	 * Set the transform of the component in world space.
	 * @param NewTransform		New transform in world space for the component.
	 * @param SweepHitResult	Hit result from any impact if sweep is true.
	 * @param bSweep			Whether we sweep to the destination location, triggering overlaps along the way and stopping short of the target if blocked by something.
	 *							Only the root component is swept and checked for blocking collision, child components move without sweeping. If collision is off, this has no effect.
	 * @param bTeleport			Whether we teleport the physics state (if physics collision is enabled for this object).
	 *							If true, physics velocity for this object is unchanged (so ragdoll parts are not affected by change in location).
	 *							If false, physics velocity is updated based on the change in position (affecting ragdoll parts).
	 *							If CCD is on and not teleporting, this will affect objects along the entire sweep volume.
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Transformation", meta=(DisplayName="Set World Transform", ScriptName="SetWorldTransform"))
	void K2_SetWorldTransform(const FTransform& NewTransform, bool bSweep, FHitResult& SweepHitResult, bool bTeleport);
	void SetWorldTransform(const FTransform& NewTransform, bool bSweep=false, FHitResult* OutSweepHitResult=nullptr, ETeleportType Teleport = ETeleportType::None);
void USceneComponent::K2_SetWorldTransform(const FTransform& NewTransform, bool bSweep, FHitResult& SweepHitResult, bool bTeleport)
	SetWorldTransform(NewTransform, bSweep, (bSweep ? &SweepHitResult : nullptr), TeleportFlagToEnum(bTeleport));