###Server Management###
 1. Start|Stop|Adjust runlevels of services
 2. Three tools are available
  a. 'chkconfig' - shell
  b. 'ntsysv' - TUI
  c. 'system-config-services' - GUI

 1. 'chkconfig' - manages both: 'SYSV' & 'XINETD'
  a. 'chkconfig' - enumerates ALL services
  b. 'chkconfig --list vsftpd' - enumerates runlevel information for service: 'vsftpd'
Note: '/etc/init.d' - services repository
  c. 'chkconfig --level 2 vsftpd off'
  d. 'chkconfig --level 2345 vsftpd off'
  e. 'chkconfig vsftpd on | off' - synonmy for run-levels 2-5
  f. 'chkconfig tftp on' - enables XINETD-controlled service: 'tftp'
Note: XINETD-controlled services are automatically enabled|disabled by 'chkconfig'
Note: However, SYSV-controlled services are NOT automatically started|stopped
Note: Use 'service service_name start|stop' to control service

 2. 'ntsysv' - defaults to managing services in the current run-level
Manages both: 'SYSV' & 'XINETD' services
  a. 'ntsysv --level 35' - influences ONLY the levels specified on the CLI
Note: 'ntsysv' will NOT change the other, unspecified, run-levels

 3. 'system-config-services' - GUI - Manages: 'SYSV' & 'XINETD' Services