
This module normalizes positive scalar edge weights on a graph following the form in GCN <>
按照GCN论文里面提出的 normalize 方法对正向边处理。

The module returns the normalized weight e j i c j i \frac{e_{ji}} {c_{ji}} cjieji



Mathematically, setting norm='both' yields the following normalization term:

  • norm=both
    c j i = ( ∑ k ∈ N ( j ) e j k ∑ k ∈ N ( i ) e k i ) c_{ji} = (\sqrt{\sum_{k\in\mathcal{N}(j)}e_{jk}}\sqrt{\sum_{k\in\mathcal{N}(i)}e_{ki}}) cji=(kN(j)ejk kN(i)eki )

  • norm='right' yields the following normalization term:

c j i = ∑ k ∈ N ( i ) e k i c_{ji} = \sum_{k\in\mathcal{N}(i)}e_{ki} cji=kN(i)eki

where e j i e_{ji} eji is the scalar weight on the edge from node j to node i.
e j i e_{ji} eji 是节点j到节点i的权重标量; N i N_i Ni代表的就是节点i的邻居