- Test with resolver methods: Even though you can instantiate a provider object in
ProviderTestCase2 , you should always test with a resolver object using the appropriate URI. This ensures that you are testing the provider using the same interaction that a regular application would use.
- 测试解析方法:尽管你可以在providerTestCase2中实现一个provider,但是你应该始终用一个resolver对象测试合适的 URI.这可以确保你正在测试的provider 是在同一个应用程序中使用同样的操作.
- Test a public provider as a contract: If you intent your provider to be public and available to other applications, you should test it as a contract. This includes the following ideas:
- 测试一个公共的provider的协定:如果你想你的provider是一个公共的和可被其它程序访问的,你应该测试它的协定.这里包括了一些主意:
- Test with constants that your provider publicly exposes. For example, look for constants that refer to column names in one of the provider's data tables. These should always be constants publicly defined by the provider.
- 测试provider所有公开的常量.比如,在常量中有个列名是归类在provider’s data表中.这些常量应该始终定义在你的provider中
- Test all the URIs offered by your provider. Your provider may offer several URIs, each one referring to a different aspect of the data. The Note Pad sample, for example, features a provider that offers one URI for retrieving a list of notes, another for retrieving an individual note by it's database ID, and a third for displaying notes in a live folder.
- 测试Provider提供的所有URIs.Provider可能提供一些URIs在data中每个都涉及到不同的方式.例如在NOTE PAD 例子中,比如,一个provider提供一个uri 用于回收一个列表的笔记记录,另外一个使用databas Id用于回收一条笔记记录,和 还有一个用于显示笔记在一个折叠面板上
- Test invalid URIs: Your unit tests should deliberately call the provider with an invalid URI, and look for errors. Good provider design is to throw an IllegalArgumentException for invalid URIs.
- 测试无效的URIs:你的单元测试应该故意的调用provider使用一个无效的URI,并且,查看这些错误.在使用无效的URIs时,好的provider的设计是会抛出一个IllegalArgumentException异常.
- Test the standard provider interactions: Most providers offer six access methods: query, insert, delete, update, getType, and onCreate(). Your tests should verify that all of these methods work. These are described in more detail in the topic Content Providers.
- 测试标准的provider的操作.很多 providers 提供6个访问方法:查询,插入,删除,更新,获取类型,和onCreate().你的测试应该验证所有这些方法都是正常运行的.这些的详细描述可参阅Content Providers.
- Test business logic: Don't forget to test the business logic that your provider should enforce. Business logic includes handling of invalid values, financial or arithmetic calculations, elimination or combining of duplicates, and so forth. A content provider does not have to have business logic, because it may be implemented by activities that modify the data. If the provider does implement business logic, you should test it.
- 测试业务逻辑:不要忘记测试业务逻辑你的provider是可以实现的.业务逻辑包括处理无效的数据,财务或者算术的计算,消除或者联级复制,等等.一个content provider 不要有太多的业务逻辑,因为,这可能导致改变数据时部分业务逻辑被实现.如果你的provider实现了业务逻辑,你应该测试它.