1. Introduction
    In the previous Chapter, we have discussed how to play a video using data saved in the raw format of a file. In reality, video data are saved in a predefined format. There have been numerous video formats around and the data of most of them are saved in compressed form. In this Chapter, we shall give a brief discussion on some popular formats and do a case study on the .avi file format. Just as raw pixel data are often saved in .bmp format, and raw PCM sound samples in .wav format, raw video data are often saved in .avi format. We shall learn how to extract the raw video data from a .avi file so that we can play the video as we discussed in the previous Chapter or process them in our own way.
    1. Video Storage Formats
    2. Requirements of Internet Video File Format
    3. There exists a large number of video file formats in the market not only because competing companies create their own formats, hoping to push out competitors and to make their formats standards, but also because there are legal needs of not overstepping competitors' so called intellectual property. The following sections examine some common characteristics between the popular file formats. We could summarize the requirements for video file format to be successful as follows. A video file format should be able to
    4. store video and audio data,
  • provide fast, real-time playback on target viewing platforms,
  • provide efficient scrubbing ( fast-forward and rewind while previewing ),
  • store metadata ( e.g. copyright, authorship, creation dates ... ),
  • store additional tracks and multimedia data like thumbnails, subtitle tracks, alternate language audio tracks ...,
  • allow for multiple resolutions,
  • provide file locking mechanisms,
  • allow for video editing,
  • provide integrity checking mechanism, and
  • perform segmentation of audio and video portions into packets for efficient Internet transmission.
    1. Common Internet Video Container File Format
    2. A container file format is hierarchical in structure, and can hold different kinds of media ( audio, video, text .. ) synchronized in time. The following are some popular container formats, which can save various types of media.
  • AVI ( Audio Video Interleaved ) -- standard audio / video file format under Windows; not suited for streaming as it does not have any standard way to store packetization data.
  • MOV -- Apple's Quick Time format, better than AVI in synching audio and video; also supports Windows, and Linux.
  • ASF ( Advanced Streaming Format ) -- Microsoft's proprietary format ( .WMV, .WMA ), designed primarily to hold synchronized audio and video.
  • RM ( RealMedia ) -- Real's streaming media files; can be extended to hold all types of multimedia; supports Windows, and Linux platforms and many standards, including MPEG-2, MPEG-4, Real, H263.
  • MP4 ( MPEG-4 ) -- almost identical to MOV but MPEG-4 players can handle only MPEG-4 related audio, video and multimedia.
  • SWF, SWV ( Shockwave Flash ) -- for Flash movies, typically containing vector-drawn animations with scripting controls; also supports video codecs, JPEG still p_w_picpaths, remote loading of SWF files, XML data and raw text.
  • NSV ( NullSoft Video ) -- by NullSoft ( a division of AOL ) for streaming.
    1. Simple Raw or Stream Video Format
    2. Simple raw storage or stream formats store the compressed data without extra headers or metadata. These are essentially live audio-video streams saved to disk. Below are some examples.
    3. MPEG-1, MPEG-2 -- streams are composed of interleaved audio and video data arranged into groups of pictures.
  • MP3 -- encode audio; part of MPEG-1
  • DV ( Digital Video ) -- used by modern digital cameras and video editing software.
  • .263 -- video compressed with H.263 codec.
  • .RTP -- Real Time Protocol data.
    1. Internet Playlist, Index, and Scripting Format
    2. Index formats have pointers linking to other resources. The following are some of this kind.
    3. MOV -- has several formats that do not contain actual video or audio data, but merely point to other files.
  • RAM ( RealAudio Metafile ) -- points to the URL of the actual media file ( RealMedia .RM or RealAudio .RA ).
  • ASX ( Active Streaming Index ) -- index files that work in Windows Media system and point to the content held in an ASF media file
  • SMIL ( Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language ) -- provides instructions to a media player on how to present a multimedia interface and what content to display
    1. Case Study: AVI Files ( .avi )
    2. AVI ( Audio Video Interleaved ) is a file format defined by Microsoft for use in applications that capture, edit and play back audio-video sequences. Just as raw pixel data are often saved in .bmp format, and raw PCM sound samples in .wav format, raw video data are often saved in .avi format. It is a special case of RIFF (Resource Interchange File Format) and is the most commonly used format for storing audio/video data in a PC. An AVI file can be embedded in a web page using a link like:
      < A HREF="http://www.somedomain.com/movie.avi" > A Movie </A>
    1. In order that your Apache Web server is able to handle avi files, you need to add in the configuration file the following statement.
      AddType video/avi .avi
    1. AVI is often regarded as an obsolete video/audio file format as it lacks many contemporary and crucial features to support streaming and p_w_picpath processing. However, it has been extended by OpenDML to include some of those features.
    2. RIFF FILE Format
