that is very kind of you ,but i'd prefer not
2 您的广告预算是多少, 做电视广告太贵
how much is your budget for the ads , it is too expensive to make tv ads
3  根据我的调查,杂志广告也是很有效果的
according to the investigations i have done ,the magazine ads are also very useful and powerful
4  我承认电视广告会给观众留下深刻的印象
i admit that it will leave a deep impression on the audience's mind
5  应该好好计划一下,使它更具想象力和娱乐性
it should be better planned,more imaginative and entertaining
6  我设计了三套广告方案,你想看一下么
there are three ads plans i designed ,would you like to have a look at ?
7 我们的广告旨在扩大我们产品的知名度以及巩固品牌的地位
our ads is designed to make our products well-know and build strong brand positon
8  广告播放太频繁可能会导致人民开始对它感到厌烦
after too many exposures,people begin to find them annoying
9  我们必须定一下我们广告出现的频率
we have to decide the frequency we have for our ads
10 它热衷于于文学
he has a passion for literature