k8s笔记19(Harbor Upgrades )_自动生成

如果要在 Kubernetes上部署Harbor,使用Harbor chart.


  • Kubernetes cluster 1.20+
  • Helm v3.2.0+
helm repo add harbor https://helm.goharbor.io
helm search repo <REPOSITORY_NAME>
helm fetch harbor/harbor --untar  从指定的源(harbor/harbor)获取 Helm Chart 包,并在获取后进行解压缩(--untar 选项的作用)。
helm install my-release harbor/harbor
helm uninstall my-release
  • Harbor 不支持helm rollback

常用命令:(Multi-Attach error for volume "pvc-3391f2d3-6221-44c2-bc53-66c493978a4e" Volume is already exclusively attached to one node and can't be attached to another这个报错重启对应节点后OK)

#kubectl -n harbor get pv pvc-3391f2d3-6221-44c2-bc53-66c493978a4e -o go-template='{{.spec.csi.volumeAttributes.imageName}}'
bash-4.4$ rbd status  replicapool/csi-vol-08dfbcd6-50f8-11ed-8c46-022c029f8d1f
Watchers: none						   
#kubectl describe pv pvc-e692d188-a8d9-4416-946a-aa3a8dfe34be
#k -n harbor get pvc
data-atc-harbor-trivy-0                       Bound    pvc-e692d188-a8d9-4416-946a-aa3a8dfe34be 
#k -n harbor get pv |grep pvc-e692d188-a8d9-4416-946a-aa3a8dfe34be
pvc-e692d188-a8d9-4416-946a-aa3a8dfe34be   5Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    harbor/data-atc-harbor-trivy-0 
# kubectl get pv pvc-3391f2d3-6221-44c2-bc53-66c493978a4e -o json | jq '.spec.claimRef'
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "kind": "PersistentVolumeClaim",
  "name": "atc-harbor-registry",
  "namespace": "harbor",
  "resourceVersion": "18518103",
  "uid": "3391f2d3-6221-44c2-bc53-66c493978a4e"
# kubectl describe pv  pvc-3391f2d3-6221-44c2-bc53-66c493978a4e
    VolumeAttributes:      clusterID=rook-ceph

1、目前使用版本:Harbor v2.3.3,最新v2.11.0


kubectl get secret <secret-name-from-step-1> -o yaml > secret.yaml
***Rename the secret by setting metadata.name in secret.yaml
kubectl create -f secret.yaml
***Configure the chart to use the new secret by setting expose.tls.secretName as the value


1.3、Download new chart 


helm upgrade release-name --force .
  • The --force is necessary if upgrade from version 0.3.0 due to issue #30.
  • covers migration from v2.3.0 and later to the current v2.5.0 version