    3. The AVI file format is based on the RIFF (resource interchange file format) document format. A RIFF file consists of a RIFF header followed by zero or more lists and chunks; it uses a FOURCC ( four-character code ) to denote a text header. A FOURCC is a 32-bit unsigned integer created by concatenating four ASCII characters. For example, 'abcd' = 0x64636261. The AVI file format uses FOURCC codes to identify stream types, data chunks, index entries, and other information. The RIFF file format has the following form.
    4. A RIFF header consists of 'RIFF' fileSize fileType (data) where
    5. 'RIFF' is the literal FOURCC code 'RIFF',
    6. fileSize is a 4-byte value indicating the size of the data in the file including the size of the fileType plus the size of the data that follows,
    7. fileType is a FOURCC that identifies the specific file type,
    8. data consists of chunks and lists in any order.
    • A chunk consists of chunkID chunkSize chunkData where
    • chunkID is a FOURCC that identifies the data contained in the chunk,
    • chunkSize is a 4-byte value giving the size of data in chunkData not including padded values,
    • chunkData is zero or more bytes of data, padded to nearest WORD boundary.
    • A list consists of 'LIST' listSize listType listData where
    • 'LIST' is the literal FOURCC code 'LIST,
    • listSize is 4-byte value, indicating the size of the list,
    • listType is a FOURCC code specifying the list type,
    • listData consists of chunks or lists, in any order
    1. The following are sample data from and AVI file. The data are displayed in hexadecimal; the corresponding ASCII characters are printed on the right if they are printable otherwise a dot is printed. Some comments are shown at the far right to indicate what the data represent.
    1.           [ 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15  0123456789012345]
      000000000: 52 49 46 46 DC 6C 57 09 41 56 49 20 4C 49 53 54 |RIFF.lW.AVI LIST|RIFF fileSize fileType LIST
      000000016: CC 41 00 00 68 64 72 6C 61 76 69 68 38 00 00 00 |.A..hdrlavih8...|listSize listType avih structureSize
      000000032: 50 C3 00 00 00 B0 04 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 |P...............|microSecondPerFrame maxBytesPerSec
      000000048: A8 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 84 03 00 |................|totalFrames initialFrames streams suggestedBufferSize
      000000064: 40 01 00 00 F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |@...............|width height
      000000080: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4C 49 53 54 74 40 00 00 |........LISTt@..|
      000000096: 73 74 72 6C 73 74 72 68 38 00 00 00 76 69 64 73 |strlstrh8...vids|
      000000112: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
      000000128: 64 00 00 00 D0 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 A8 02 00 00 |d...............|
      000000144: 00 84 03 00 10 27 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.....'..........|
      000000160: 40 01 F0 00 73 74 72 66 28 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 |@...strf(...(...|
      000000176: 40 01 00 00 F0 00 00 00 01 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 |@...............|
      000000192: 00 84 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
      000000208: 00 00 00 00 69 6E 64 78 F8 3F 00 00 04 00 00 00 |....indx.?......|
      000000224: 01 00 00 00 30 30 64 62 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |....00db........|
      000000240: 00 00 00 00 0C 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 |.....D.......@..|
      000017408: 4C 49 53 54 38 F9 56 09 6D 6F 76 69 69 78 30 30 |LIST8.V.moviix00|LISTlistSize listType indexBlock ( ix00 )
      000017424: F8 3F 00 00 02 00 00 01 A8 02 00 00 30 30 64 62 |.?..........00db| .... 00db ( uncompressed video frame )
    Table 1. Sample AVI data        
    1. As you can see from the above sample data, a two-character code is used to define the type of information in the chunk.
    Two-character code   Description
    db Uncompressed video frame
    dc Compressed video frame
    pc Palette change
    wb Audio data
    1. For example, if stream 0 contains audio, the data chunks for that stream would have the FOURCC '00wb'. If stream 1 contains video, the data chunks for that stream would have the FOURCC '01db' or '01dc'.
    2. AVI RIFF Format
    3. As shown in Table 1, the FOURCC 'AVI ' in a RIFF header identifies the file to be an AVI file. An AVI file has two mandatory LIST chunks, defining the format of the streams and the stream data, respectively. An AVI file might also include an index chunk, indicating the address of the data chunks of the file; it has the following form ( Table 2 ):
      1. RIFF ('AVI '
              LIST ('hdrl' ... )
              LIST ('movi' ... )
              ['idx1' () ]
      Table 2. AVI RIFF Format
    1. The 'hdrl' list defines the format of the data and is the first mandatory LIST chunk. The 'movi' list contains the data for the AVI sequence and is the second required LIST chunk. An optional index ('idx1') chunk can follow the 'movi' list. The index contains a list of the data chunks and their location in the file.
    2. If we expand 'hdrl' and 'movi' in Table 2, we shall get a form shown below ( Table 3 ):
      1. RIFF ('AVI '
              LIST ('hdrl' //header length
                    LIST ('strl' //stream length
                          [ 'strd'() ]
                          [ 'strn'() ]
              LIST ('movi'
                    {SubChunk | LIST ('rec '
              ['idx1' () ]
    1. The 'hdrl' list begins with the main AVI header, which is contained in an 'avih' chunk. The main header contains global information for the entire AVI file, such as the number of streams within the file and the width and height of the AVI sequence. This main header structure is shown below.
