

​​jfoenix​​ github地址






To build JFoenix, execute the following command:
gradlew build

To run the main demo, execute the following command:
gradlew run
How can I use JFoenix?
You can download the source code of the library and build it as mentioned previously. Building JFoenix will generate jfoenix-0.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar under the jfoenix/build/libs folder. To use JFoenix, import jfoenix-0.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar into your project and start using the new material design Java components :).
Java 8

​​JavaFx出现错误Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Location is required的解决方法​​

javafx + jfoenix相关学习资料地址整理_github

