论文解读:Knowledgeable Prompt-tuning: Incorporation Knowledge into Prompt Verbalizer for Text Classification  在预训练语言模型上使用与任务相关的prompt进行微调已经成为目前很有前途的方法。先前的研究表明了在小样本场景下采用基于prompt-tuning的效果比传统通过添加分类器的微调更有效。P
文章思路是数据增强+去噪,不过数据增强在于verbalizer对于label space至expanding word space的映射,引入外部的扩展标签词集,辅助分类,去噪并不新颖,就是在细化两个场景,zeroshot滤掉扩展标签词集的低频
原创 2023-04-22 15:20:58
This blog post kicks off a new series of posts describing my journey to become more knowledgeable about the Nicira Network Virtualization Platform (NVP). NVP is, in my opinion, an awesome platform, bu
转载 精选 2013-05-22 09:07:16