      作为一个垃圾回收器的算法,主要有3种典型的算法:引用计数、标记并清除、以及复制。一般对应的有一个new,必须有一个delete与之对应,不然,就会发生内存泄漏(memory leak)的情况,在实际大规模程序设计中,通过new分配的动态存储空间,往往都忽略了了delete这块存储空间,从而很容易导致内存泄漏。为了实现引用计数的垃圾回收器,必须有某种方法来跟踪指向每块动态分配内存的指针的数量。
个问题,它的工作原理是:通过new来分配存储空间构造一个对象,通过自动调用析构函数来完成对这段内存的释放。由于auto_ptr在超出作用域时,它指向的内存会自动释放,而且 auto_ptr是为ISO c++ 标准称为“严格所有权”的概念设计的,其中auto_ptr拥有它指向的对象。这种所有权可以转换
class OutOfRangeExc;
 template < class T > class Iter;
声明一个迭代器类,其作用相当于一个指针,可以完成所有的指针运算,Iter是一个功能上类似STL迭代器的模板类,Iter的主要用处是遍历动态分配的数组元素。它还提供边界检查。它重载 (overload)了大部分的指针运算,*,->,++ptr,--ptr,ptr++,ptr--,ptr[],==,!= ,<,>,>=,<=,-,+。
构造函数的原型:template <T> Iter( T *p, T *first, T *last );
它跟STL的迭代器不一样,迭代器都是仅仅指向一个位置,这里的Iter指向动态分配的数组元素,数组的大小就是size = last-first,如果size = 0,就是指向一个元素。
template < class T> struct GCInfo
GCInfo(T *mPtr, unsigned size = 0 );
template < class T, int size = 0 > class GCPtr

 template < class T, int size >GCPtr<T,size>::GCPtr(T  *t );
 template < class T, int size >GCPtr<T, size>::GCPtr(const GCPtr &ob);
然后建立一个静态的链表:static list<GCInfo<T> > gclist;
这个链表里面存放的就是每一块内存,对于constructor或者copy constructor在创建对象的时候,首先需要遍历该链表,看里面是否有相同的对象,如果有,则指向该内存的指针数增加1,即引用计数增1。否则,建立一个GCInfo对象,这个对象所指的就是所分配的内存,然后把这块内存放到链表中,对于所分配的内存需要判断是否是为数组分配的内存。对于copy constructor 在创建对象的时候,仍然去遍历这个链表,将其内存所对应的引用计数增1。如果没有找到,仍然增1,同时把所复制的对象赋*this,这样就又建立了一个指向该内存对象。
然后就是assignment constructor:
   //GCPtr &operator = ( T * );    
  T *operator = ( T * );                                      
  GCPtr &operator = (  GCPtr & );
template < class T, int size >T* GCPtr < T, size > ::operator = ( T * t )
template < class T, int size >
 GCPtr <T, size >&  GCPtr <T, size >::operator = (   GCPtr< T, size >& gc );
对于GCPtr对象的复制,我们可以模仿copy constructor来写。不同的是,对于assignment constructor需要删除当前所指的对象,然后把另外一个对象赋给当前的这个指针。
template <class T, int size >GCPtr < T, size >::~GCPtr ( );
收依然是遍历该内存链表,每调用一次析构函数,所析构的对象就是当前指针所指向的那块内存,如果此时内存的引用计数不为0,此时这块内存所对应的引用计数减 1。然后调用一个辅助函数collect()。这是一个静态函数,这个辅助函数的目的就是清除那些引用计数为0的内存,将这些内存自动清除,如果对应是单个对象的内存,清除时就调用delete p,如果是数组,调用delete [] p,如果需要的化,可以显示出链
表中的内存信息。 showlist()也是一个辅助函数,它是用来显示整个链表里面的内存信息。除此之外,GCPtr还重载了 *,->,[]运算符,还定义一个operator T *()的转换函数,这是把GCPtr转化成T*的指针对于其他的一些指针运算符,事实上,因为Iter类已经提供了这些操作。
// A single-threaded garbage collector. 
#i nclude < iostream >
#i nclude < list >
#i nclude < typeinfo >
#i nclude < cstdlib >
using namespace std;
#define DISPLAY
// Exception thrown when an attempt is made to  
// use an Iter that exceeds the range of the underlying object. 
class OutOfRangeExc { 
  // Add functionality if needed by your application. 
