BDD provides a scripting framework, by leveraging this framework you can write a custom script that can utilize the functionality that BDD provides. This functionality includes a logging, accessing and changing environment variables and a number of utility functions.
Before describing how to create a script it is best to review how the scripts included with BDD are constructed.
The standard BDD script is a WSF file, this allows references to be made to functions that are contained in other scripts. BDD scripts leverage this functionality by referencing a script called “ZTIUtility.vbs”.
Understanding ZTIUtility.vbs
ZTIUtility.vbs is used to initialize the BDD environment and setup classes, these can then be used by scripts that reference it.
The script defines a number of standard objects:
  • oFSO – File System Object
  • oShell – Wscript Shell object
  • oEnv - Process Environment object
  • oNetwork - WScript Network object
Note: You do not need to declare these objects in your script.
Four classes are defined which perform a number of standard tasks:
  • Environment – This configures environment variables gather via WMI and BDD rule processing and allows you to reference these directly I from you script
  • Logging – Provides the logging functionality used by all BDD scripts, creating a single log file for each script and a consolidated log file of all scripts
  • Utility – Provides general utility functionality
  • Database – performs functions such as connecting to databases and reading information from databases (See this blog for further information)
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