      1. typedef struct _avimainheader {
            FOURCC fcc; //'avih'
            DWORD  cb; //size of structure, not including first 8 bytes
            DWORD  dwMicroSecPerFrame;
            DWORD  dwMaxBytesPerSec;
            DWORD  dwPaddingGranularity;
            DWORD  dwFlags;
            DWORD  dwTotalFrames;
            DWORD  dwInitialFrames;
            DWORD  dwStreams;
            DWORD  dwSuggestedBufferSize;
            DWORD  dwWidth;
            DWORD  dwHeight;
            DWORD  dwReserved[4];
    1. One or more 'strl' lists follow the main header. A 'strl' list is required for each data stream. Each 'strl' list contains information about one stream in the file, and must contain a stream header chunk ('strh') and a stream format chunk ('strf'). In addition, a 'strl' list might contain a stream-header data chunk ('strd') and a stream name chunk ('strn'). The stream header chunk ('strh') consists of an AVISTREAMHEADER structure shown below.
      1. typedef struct _avistreamheader {
             FOURCC fcc;
             DWORD  cb;
             FOURCC fccType; //'vids' - video, 'auds' - audio, 'txts' - subtitle
             FOURCC fccHandler;
             DWORD  dwFlags;
             WORD   wPriority;
             WORD   wLanguage;
             DWORD  dwInitialFrames;
             DWORD  dwScale;
             DWORD  dwRate;
             DWORD  dwStart;
             DWORD  dwLength;
             DWORD  dwSuggestedBufferSize;
             DWORD  dwQuality;
             DWORD  dwSampleSize;
             struct {
                 short int left;
                 short int top;
                 short int right;
                 short int bottom;
             }  rcFrame;
      Table 3. AVI Main Stream Header
    1. One can also express Digital Video ( DV ) data in the AVI file format. The following example shows the AIFF RIFF form for an AVI file with one DV data stream, expanded with completed header chunks.
      1. 00000000 RIFF (0FAE35D4) 'AVI '
        0000000C     LIST (00000106) 'hdrl'
        00000018         avih (00000038)
                             dwMicroSecPerFrame    : 33367
                             dwMaxBytesPerSec      : 3728000
                             dwPaddingGranularity  : 0
                             dwFlags               : 0x810 HASINDEX | TRUSTCKTYPE
                             dwTotalFrames         : 2192
                             dwInitialFrames       : 0
                             dwStreams             : 1
                             dwSuggestedBufferSize : 120000
                             dwWidth               : 720
                             dwHeight              : 480
                             dwReserved            : 0x0
        00000058         LIST (0000006C) 'strl'
        00000064             strh (00000038)
                                 fccType               : 'iavs'
                                 fccHandler            : 'dvsd'
                                 dwFlags               : 0x0
                                 wPriority             : 0
                                 wLanguage             : 0x0 undefined
                                 dwInitialFrames       : 0
                                 dwScale               : 100 (29.970 Frames/Sec)
                                 dwRate                : 2997
                                 dwStart               : 0
                                 dwLength              : 2192
                                 dwSuggestedBufferSize : 120000
                                 dwQuality             : 0
                                 dwSampleSize          : 0
                                 rcFrame               : 0,0,720,480
        000000A4             strf (00000020)
                                 dwDVAAuxSrc     : 0x........
                                 dwDVAAuxCtl     : 0x........
                                 dwDVAAuxSrc1    : 0x........
                                 dwDVAAuxCtl1    : 0x........
                                 dwDVVAuxSrc     : 0x........
                                 dwDVVAuxCtl     : 0x........
                                 dwDVReserved[2] : 0,0
        000000CC     LIST (0FADAC00) 'movi'
        0FADACD4     idx1 (00008900)
    1. Utility Program for Reading AVI Files
    2. In order to extract the data from an AVI file, we need to write a program that can understand the AVI format. However, rather than reinventing the wheel from the ground up, we make use of some existing open-source libraries and codes to help us do the job. We shall utilize the codes from MPEG4IP, which is an open-source package consisting of tools for streaming video and audio that is standards-oriented and free from proprietary protocols and extensions. MPEG4IP's development is focused on the Linux platform, and has been ported to Windows, Solaris, FreeBSD, BSD/OS and Mac OS X. It can handle MPEG-4, H.261, MPEG-2, H.263, MP3, AAC, and AMR file formats. When you download the package from its site and unpack it, you will find the utility program "avilib.c" and its header file "avilib.h" in the subdirectory ./lib/avi. You also need the header file "mpeg4ip.h" in the subdirectory ./include to compile "avilib.c".
    3. We shall utilize the functions provided by "avilib.c" to read an AVI file. The main AVI structure is defined in "avilib.h" and is named avi_t. As shown below, avi_t basically covers all the crucial features of an AVI file.
    1. typedef struct
         long   fdes;              /* File descriptor of AVI file */
         long   mode;              /* 0 for reading, 1 for writing */

