
问:如何玩转vSphere Web Access?
答:vSphere Web Access是一种通过Web来访问并管理ESX或vCenter中的虚机的方法。通过这种方式访问控制虚机,管理员不需要安装vSphere client。但是,出于安全性考虑,这个功能默认是不开启的。如果有必要,可以在COS用以下命令开启:

service vmware-webAccess start

通过以上命令可以临时启动vSphere Web Access,当Host重启时,又会被关闭。如果需要这个功能在重启后还能生效,可以用以下命令修改run level:

chkconfig -level 345 vmware-webAccess on

vCenter和vSphere Web Access客户端之间通过TCP 443端口通信,因此,必须配置防火墙以允许数据通过443端口。支持的浏览器包括MS IE6.0或更高版本,Firefox 2.0或更高版本。

通过 vSphere Web Access可以进行的操作包括:

    * 查看Host和虚机的详情
    * 开、关虚机
    * 修改虚机的配置
    * 生成虚机的远程控制台URL
    * 访问并操作运行在虚机上的客户机操作系统



What can I do with the vSphere Web Access?

The vSphere Web Access is a web-based method for accessing and managing virtual machines in ESX Server and vCenter Deployments.
This eliminates the need for installing the vSphere Client for users that only need access to administer virtual machines. However, vSphere Web
Access has been disabled by default for security reasons. If needed it can be enabled via the Service Console:

service vmware-webAccess start

This is just a temporary solution. When the host is rebooted vSphere Web Access is disabled again. If it needs to be persistently enabled you can modify the run level:

chkconfig -level 345 vmware-webAccess on

Communication between the vCenter Server and the vSphere Web Access client is over TCP Port 443. VMware has certified vSphere Web Access use with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0(or later) and Mozilla Firefox 2.0(or later) for Windows and Linux. Web Access allows users to:

    * Use a browser to view hosts and virtual machine details.
    * Perform power operations on virtual machines.
    * Edit a virtual machine’s configuration and hardware.
    * Generate VMware Remote Console URLs that users can use to access their virtual machines.
    * Interact with the guest operating systems that are running on the virtual machines.
    * Access ESX hosts and vCenter Servers from Linux systems.