
  1. 自我介绍:
  • "Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I'm the new [Your Position] in the [Department Name] team." (你好,我叫[你的名字],是[部门名称]团队的新[你的职位]。)

  1. 请求帮助:
  • "I'm having trouble with [specific task]. Could you spare a few minutes to help me troubleshoot?" (我在[具体任务]上遇到了困难,你能抽出几分钟帮我解决一下吗?)

  1. 提出建议:
  • "I was thinking, perhaps we could streamline the process by using [specific tool/strategy]." (我在想,或许我们可以通过使用[具体工具/策略]来优化这个过程。)

  1. 设定目标:
  • "Our goal for this quarter is to increase productivity by 10%. Let's brainstorm ideas on how to achieve this." (本季度我们的目标是提高生产率10%。让我们集思广益,想想怎么实现。)

  1. 安排会议:
  • "Shall we schedule a meeting to discuss the project timeline and assign tasks?" (我们是否应该安排一个会议来讨论项目时间线和分配任务?)

  1. 给予表扬:
  • "I really appreciate your hard work on the [project/task]. Your contribution was invaluable." (我非常感谢你在[项目/任务]上的辛勤工作,你的贡献是无价的。)

  1. 反馈工作:
  • "Overall, the report is well-structured, but I suggest adding more data to support our findings." (整体来说,报告结构清晰,但我建议增加更多数据来支持我们的发现。)

  1. 管理冲突:
  • "It seems we have different viewpoints. Let's discuss each perspective and find a middle ground." (看来我们有不同的观点,让我们讨论每个视角,找到一个折衷方案。)

  1. 请求反馈:
  • "How do you think we can improve our team communication and collaboration?" (你认为我们如何能改进团队的沟通和协作?)

  1. 表达决心:
  • "I'm committed to delivering this project on time and ensuring its success." (我致力于按时交付这个项目并确保其成功。)

  1. 请假或调整工作:
  • "I need to take a personal day tomorrow. I'll make sure all my tasks are covered and up to date before I leave." (我明天需要请一天假。我会确保在我离开前所有任务都已完成且是最新的状态。)

  1. 结束会议:
  • "Great discussion, everyone. Let's reconvene next week to review progress." (很好的讨论,各位。我们下周再会,检查进度。)