         long   width;             /* Width  of a video frame */
         long   height;            /* Height of a video frame */
         double fps;               /* Frames per second */
         char   compressor[8];     /* Type of compressor, 4 bytes + padding for 0 byte */
         long   video_strn;        /* Video stream number */
         long   video_frames;      /* Number of video frames */
         char   video_tag[4];      /* Tag of video data */
         long   video_pos;         /* Number of next frame to be read
                                      (if index present) */

         long   a_fmt;             /* Audio format, see #defines below */
         long   a_chans;           /* Audio channels, 0 for no audio */
         long   a_rate;            /* Rate in Hz */
         long   a_bits;            /* bits per audio sample */
         long   audio_strn;        /* Audio stream number */
         long   audio_bytes;       /* Total number of bytes of audio data */
         long   audio_chunks;      /* Chunks of audio data in the file */
         char   audio_tag[4];      /* Tag of audio data */
         long   audio_posc;        /* Audio position: chunk */
         long   audio_posb;        /* Audio position: byte within chunk */

         long   pos;               /* position in file */
         long   n_idx;             /* number of index entries actually filled */
         long   max_idx;           /* number of index entries actually allocated */
         unsigned char (*idx)[16]; /* index entries (AVI idx1 tag) */
         video_index_entry * video_index;
         audio_index_entry * audio_index;
         long   last_pos;          /* Position of last frame written */
         long   last_len;          /* Length of last frame written */
         int    must_use_index;    /* Flag if frames are duplicated */
         long   movi_start;
      } avi_t;
    1. To read an AVI file, we can first use the function AVI_open_input_file() of "avilib.c" to open the AVI file:
    1. avi_t *AVI_open_input_file(const char *filename, int getIndex);
    1. where filename points to the filename of the AVI file to be opened and getIndex determines if you need the indexing information of the file or not; a nonzero value indicates you want the information while a value of 0 indicates you don't. If opened successfully, it returns a pointer to an avi_t structure containing relevant information of the AVI file for further processing.
    2. The following program, avi_to_raw.cpp is a sample program that makes use of the avilib functions to extract the video and audio from an AVI file. It is simple and straightforward and the code is self-explained. However, it has to be compiled with the avilib.c program which is also listed below. For example, you can use the following command to compile the executable avi_to_raw:
    3. $g++  -o  avi_to_raw  avi_to_raw.cpp  avilib.c
    4. You can execute it with the following format:
    5. $./avi_to_raw  avi_file  [raw_video_output_file  raw_audio_output_file]
    6. If the input avi_file is in uncompressed format, you will obtain the video raw data saved in raw_video_output_file. The program will also output other relevant data of the video and audio data. The following is a sample output.
    1. ---------------------------------------------------------
      Video Frame Rate:          20   fps
      Number of Frames:         680
      File Duration:             34   sec
      Video width:              320   pixels
      Video height:             240   pixels
      Compressor type:
      Audio channels:             0
      Audio sample rate:          0   Hz
      Bits per audio sample:      0
      Video starts at:        17420 ( 0x440c )
    1. The following lists the programs avi_to_raw.cpp; the links to avilib.c, and the required header files avilib.h and mpeg4ip.h are also provided. If you want to try it, simply copy-and-paste the code into your own file and download the other three files ( avilib.c, avilib.h, mpeg4ip.h ) to the same directory and compile them using the command mentioned above.
    1. /*
        Need to compile together with MPEG4IP avilib.c
        Compile: g++ -o avi_to_raw avi_to_raw.cpp avilib.c
        Execute: ./avi_to_raw infile [video_output_file audio_output_file]

