I recently was testing my new OBIEE setup in a Linux environment.
After the Repository creation (.rpd) file and successful export from Windows OBIEE Admin environment to the Linux environment, (more on some of the issues I faced in these steps later), one of the issues I faced had to do with the inability to run a simple report due to Oracle Library related errors.
Upon connecting to my Presentation Server, I try to pick some data points from my Presentation Catalog and when I tried to execute the report, I got:
Upon reviewing my system settings, user profiles, environment variables I discovered the following to fix the problem. Obiee is the user that owns OBI binaries and ora10db owns the Oracle 10gR2 DB server binaries. The issue really had to do with the group settings for both the binary owners and also the LD_LIBRARY_PATH settings.
[obiee@linux1 ~]$ id
As a sidenote, if you encounter the following error:
Check and make sure that you have the service name entries properly defined in the TNS_ADMIN location in the (db server) ORACLE_HOME/network/admin.