·         ASP.NET AJAX
o    New functionality includes CSS selector APIs, navigation history support (Back button support), a utility for extracting resources from assemblies, and more.
·         Silverlight Controls for ASP.NET
o    Enables the ability to include media (video, audio) vector graphics, and animations by using familiar and powerful ASP.NET server controls
·         Dynamic Data Controls for ASP.NET
o    Introduces a set of data controls that provide a simple, intuitive user interface for data-driven Web pages
·         ASP.NET Application Services
o    Offers new application services to make AJAX and Silverlight Web applications more discoverable from search engines and easily searchable from within the site. Additional services help you gather and analyze data about client errors.
·         Dynamic Languages support in ASP.NET
o    Begins support for two languages that are hosted on the DLR, IronPython and Managed JScript