      #include <stdlib.h>
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <string.h>
      #include <math.h>
      #include "avilib.h"

      using namespace std;

      int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
        FILE *fpo = NULL;
        avi_t *avi = NULL; //points to opened avi file
        char infilename[30], outfilename[30], *pc;
        double videoFrameRate;
        unsigned  numVideoFrames;
        unsigned long fileDuration;
        long numBytes = 0, totalBytes = 0;
        unsigned long videoFramesRead = 0;
        unsigned long emptyFramesRead = 0;
        unsigned long short_frames_len = 4;

        if ( argc < 2 ) {
          printf("\nUsage: avi_to_raw infile [outfile1 outfile2]\n");
          exit ( 1 );
        strcpy ( infilename, argv[1] );

        avi = AVI_open_input_file( infilename, 1 );
        if (avi == NULL) {
          fprintf(stderr, "error %s: %s\n", infilename, AVI_strerror());
          exit( 2 );

        videoFrameRate = AVI_video_frame_rate( avi ); //frame per second
        numVideoFrames = AVI_video_frames( avi );
        fileDuration = ( unsigned long ) ceil( numVideoFrames / videoFrameRate);

        printf("\nVideo Frame Rate:\t%5.0f \tfps", videoFrameRate );
        printf("\nNumber of Frames:\t%5d", numVideoFrames );
        printf("\nFile Duration:   \t%5ld \tsec", fileDuration );
        printf("\nVideo width:     \t%5d \tpixels", avi->width );
        printf("\nVideo height:     \t%5d \tpixels", avi->height );
        printf("\nCompressor type: \t%5s", avi->compressor );
        printf("\nAudio channels:  \t%5d", avi->a_chans );
        printf("\nAudio sample rate:\t%5d \tHz", avi->a_rate  );
        printf("\nBits per audio sample:\t%5d", avi->a_bits );

        printf("\nVideo starts at:  \t%5ld ( 0x%lx )", avi->movi_start, avi->movi_start );

