
                                     彭认灿 ,董   箭 ,郑义东 ,李改肖
                               (大连舰艇学院 海洋测绘工程系 ,辽宁 大连 116018)

道格拉斯- 普克法可描述为:将一条曲线首末顶点虚连一条直线 ,求出其余各顶点到该直线的距离 ,选其最大者与规定的限差相比较 ,若小于等于限差 ,则将直线两端间各点全部删去;若大于限差 ,则离该直线距离最大的顶点保留 ,并以此为界 ,把曲线分为两部分 ,对这两部分重复使用上述方法 ,直至最终无法作进一步的压缩为止 (见图 3)。

道格拉斯算法gis java 道格拉斯算法 多点问题_递归

道格拉斯 2 普克法有一个十分突出的优点 ,即它是一个整体算法 ,在一般情况下可保留较大弯曲形态上的特征点。经道格拉斯-普克法压缩后得到的图形如图 4所示。由于该算法可准确删除小弯曲上的定点 ,故能从体上有效地保持线要素的形态特征。正是因为道格拉斯-普克法具有这样突出的优点 ,所以已经在线要素地自动制图中得到了较广泛的应用。但道格拉斯- 普克法较垂距法复杂 ,且通常编程实现时需要采用递归方 ,有一定的难度。

道格拉斯算法gis java 道格拉斯算法 多点问题_临界值_02


double PerpendicularDistance(CPoint Point1, CPoint Point2, CPoint Point)
     //Area = |(1/2)(x1y2 + x2y3 + x3y1 - x2y1 - x3y2 - x1y3)|   *Area of triangle
     //Base = v((x1-x2)2+(x1-x2)2)                               *Base of Triangle*
     //Area = .5*Base*H                                          *Solve for height
     //Height = Area/.5/Base    double area = abs(0.5 * (Point1.x * Point2.y + Point2.x * Point.y + Point.x * Point1.y - Point2.x * Point1.y - Point.x * Point2.y - Point1.x * Point.y));
     double bottom = sqrt(pow(Point1.x - Point2.x, 2) + pow(Point1.y - Point2.y, 2));
     double height = area / bottom * 2;    return height;
void DouglasPeuckerReduction(vector<CPoint>points, int firstPoint, int lastPoint, double tolerance, list<int> &pointIndexsToKeep)
     double maxDistance = 0;
     int indexFarthest = 0;
     for (int index = firstPoint; index < lastPoint; index++)
         double distance = PerpendicularDistance
             (points[firstPoint], points[lastPoint], points[index]);
         if (distance > maxDistance)
             maxDistance = distance;
             indexFarthest = index;
     }    if (maxDistance > tolerance && indexFarthest != 0)
         //Add the largest point that exceeds the tolerance
         DouglasPeuckerReduction(points, firstPoint, 
         indexFarthest, tolerance, pointIndexsToKeep);
         DouglasPeuckerReduction(points, indexFarthest, 
         lastPoint, tolerance, pointIndexsToKeep);
 }vector<CPoint> DouglasPeucker(vector<CPoint> &Points, double Tolerance)
     if (Points.empty() || (Points.size() < 3))
     return Points;    int firstPoint = 0;
     int lastPoint = Points.size() - 1;
     list<int> pointIndexsToKeep ;    //Add the first and last index to the keepers
     pointIndexsToKeep.push_back(lastPoint);    //The first and the last point cannot be the same
     while (Points[firstPoint]==(Points[lastPoint]))
     }    DouglasPeuckerReduction(Points, firstPoint, lastPoint, 
     Tolerance, pointIndexsToKeep);    vector<CPoint> returnPoints ;
 list<int>::iterator theIterator;
     for( theIterator = pointIndexsToKeep.begin(); theIterator != pointIndexsToKeep.end(); theIterator++ )
     }    return returnPoints;