Abstract. Draw is a command interpreter based on Tcl/Tk and a graphical system used to test and demonstrate OpenCascade modeling libraries. It provides a flexible and easy to use means of testing and demonstrating the OCCT modeling libraries. By a given command of Tcl, you can find the implentation code for that command by OpenCascade, the code could be as a demo to use of OCC modeling libraries. So this is the most effectively way of use OpenCascade. Key words. OpenCascade, Tcl/Tk, Testing,

OpenCascade Draw Test Harness


Abstract. Draw is a command interpreter based on Tcl/Tk and a graphical system used to test and demonstrate OpenCascade modeling libraries. It provides a flexible and easy to use means of testing and demonstrating the OCCT modeling libraries. By a given command of Tcl, you can find the implentation code for that command by OpenCascade, the code could be as a demo to use of OCC modeling libraries. So this is the most effectively way of use OpenCascade. 

Key words. OpenCascade, Tcl/Tk, Testing, Scripts

1. Introduction

Draw Test Harness提供了灵活和易于使用的方式来测试、演示OpenCascade的建模算法。可用来交互的创建、显示和修改曲线、曲面及拓朴形状。你也可以自己写Tcl脚本来自定义Draw或使用脚本来实现自动化测试。也可以为Draw添加新的自定义的命令。 


还可在Draw 中使用Tcl脚本来实现概念建模,如果结果和预期一致,可再把Tcl命令相对应的C++代码写到程序中,提高编程效率。 


2. Using Tcl/Tk


OpenCascade Draw Test Harness_OpenCascade

Figure 2.1 A blend test in Draw Test Harness 


pload ALL


vsetgradientbg 0 0 180 255 255 255 2


# run a test
source tests/blend/begin
source tests/blend/buildevol/a2

vsetdispmode 1
vdisplay result

OpenCascade Draw Test Harness_自定义_02

Figure 2.2 Tcl script 


OpenCascade Draw Test Harness_Scripts_03

Figure 2.3 Use the Tcl file 

3. Find code from Draw Test


OpenCascade Draw Test Harness_OpenCascade_04

Figure 3.1 Find command in Files 

OpenCascade Draw Test Harness_Testing_05

Figure 3.2 Find Result of the Command 


OpenCascade Draw Test Harness_OpenCascade_06

Figure 3.3 The Command function code 


4. Conclusion

从上可知,如果需要OpenCascade的什么功能,可以先在Draw Test Harness中试试看,如果在Draw Test Harness中可以实现,再找出其实现那个命令的代码,再参考代码实现所需要功能即可。这样编程使用OpenCascade应该是轻松和高效的,因为Tcl是解释执行,不像C++那样需要编译时间。 

5. References

1. Tcl and the Tk Toolkit 

2. Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk 

3. Tcl/Tk A Developer’s Guide 

4. OpenCascade Test Harness User’s Guide  

5. http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcl/

5. http://www.tcl.tk/