        //extract video
        if ( argc < 3 ) { //construct raw video output file name
          strcpy ( outfilename, infilename );
          pc = strrchr ( outfilename, '.' );          //pc points to '.'
          if ( pc != NULL ) *pc = 0;
          strcat ( outfilename, ".rawv" );             //extenstion .rawv
        } else
          strcpy ( outfilename, argv[2] );
        if ( ( fpo = fopen ( outfilename, "wb" ) ) == NULL ) {
          fprintf(stderr, "error opening file %s for output\n", outfilename );
          exit ( 3 );
        // get a buffer large enough to handle a frame of raw SDTV
        u_char *buf = ( u_char * ) malloc ( 768 * 576 * 4 );
        if ( buf == NULL ) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating memory\n");
          exit ( 4 );
        //move file pointer pointing to beginning of video data
        if (AVI_seek_start( avi )) {
           fprintf(stderr, "bad seek 0: %s\n", AVI_strerror());
           exit( 5 );
        if (AVI_set_video_position( avi, 0, NULL)) {
           fprintf(stderr, "bad seek 1: %s\n", AVI_strerror());
           exit( 6 );

        videoFramesRead = 0;
        while ( ( numBytes = AVI_read_frame( avi, (char *)buf ) ) > -1 ) {
          totalBytes += numBytes;
          printf("frame %d - length %u total %u\r", videoFramesRead, numBytes, totalBytes);
          //eliminate short frames
          if ( numBytes > short_frames_len ) {
            if (  fwrite ( buf, 1, numBytes, fpo ) != numBytes ) {
              fprintf ( stderr, "Error writing %s\n", outfilename );   
          } else {
          if ( videoFramesRead >= numVideoFrames ) break;
        } //while
        // read error
        if (numBytes < 0)
          fprintf(stderr, "read error\n" );
        if (emptyFramesRead) {
          fprintf(stderr, "warning: %u zero length frames ignored\n", emptyFramesRead);

        fclose ( fpo ); //done with video

        if ( avi->a_chans == 0 ) {
          printf("\nno audio channel\n" );
          exit ( 7 );
        //extract audio
        if ( argc < 4 ) {                             //construct raw audio output file name
          strcpy ( outfilename, infilename );
          pc = strrchr ( outfilename, '.' );          //pc points to '.'
          if ( pc != NULL ) *pc = 0;
          strcat ( outfilename, ".rawa" );       //extenstion .rawa
        } else
          strcpy ( outfilename, argv[3] );
        if ( ( fpo = fopen ( outfilename, "wb" ) ) == NULL ) {
          fprintf(stderr, "error opening file %s for output\n", outfilename );
          exit ( 9 );

        unsigned audioFrames = 0;
        totalBytes = 0;
        if (AVI_seek_start( avi )) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Audio bad seek 2: %s\n", AVI_strerror());
          exit( 10 );
        if (AVI_set_audio_position( avi, 0)) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Audio bad seek 3: %s\n", AVI_strerror());
          exit( 11 );
        while ((numBytes = AVI_read_audio( avi, (char *)buf, 8192)) > 0) {
          totalBytes += numBytes;
          if (fwrite ( buf, 1, numBytes, fpo ) != numBytes) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error writing %s\n", outfilename );
          printf("frame %d - length %u total %u\r", audioFrames, numBytes, totalBytes);

        fclose ( fpo );

        return 0;

