













[root@linux xx]# man man

1  Executable programs or shell commands               用户命令(可执行命令和shell程序)

2  System calls (functions provided by the kernel)   系统调用(从用户空间调用的内核例程)

3   Librarycalls (functions within program libraries)  库函数(由程序提供)

4  Special files (usually found in /dev)              特殊文件(如设备文件)

5  File formats and conventions eg /etc/passwd       文件格式(用户许多配置文件和结构)

6  Games                                    游戏

7   Miscellaneous  (including macro  packages  and conventions), e.g.man(7), groff(7)


8  System administration commands (usually only for root)系统管理和特权命令(维护任务)

9  Kernel routines [Non standard]Linux             内核API (内核调用)




空格键           向前(向下)滚动一个屏幕

PageDown      向前(向下)滚动一个屏幕

PageUp          向后(向上)滚动一个屏幕

向下箭头键    向前(向下)滚动一行

向上箭头键    向后(向上)滚动一行

d                   向前(向下)滚动半个屏幕

u                   向后(向上)滚动半个屏幕

/string            在man page中向前搜索string

n                   向下搜索

N                   向上搜索

g                   转到man page的开头

G                   转到man page的结尾

q                   退出man





Man –k

[yi@linux ~]$ man -k passwd

chpasswd (8)         - 批量更新密码

gpasswd (1)          - 管理员 /etc/group 和 /etc/gshadow

fgetpwent_r (3)      - get passwd file entry reentrantly

getpwent_r (3)       - get passwd file entry reentrantly

grub2-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 (1) - Generate aPBKDF2 password hash.

lpasswd (1)          - Change group or user password

lppasswd (1)         - add, change, or delete digestpasswords.

pam_localuser (8)    - require users to be listed in /etc/passwd

passwd (1)           - update user's authenticationtokens

sslpasswd (1ssl)     - compute password hashes

passwd (5)           - password file

passwd2des (3)       - RFS password encryption

pwhistory_helper (8) - Helper binary thattransfers password hashes from pass...

saslpasswd2 (8)      - set a user's sasl password

smbpasswd (5)        - The Samba encrypted password file

userpasswd (1)       - A graphical tool to allow users tochange their passwo...

vncpasswd (1)        - change the VNC password



为passwd manpage 创建格式化输出文件

[root@linux xx]# rm -rf passwd.ps

[root@linux xx]# man -t passwd>passwd.ps

[root@linux xx]# ls


[root@linux xx]# file passwd.ps

passwd.ps: PostScript document textconforming DSC level 3.0



[yi@linux doc]$ firefox file:///usr/share/doc