L46 Expensive and uncomfortable 即昂贵又受罪

新概念2册L46笔记(同位语从句,抽象名词 + 同位语从句(that + 完整句子))_同位语从句

load v. 加载
load sth with sth

unload v. 卸载
unload sth from sth

extremely adv. 非常、极其
extremely important
extremely nervous
extremely lucky

occur v. 发生
occur to sb. that…某人突然想到….., 相当于suddenly realize。

astonish v.
十分惊讶=astnotallow=to surpise sb very much
be astonished at/by sth. 为某事所惊讶,类似短语还有It astonishes sb. that…….

admit v. 承认
admit doing sth
deny v. 否认

confine v. 关在(狭小的空间里)
be confined to

account for = explain
see to = cook #see to 照顾,处理,照料。
be surprised at sth


同位语格式:人名/地名/物名名词/名词短语  #逗号分隔对抽象的事物解释说明

  • Jim, my brother
  • Alice Springs, a small town in the center of America

抽象名词: idea / fact / news / truth / dream … + that + 完整句子

同位语从句:抽象名词 + 同位语从句(that + 完整句子)

The idea that the number “13”brings bad luck is quite absurd.