    Playing Raw .avi File
    Now, combining what we have learned about AVI file format and the method of playing raw video data discussed in the previous chapter, we can easily write a simple player that plays an uncompressed .avi video file. All we need to do is to have a thread to read the data from an .avi file, extracting the raw video data frame by frame and another thread to play the data ( blit them to the screen ). The only catch is that SDL defines the upper left corner of the screen to be the origin while AVI defines the left lower corner. To make the display consistent, we have to flip a frame of the .avi data up side down. The following piece of code does the job:
      p_w_picpath[] holds one frame of data
      frameSize is the number of bytes of data in one frame
    void up_down_flip ( char *p_w_picpath, int frameSize, int p_w_picpathWidth, int p_w_picpathHeight )
      int  number_of_bytes_in_one_row  = frameSize / p_w_picpathHeight;
      char *one_row;			//holds one row of data
      one_row = ( char * ) malloc ( number_of_bytes_in_one_row );
      for ( int i = 0; i < p_w_picpathHeight/2; ++i ) {
        memcpy ( one_row, p_w_picpath+one_row_bytes*i, number_of_bytes_in_one_row );   //copy i-th row of p_w_picpath to one_row
        //copy one row from bottom half of p_w_picpath to upper half
        memcpy ( p_w_picpath+one_row_bytes*i, p_w_picpath+one_row_bytes*(avi->height-i-1), number_of_bytes_in_one_row );
        //copy the saved one_row to bottom half
        memcpy (  p_w_picpath + one_row_bytes*( p_w_picpathHeight-i-1), one_row, number_of_bytes_in_one_row_bytes );
      free ( one_row );		//free the memory
    The following program, avplayer.cpp is a complete program that can play a .avi file with raw video data. Again, you need to compile with with avilib.c using a command like,
      g++ -o avplayer avplayer.cpp avilib.c -I/usr/include -L/usr/local/lib -lSDL
      compile by: <b>g++ -o avplayer avplayer.cpp avilib.c -I/usr/include -L/usr/local/lib -lSDL</b>
      execute by: ./avplayer avi_file
    #include <SDL/SDL.h>
    #include <SDL/SDL_thread.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <malloc.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <assert.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include "avilib.h"
    using namespace std;
    //shared variables
    bool quit = false;
    char *buf[4];
    unsigned long head = 0,  tail = 0;
    unsigned int frameSize;		//total data of one frame in bytes
    short fps;			//frames per second
    int player ( void *scr )
      SDL_Surface *screen = ( SDL_Surface * ) scr;
      Uint32 prev_time, current_time;
      short frame_time;
      current_time = SDL_GetTicks();//ms since library starts
      prev_time = SDL_GetTicks();   //ms since library starts
      frame_time = 1000 / fps;	//frame time in ms
      while ( !quit ) {
        if ( head == tail ) {	//buffer empty (data not available yet )
          SDL_Delay ( 30 );		//sleep for 30 ms
        //consumes the data
        screen->pixels = buf[head%4];
        current_time = SDL_GetTicks();        //ms since library starts
        if ( current_time - prev_time < frame_time )  
          SDL_Delay ( frame_time - ( current_time - prev_time ) );
        prev_time = current_time;
        SDL_UpdateRect ( screen, 0, 0, 0, 0 );      //update whole screen
      } //while
      return 0;
    //turn the p_w_picpath upside down to make it consistent with SDL format
    void up_down_flip ( char *p_w_picpath, avi_t *avi )
      short one_row_bytes = frameSize / avi->height;
      char *one_row;			//holds one row of data
      one_row = ( char * ) malloc ( one_row_bytes );
      for ( short i = 0; i < avi->height/2; ++i ) {
        memcpy ( one_row, p_w_picpath+one_row_bytes*i, one_row_bytes );	//copy i-th row of p_w_picpath to one_row
        //copy one row from bottom half of p_w_picpath to upper half
        memcpy ( p_w_picpath+one_row_bytes*i, p_w_picpath+one_row_bytes*(avi->height-i-1), one_row_bytes );
        //copy the saved one_row to bottom half
        memcpy (  p_w_picpath + one_row_bytes*( avi->height-i-1), one_row, one_row_bytes );
      free ( one_row );
    int decoder ( void *avip )
      long n;
      avi_t *avi = ( avi_t * ) avip;
      int videoFramesRead = 0, numBytes;
      unsigned long short_frames_len = 4;
      unsigned long emptyFramesRead = 0;
