Source list 和 Info record的区别

A purchasing info record helps to define vendor specific information for a material. A material can be procured from diffrent vendors and every vendor can have different prices.

Source list is list of availabel sources of supply for a material, indicating the periods during which procuremenet from such sources is possible.

Methods of maintaining source list from other documents - outline agreement and Info record.

A source list can be created in the following ways:
*Manually by t code ME01
*From an outline agreement : Select item, choose item and Maintain SL
*From an Info record: Choose extras and opt for source list.
*Automatically from every info record and outline agreement by ME05.
If you have an Outline Agreement...the Agreement will default into the requisition when creating (Outline Agreement first looked for before Info Record). Material is tied to Outline Agreement to create link between them.

So, if you have an Outline Agreement...what would be the benefits of also setting up Source Lists? This also sets up links between the material/Outline Agreement/Vendor.

If you do decide to maintain Source Lists for Materials that are assigned to Outline can do that manually OR from the Outline Agreement. Do you have to do this for each line item on the Agreement or can you perform one transaction that converts all materials on the Outline Agreement to a Source list? I'm assuming you can update the prices/validity period in the existing source list from an Outline Agreement once the prices/validity period have been revised in the Outline Agreement?

If you are using "auto created" info records...what issues (if any) do you have if you decide to configure and utilize Source List functionality?
Source list records can be generated by the T code ME05 provided there are info records already in place.
However Inforecords can not be created automatically when creating PRs.
It can be created automatically when maintaining quotation, and can be updated created when creating POs which depends on the SPRO setting condition control at plant level.
Sourcelist gives you an option to select a profitable or most apt vendor as per various criterion. it benefits only when you have multiple sources for a perticular material.
what info record does is it maintains financial related data that is prices and discounts and rebates applicable for that material vendor combination. it acts as a true master data and so system by default records it.


Google了一下,source list就是记录了物料可用的采购渠道 procurement ,info record记录了物料采购上的财务信息,价格,折扣,所对应供应商等。info record不能在创建PR时自动生成,在创建PO可以生成,但是要在SPRO内维护

A source list can be created in the following ways:
*Manually by t code ME01
*From an outline agreement : Select item, choose item and Maintain SL
*From an Info record: Choose extras and opt for source list.
*Automatically from every info record and outline agreement by ME05