER                          SEGMENT_NAME                                                                      SEGMENT_TYPE
------------ ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
          10 QDCCB                          DS_IVMS_PER_ACC_FS_DAILY                                                          TABLE

Enter value for file_id: 33
old   1: select relative_fno,owner,segment_name,segment_type from dba_extents where file_id=&FILE_ID AND
new   1: select relative_fno,owner,segment_name,segment_type from dba_extents where file_id=33 AND
Enter value for block: 226596
old   2:     &BLOCK between block_id and block_id+blocks-1
new   2:     226596 between block_id and block_id+blocks-1

RELATIVE_FNO OWNER                          SEGMENT_NAME                                                                      SEGMENT_TYPE
------------ ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
          33 QDCCB                          DS_IVMS_PER_ACC_FS_DAILY                                                          TABLE

Enter value for file_id: 12
old   1: select relative_fno,owner,segment_name,segment_type from dba_extents where file_id=&FILE_ID AND
new   1: select relative_fno,owner,segment_name,segment_type from dba_extents where file_id=12 AND
Enter value for block: 225064
old   2:     &BLOCK between block_id and block_id+blocks-1
new   2:     225064 between block_id and block_id+blocks-1

RELATIVE_FNO OWNER                          SEGMENT_NAME                                                                      SEGMENT_TYPE
------------ ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
          12 QDCCB                          DS_IVMS_PER_ACC_FS_DAILY                                                          TABLE

Enter value for file_id: 19
old   1: select relative_fno,owner,segment_name,segment_type from dba_extents where file_id=&FILE_ID AND
new   1: select relative_fno,owner,segment_name,segment_type from dba_extents where file_id=19 AND
Enter value for block: 3842853
old   2:     &BLOCK between block_id and block_id+blocks-1
new   2:     3842853 between block_id and block_id+blocks-1

RELATIVE_FNO OWNER                          SEGMENT_NAME                                                                      SEGMENT_TYPE
------------ ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
          19 QDCCB                          DS_IVMS_PER_ACC_FS_DAILY                                                          TABLE


select sql_id,count(*) from dba_hist_active_sess_history  
    where sample_time<=to_date('20230414 11:35:00','yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss') and sample_time<=to_date('20230414 11:40:00','yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss')
    and event='read by other session'
    group by sql_id order by 2;
SQL_ID          COUNT(*)
------------- ----------
7krzad14cv4q5         20
gmrzbhqdzt7jg         20
1s4339s2yd7m2         20
gvux4r6f9f89z         21
a8s1thcg5src2         21
05qzpt8nnxx0k         22
48crvx6t8cp0s         22
0yvqj946319sk         22
75b07699xdzsx         23
fwcm3q06mbbhb         23
93rhmdjfa6y1b         23
6w3d0rcvbktm4         23
cfuvs5zvg1jhr         24SQL_ID          COUNT(*)
------------- ----------
gmnqxht7fahpr         24
cf5jmbg5vqqzz         24
2jpcutpwb3cma         25
2sr0qb9ypfzhr         25
4kjt7k4wskzst         26
5fb7d172wz24u         29
5cbphanftq28g         30
1h2y77s00tnac         31

2857 rows selected.


SQL_ID gmrzbhqdzt7jg
(select '4' acctype,fd.tx_dt,fd.tx_tm,fd.confirm_dt,fd.txtyp_nm,fd.prodtyp_nm,fd.tx_amt
,fd.n_cfmvol1,fd.w_txprc,fd.w_tcost from ds_ivms_per_acc_fs_daily fd where  fd.cif_org
='8100118907' and fd.tx_dt between date '2023-03-01' and  date '2023-03-31') order by
tx_dt,tx_tmPlan hash value: 1076392112
| Id  | Operation          | Name                     | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |                          |       |       |  1122K(100)|          |
|   1 |  SORT ORDER BY     |                          |     1 |    78 |  1122K  (1)| 03:44:27 |
|   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| DS_IVMS_PER_ACC_FS_DAILY |     1 |    78 |  1122K  (1)| 03:44:27 |
SQL_ID 1h2y77s00tnac
(select '4' acctype,fd.tx_dt,fd.tx_tm,fd.confirm_dt,fd.txtyp_nm,fd.prodtyp_nm,fd.tx_amt
,fd.n_cfmvol1,fd.w_txprc,fd.w_tcost from ds_ivms_per_acc_fs_daily fd where  fd.cif_org
='8200036136' and fd.tx_dt between date '2023-03-01' and  date '2023-03-31') order by
tx_dt,tx_tmPlan hash value: 1076392112
| Id  | Operation          | Name                     | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |                          |       |       |  1122K(100)|          |
|   1 |  SORT ORDER BY     |                          |     1 |    78 |  1122K  (1)| 03:44:27 |
|   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| DS_IVMS_PER_ACC_FS_DAILY |     1 |    78 |  1122K  (1)| 03:44:27 |