      while ( !quit ) {
         if ( tail >= head + 4 ) {	//buffer full, sleep a while
    	SDL_Delay ( 30 );	
         //produce data
        if ( ( numBytes = AVI_read_frame( avi, (char *)buf[tail%4] ) ) < 0 ) 
        //eliminate short frames
        if ( numBytes <= short_frames_len ) {
        //avi->video_frames holds number of video frames in file
        if ( videoFramesRead >= avi->video_frames ) numBytes = -1;
         if ( numBytes < 0 )
    	quit = true; 
         else {
          	up_down_flip (buf[tail%4],avi);	//flip the data to make SDL and AVI format consistent
      } //while
      return 0;
    int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
      SDL_Surface *screen;
      SDL_Thread *producer, *consumer;
      SDL_Event event;
      int status;
      char *key;
      short bytes_per_pixel;
      avi_t *avi = NULL;            //points to opened avi file
      char infilename[30];
      if ( argc < 2 ) {
        printf("\nUsage: avplayer infile\n");
        exit ( 1 );
      strcpy ( infilename, argv[1] );
      avi = AVI_open_input_file( infilename, 1 );
      if (avi == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error %s: %s\n", infilename, AVI_strerror());
        exit( 2 );
      //very rough guess if avi file is compressed
      if ( ( strlen( avi->compressor ) > 0 ) && !strstr ( avi->compressor, "DIB" ) ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "avi file has been compressed, format not supported yet!\n");
        exit ( 3 );
      fps = ( short ) AVI_video_frame_rate( avi ); //frames per second
      frameSize =  avi->video_index[0].len;
      bytes_per_pixel = frameSize / ( avi->width * avi->height );
      //move file pointer pointing to beginning of video data
      if (AVI_seek_start( avi )) {
         fprintf(stderr, "bad seek 0: %s\n", AVI_strerror());
         exit( 4 );
      if (AVI_set_video_position( avi, 0, NULL)) {
         fprintf(stderr, "bad seek 1: %s\n", AVI_strerror());
         exit( 5 );
      //initialize video system
      if ( SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO ) < 0 ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Unable to init SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
      //ensure SDL_Quit is called when the program exits
      //atexit(SDL_Quit);		//conflict with freeing dynamically allocated memory
      //set video mode 
      screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(avi->width, avi->height, bytes_per_pixel * 8, SDL_SWSURFACE);
      if ( screen == NULL ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set %dx%d video: %s\n", avi->width, avi->height, SDL_GetError());
      //create buffers to hold at most 4 frames of video data
      for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) {
        buf[i] = ( char * ) malloc ( frameSize );
        assert ( buf[i] );
      //thread to play data 
      consumer = SDL_CreateThread ( player, screen );
      //thread to fetch data
      producer = SDL_CreateThread ( decoder, ( void * ) avi );
      while (!quit)
        status = SDL_WaitEvent(&event);     //wait indefinitely for an event to occur
                                            //event will be removed from event queue
        if ( !status ) {                    //Error has occured while waiting
            printf("SDL_WaitEvent error: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
            quit = true;
            return false;
        switch (event.type) {               //check the event type
          case SDL_KEYDOWN:                 //if a key has been pressed
            key = SDL_GetKeyName(event.key.keysym.sym);
            printf("The %s key was pressed!\n", key );
            if ( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE )      //quit if 'ESC' pressed
              quit = true;
            else if ( key[0] == 'q'  )      //quit if 'q'  pressed
              quit = true;                  //same as "if ( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_q )"
        SDL_Delay ( 100 );			//give up some CPU time
      //wait for child threads to finish before exit
      SDL_WaitThread ( consumer, NULL );
      SDL_WaitThread ( producer, NULL );
      //free memory
      for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
        if ( buf[i] != NULL )
          free ( buf[i] );
      printf("Video play successful!\n");
      return 0;