1. Run through Setup Capture Configuration first to create your exclusion list.
  2. Start the Setup Capture from a clean computer.
  3. It is best practice to use snapshot method only.  Smart Monitor will over-capture and give you more clean up to do. If you aren't capturing enough or have files that need to be captured in a specific order, you can use Smart Monitor.
  4. Altiris/Wise Solutions does not support capturing an .MSI. Some .EXE have .MSIs embedded inside them. You can tell if an .EXE has an embedded .MSI by:
    1. Executing the .EXE. Once the Welcome dialog comes up, check the temp directory (enter %TEMP% into the Start > Run). If you see a file named with an .MSI extension (for example, B34T34.MSI) with the same date and time of when you executed the .EXE, then it is an .MSI. 
    2. Executing the .EXE. When the Progress dialog is running and the files are being installed, check your processes to see if MSIEXEC.EXE is running. If it is, then it is an .MSI.
  5. If you have an .MSI, you should be creating a transform.