SQL> select t.table_owner,t.table_name,t.column_name,t.index_owner,i.index_name,i.index_type from dba_ind_columns t,dba_indexes i 
  2     where t.index_name=i.index_name and t.table_owner=upper('&TAB_OWNER') and t.table_name=upper('&TAB_NAME');
Enter value for tab_owner: qdccb
Enter value for tab_name: DS_IVMS_PER_ACC_FS_DAILY
old   2:    where t.index_name=i.index_name and t.table_owner=upper('&TAB_OWNER') and t.table_name=upper('&TAB_NAME')
new   2:    where t.index_name=i.index_name and t.table_owner=upper('qdccb') and t.table_name=upper('DS_IVMS_PER_ACC_FS_DAILY')


OWNER                          SEGMENT_NAME                                                                          SIZE_G
------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
QDCCB                          DS_IVMS_PER_ACC_FS_DAILY                                                                  42



create index QDCCB.IDX$$_29EA60001 on






read by other session_优化SQL

如上图所示,我们可以看到在问题时段,数据库的每秒DB TIME的值为82.4,但该数据库所在主机上的逻辑CPU的数量仅为24颗,82.4远超24,表明该时段数据库已处于非常繁忙的状态。


而从TOP 5的前台等待事件上来看,IO方面的等待事件,占据了绝大部分。如下图所示:

read by other session_绑定变量_02

其中排名第1的,且占据了全部时间约70%的等待事件为“read by other session”。该等待事件发生的场景如下:

当会话A需要访问某个数据块时,发生其并不在内存中,于是就去外部存储中读取并放入内存。但是,会话A发现在自己之前,正有一个会话,也在对同样的数据块,做着同样的操作,而且还没有完成。这时,会话A就会等待这个会话,把相应的数据块读入内存。其因此而产生的等待,就是“read by other session”。


  1. 存在热点对象,且该热点对象不在内存中。
  2. SQL效率不佳,需要访问过多的数据,且相应SQL同一时期被多个会话执行。
  3. 存储设备IO性能不佳,导致读入内存的过程过长,加剧了这个等待事件发生的机率。


read by other session_等待事件_03

如上图所示,我们发现有多条SQL文本近似的SQL,发生了“read by other session”的等待事件。查看该类SQL的执行计划,发现其执行计划如下所示:

read by other session_绑定变量_04

如上图所示,该SQL单次执行,需要337K个块次的逻辑读,约95K个物理读。按每个数据块8K大小计算。即逻辑读需要访问约2600MB的数据,物理读需要访问约760M的数据。但最终返回的数据只有29条。同时,我们也可以看到,这个执行计划虽然用到索引,但却是相对低效的索引skip scan的访问方式,且通过索引之后,仍然返回了大量的数据,通过后续的进一步处理,才降到29条数据。这说明,索引的选择性非常不好,其过滤出来大量的无用数据。
综上,我们可以初步认定,是由于在故障时段,突然增多的这类低效SQL,在数据库上的集中执行,导致产生了大量的逻辑读和物理读的开销。并且由于访问的数据重复,导致发生了大量“read by other session”的等待事件。



  1. 优化该类SQL,提高其处理效率,避免访问大量的无效数据。因此,我们建议在目标表的适当列上创建一个适合的组合索引。



“Read By Other Session” Wait Event (Doc ID 732891.1)

Troubleshooting I/O Related Waits (Doc ID 223117.1)