// An iterator-like class for cycling through arrays 
// that are pointed to by GCPtrs. Iter pointers 
// ** do not ** participate in or affect garbage 
// collection.  Thus, an Iter pointing to 
// some object does not prevent that object 
// from being recycled. 
 template < class T > class Iter
 Iter ( ):_ptr ( 0 ), _end ( 0 ), _begin ( 0 ), _length ( 0 ) { }
    Iter ( T *p, T *first, T *last ) : _ptr ( p ), _end ( last ), _begin ( first )
    {  _length = last - first ; }
  //return length of sequence to which this Iter points
 unsigned size ( ) const { return _length; }
  T & operator * ( );
  T * operator -> ( );
 Iter& operator ++ ( );
 Iter &operator -- ( );
 Iter  operator ++ ( int );
 Iter  operator -- ( int );
 T & operator [ ] ( int );
 bool operator == (const Iter& );
 bool operator != (const  Iter& );
 bool operator < ( const Iter& );
 bool operator > ( const Iter & );
 bool operator >= ( const Iter & );
 bool operator <= (const Iter & );
 Iter& operator  - ( int );
 Iter& operator + ( int );
//return number of elements between two Iters
  int operator - ( const Iter < T > & );
       T        *_ptr; // current pointer value 
          T         *_end; //points to element one past end
    T        *_begin; //points to start of allocated array
    unsigned  _length;// length of sequence
// This class defines an element that is stored 
// in the garbage collection information list.  
 template < class T> struct GCInfo
   unsigned refcount; // current reference count
      T *memPtr; // pointer to allocated memory 
    /* isArray is true if memPtr points 
     to an allocated array. It is false 
     otherwise. */ 
    bool isArray; // true if pointing to array 
      /* If memPtr is pointing to an allocated 
     array, then arraySize contains its size */ 
    unsigned arraySize; // size of array 
   // Here, mPtr points to the allocated memory.
  // If this is an array, then size specifies
  // the size of the array. 
  GCInfo(T *mPtr, unsigned size=0) { 
            refcount = 1;
            memPtr = mPtr; 
             if(size != 0) 
                isArray = true; 
                isArray = false; 
              arraySize = size; 
// Overloading operator== allows GCInfos to be compared. 
// This is needed by the STL list class.  
template < class T>
bool operator == ( const GCInfo < T> & ob1, const GCInfo < T> & ob2 )
 return ob1.memPtr == ob2.memPtr;
GCPtr implements a pointer type that uses 
 garbage collection to release unused memory. 
A GCPtr must only be used to point to memory 
 that was dynamically allocated using new.  
 When used to refer to an allocated array, 
 specify the array size.  */ 
 template < class T, int size = 0 > class GCPtr
            typedef Iter<T> GCiterator;   // Define an iterator type for GCPtr<T>. 
             GCPtr(T *t= 0 ) ;
    GCPtr(const GCPtr &);
   //GCPtr &operator = ( T * );    
   T *operator = ( T * );       // overload assignment of pointer to GCPtr;
   GCPtr &operator = (  GCPtr & );    //overload assignment of GCPtr to GCPtr
    ~GCPtr ( );
    static bool collect ( );   // Collect garbage. returns true if at least one object was freed
   T &operator * ( ) { return *addr; }   // return a reference to the object pointed
   T * operator -> () {return addr;}   // return the address being pointed to
            T &operator [ ] ( int index )
    { return addr [ index ] ; }
   // return a reference to the object at the index specified by i
            operator T* ( ) { return addr; }  //conversion function to T *
   Iter<T> begin ( ) ;    // return an Iter to the start of the allocated memory
    Iter<T> end ( );     // return an Iter to one past the end of an allocated array
   static int gclistSize ( )
    { return gclist.size ( ); } //return the size of gclist for this type
   static  void showlist ( );      //  a utility function that display gclist;
   static void shutdown ( );     // Clear gclist when program exits
           static list< GCInfo< T >  > gclist ; 
// gclist maintains the garbage collection list. 
       // addr points to the allocated memory to which   this GCPtr pointer currently points. 
           T *addr; 
           //isArray is true if this GCPtr points to an allocated array. It is false otherwise.
           bool isArray; // true if pointing to array 
          // If this GCPtr is pointing to an allocated  array, then arraySize contains its size. 
            unsigned arraySize; // size of the array 
            static bool first; // true when first GCPtr is created
     // Return an interator to pointer info in gclist.
            typename list<GCInfo<T> >::iterator findPtrInfo(T *ptr);